I Love this kind of Talk. In this day and age, it wakes up for people to TTATT.
What a Pally Wacker Anthony is.
watch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
I Love this kind of Talk. In this day and age, it wakes up for people to TTATT.
What a Pally Wacker Anthony is.
actually i had known about the wife part i didn't know that the tetragramaton had been found on a wall in egypt next to heirglyphs hat talked about a town named jehavah (really they called it yahu but it was the tetragramaton anyways) i thought it intering yahu was the god of war.
his wife asherah, (which yahu's cult tried to destroyed all mention of her) was the goddess of love and procreation.
explains a lot, a whole lot when you think about it!
Interesting read. Marking.
watch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
What a Total DickHead Anthony is. I mean this is just over the top ridiculous. No wonder so many kids end up screwed up. As a child listening to that crap, its gotta do damage
back in the late 80's and early 90's this term flew around all the time it seemed.. every publication and magazine at the time was always spouting this term to the point that it became annoying.
i would hear this in talks all the time etc.... .
te question i have is, where in scripture is this whole "anti-typical" thing mentione?
Freddy must have been on crack when he wrote all that drivel. The sad part is I had to sit through those retarded talks as a kid.
funny picture in new public watchtower.
evidently there was a digital camera taking pictures about 3,500 years ago.
noah had family worship night in the ark, so all you slackers have no excuse!
The WatchTower.... The Worlds Funniest religion.
funny picture in new public watchtower.
evidently there was a digital camera taking pictures about 3,500 years ago.
noah had family worship night in the ark, so all you slackers have no excuse!
Wow, the image of the 2 dudues going d2d with a case and giving out scrolls had me LMAO. I didn't know that the 1 century christians owned a publishing company. I guess you learn something new every day. You've gotta admit, one very Good thing about this religion................ It could be so hilarious. . For entertainment value, Its priceless.
9:30 song no.106 and prayer.
11:00 song no.
12:10 song no.
Listening to some of these talks is Utterly Nauseating...
sorry i did not get audio.
too much going on around me that would give me away anyways.
i think someone posted audio, but it is different from what i heard on some levels.
But they (WT) have been serving up Bullshit Burgers with a side order of Fraud Fries for over 130 years! They've always tasted weird to me even as a kid.
symposium: beware of apostates!.
satanhuman apostates also of interest ..... the truth brings "not peace, but a sword" .
Thanks for the link. What a bunch of A**holes to be spewing out this garbage!! Makes me so angry.
there were issues with the broadcast as well as my recording on friday, especially during the morning, some parts are missing or hard to hear.. friday entire day 120mb zip file or individually below.
the truthwill set you free.
john 8:32. morning.
Very Interesting. Thanks for posting!