If they are making 3 Billion in profits a year after expenses and being tax exempt to top it off, that would put the WT in the big leagues in terms of corporations. Its big business so when I hear people on this site taling of the WT hemoriging money and getting badly hurt by lawsuits, I believe its only putting very small dents in their realestate empire. Think of how many KH, AH, Branch offices, Bethels etc. properties they own around the world and their values. Its a staggering number! in the 10's of Billions.
JoinedPosts by Zordino
How much money do you think WT actually makes a year ?
by cookiemaster ini know that just recently they've made billions by cashing in their real estate from brooklyn.
i also saw somewhere that only the uk branch, in a year, made 16 million pounds in profit with their stock portofolio.
my cousin worked personally for a guy in italy, who was involved in the mafia , and was a jw, and apparently he donated at a single convention more than 1 million euros(probably as a way to wash his sins).
How much money do you think WT actually makes a year ?
by cookiemaster ini know that just recently they've made billions by cashing in their real estate from brooklyn.
i also saw somewhere that only the uk branch, in a year, made 16 million pounds in profit with their stock portofolio.
my cousin worked personally for a guy in italy, who was involved in the mafia , and was a jw, and apparently he donated at a single convention more than 1 million euros(probably as a way to wash his sins).
I've pondered this question aswell CM. Many times! F**king a**holes they are! Begging for money all of the time. And yes, I agree with Phizzy that the real puppet masters are behind the scenes and are the ones who control the business and the entire racket. The GB are just "spiritual" figure heads that must Listen, Obey, or else to their masters.
How much money do you think WT actually makes a year ?
by cookiemaster ini know that just recently they've made billions by cashing in their real estate from brooklyn.
i also saw somewhere that only the uk branch, in a year, made 16 million pounds in profit with their stock portofolio.
my cousin worked personally for a guy in italy, who was involved in the mafia , and was a jw, and apparently he donated at a single convention more than 1 million euros(probably as a way to wash his sins).
An Educated guess would be that the entire corporation with its many various holdings would probably generate aprox 2.5b to 3 Billion Dollars (US currency) annually. And this would come from all of their investments all over the world such as stocks and bonds, hedge funds, donations, people leaving them many assets in their Wills and ofcourse their KH building and renovation scams. Also think of the increase of value in their property holdings every year all around the world. That in itself is a huge number!
Another elder, another child abuse case....
by snare&racket in"a woman now in her 40s told detectives lawrence, an elder at mcalester's kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses, abused her when she was just eight years old, inviting her to his home, where he fondled her and raped her in his bathtub, according to her testimony found in lawrence's arrest warrant, which was issued tuesday.. two other accusers, also in their 40s, then came forward with similar stories of abuse.
both said they were very young, with one telling investigators the molestation took place from the time she was 10 until she was 13 years old.
she reported being assaulted in lawrence's swimming pool, at the lake and in the janitor's closet at the first national bank where he worked, his arrest warrant indicates.".
Holy Sh*****t! another one!
Pastor Russell Part Snake Oil Salesman, Tightwad, And Fanatical Religious Writer
by frankiespeakin inhe developed a printing corporation in which he was able to expond on his fanatical bible interpetations in print.
having gained considerable wealth at an early age managing a chain of clothing stores for men, he reinvested his wealth and tried his hand at running a printing corporation in which a dooms day warning figured prominantly.. he kept his readers glued to his fanatical writings by giving dates for when the end of the world would come.
eventually due to his style of writting it wasn't long before his dedicated readers started calling him the faithful wise servant, which in turn increased profitablity of the corporation.
What a dellusional Wack job he was. And the bullshit of this Fraudulent religious Corporation persists to this day.
Great musical talent is probably DEMONISM? Old publications say so!
by Terry inapril 13, 1932 the golden age p.429.
demonism in its latest aspects.
probably within the same category are to be included some of the musical prodigies.
I just watched the video and I have to say Ruthorford (whos now water skiing in heaven with Jebus) had it right all along!
this Old woman is playing a devilish tune on her piano and she's quite good at it : )
So are Republicans now openly terrorists?
by Simon inthey seem determined to undermine the us democracy and shut the government down hurting employees and veterans.. what a despicable bunch, hope they get their asses kicked for what they are doing..
Yes, Yes they are!
How can you update your profile picture? Thanks.
by Poindexter Lionel Humperdique incould someone please advise how to update our profile picture?
thank you..
Simon, I Haven't been able to udate mine Either. Please Help
Where did Pastor Russell get his TRUTH?
by Terry inmost jehovah's witnesses are aware there once lived a man named russell and he had something to do with the early years of their religion.. but, generally, interest in the early days is almost non-existent.
after all, nobody was running around calling themselves jehovah's witnesses, so what difference does any of that really make?.
russell and the origins of jw doctrines are, as a result of this total black out of curiousity, hidden and permanently obscured.. in fact, the only time charles taze russell is discussed is because some expose' by an apostate has raised a stink.. admitedly, most anti-jw books seek to dredge up scandals, lawsuits, accusations and failed predictions swirling around russell's ministry.. in my own opinion, none of that is half as interesting as the missing part of the equation: where from did pastor russell get his truth?.
The Prodical returns DVD
by Zordino ini just finished watching "the prodical returns" dvd with my wife and i have to say i was impressed with the quality of the video.
i mean the actors are not proffesional but it was well put together.
my wife (not fully awake) was in tears at the part when father welcomes back the son and they hug.
Opps, a new thread has already been started on this subject.