Willaim Henry Conley, first president of the Watch Tower Society.
Thanks for that SBF - you learn something new everyday.
found this article in the about page on jw org.
i was a born in and was always taught charles taze russell was the founder.
guess i was wrong!
Willaim Henry Conley, first president of the Watch Tower Society.
Thanks for that SBF - you learn something new everyday.
hello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
I don't think you understand anything I've said. I will NOT ACCEPT ANY BLOOD. THANK YOU NOW LEAVE ME ALONE
you're the one who came on here spouting your nonsense. You didn't have to. Don't be surprised when you get challenged on it.
I'm not sure why I'm bothering anyway, you're just trolling.
hello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
I also happen to know someone who contracted aids by blood transfusion,
Altogether ignoring the millions of peoples' lives that have been saved through a blood transfusion.
And to imagine that you can contract 'aids' via a blood transfusion shows the frankly astounding level of your ignorance, not to mention the fact you're lying through your teeth.
hello brothers and sisters and truth seekers,.
i am an active jehovah's witness.
i don't believe in 1914 and i'm tototally against their way of dealing with abuse cases.
I would also suggest doing more reasearchours if you are at all interested. Also I strongly recommend anyone to learn about the Jesuits and the control they have on various levelse of our lives, including education and what we are purposely being kept away from. Like a lot of biblical evidence that we are restricted from and when someone takes an individual decision to study these places, some mainstream archeologists (oddly enough connected to some secret society) comes out and ridicules that "lowly" "inexperienced" "ignorant" archeologist or scientist. Just saying because our lives are in peril whether you belive in God or not. These demon possessed people do not care and we are all going to get it. But that's another subject.
And these people walk among us folks.
just sitting through this week's wt study and just spent 5 minutes listening to multiple answers where people are convinced that jehovah made humans from clay, literally forming adam like a sculpture then breathing life into him.. it's embarrassing to think i basically thought the same....
While I find it amusing that you're sat at the meeeting posting on an apostate site you really need to find somethng better to do on a Sunday morning!
i know that many here are no longer believers, but i also know that there are still some participating in this forum who consider themselves christians.
i recently refurbished my web site extensively, and thought some of you might enjoy browsing it.
some of my articles are aimed at exposing unbiblical teachings of the watchtower, and my video presentations on "darkness in the watchtower" and "the watchtower's mad science and bad medicine" have been particularly well received.
i know that many here are no longer believers, but i also know that there are still some participating in this forum who consider themselves christians.
i recently refurbished my web site extensively, and thought some of you might enjoy browsing it.
some of my articles are aimed at exposing unbiblical teachings of the watchtower, and my video presentations on "darkness in the watchtower" and "the watchtower's mad science and bad medicine" have been particularly well received.
Well bugger me - there is a distance learning BS in biblical studies from the same place - sorry Tom.
Do they do BS in Peter Pan as well?
HTF can you do a science degree in religion?
i really fail to see how much actual "witnessing" is occurring with the trolley carts.publishers, usually pioneers, just stand or sit there not engaging anyone and count their time.. the only thing i notice that it's accomplishing is brand exposure for jw.0rg so the public is exposed to the logo and literature/poster card headlines.. take for example this "evening" witnessing by a pioneer elder while on summer holiday/vacation.. .
is this not a wth kinda moment when you consider the years of slaving, knocking on doors, business territory and bible studies we had to keep performing so we weren't branded a "weak" publisher?.
Why didn't they have this when I was in? Perfect for someone who doesn't like cold calling at people's doors or having to talk to someone!
Thay's my thoughts too. Could have took a flask and a good book.
i know that many here are no longer believers, but i also know that there are still some participating in this forum who consider themselves christians.
i recently refurbished my web site extensively, and thought some of you might enjoy browsing it.
some of my articles are aimed at exposing unbiblical teachings of the watchtower, and my video presentations on "darkness in the watchtower" and "the watchtower's mad science and bad medicine" have been particularly well received.
Snipped from the website
He also holds the Bachelor of Science degree in Biblical Studies from Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, IL, having graduated with Highest Honors
Slightly OT but a BS degree in biblical studies seems a bit weird. I realise works that are fictional sometimes have their place in an arts degree, shakespere in an english degree for example, but you wouldn't do a degree in shakespere as such.
Do the lecturers on the degree treat the bible as tbe word of god and put their own interpretation on it or do they treat it as purely a historical text?
It just seems bizarre to do a degree in the 'bible'.
Edit - it's actually a BA which makes more sense than a BS - not exactly a science is it!
You're a naughty boy Tom - I would have thought studying the bible would have taught you to be a bit more honest. ;)
i think this would be a great question to ask active jws.
they love to say how the world would be so different if everyone was a jw.
however, what if we flip the question and ask, would the world really be much different if the jw faith never came into existence?
A JW would answer that the the reason the JWs have very little influence is because the devil rules the world ...