Is evolutionism not based on chance?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
This is basic stuff ffs, get a grip.
arguing with those who reject scientific evidence can be like arguing about football; just as angry and passionate, but the goalposts keep moving, and one team doesn't exist.. read more here....
Is evolutionism not based on chance?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
This is basic stuff ffs, get a grip.
arguing with those who reject scientific evidence can be like arguing about football; just as angry and passionate, but the goalposts keep moving, and one team doesn't exist.. read more here....
Brilliant :)
found this very interesting article on another site.
looks like there people, and at an assembly too, who are not afraid to show their displeasure to the inhumane policies of the org..
Sorry - my bad.
found this very interesting article on another site.
looks like there people, and at an assembly too, who are not afraid to show their displeasure to the inhumane policies of the org..
35-year-old female in california here.
never a jw, but have had bible studies and attended several meetings and even a convention once.
i've always been agnostic with leanings toward the belief in some deity or other, although the more i learned from the jw's, the more i've learned to doubt, not just their teachings, but the fundamental teachings of all religions.
@ tenacious - that would be partially true (freemasonary rather than illuminati) had that been Russell's tombstone. Unfortuntately it's not.
This is Russell's tombstone.
I think sometimes it's better to keep quiet instead of looking stupid. Sorry, it's too late for you buddy.
so my wife and i have been in the process of fading for a few months now as per my original post here.
about a week ago, i was browsing some ex-jw facebook groups when i saw a post that linked to the crisis of conscience book.
i said "f@(k it" and hit share on it.. a few hours later, i get a long text letter from my mom (who was a fb friend of mine) telling me the typical "good luck finding friends in the world" and how we have "nothing in common anymore"; basically, it was a 'farewell' text.
I will tell elders I wont post anymore such things in FB, but, I wont say I'm sorry nor lie about the facts of my situation.
Then it will be a done deal. Apocalypse was right - as soon as you shared the link the process was set in motion.
so my wife and i have been in the process of fading for a few months now as per my original post here.
about a week ago, i was browsing some ex-jw facebook groups when i saw a post that linked to the crisis of conscience book.
i said "f@(k it" and hit share on it.. a few hours later, i get a long text letter from my mom (who was a fb friend of mine) telling me the typical "good luck finding friends in the world" and how we have "nothing in common anymore"; basically, it was a 'farewell' text.
You know the score, so nothing to advise other than good luck tomorrow.
there appear to be some people who are of the mistaken opinion that endlessly clicking the like or dislike button 20x will mean 20x votes.. it doesn't !!!.
only one vote is ever counted.
1 user, 1 vote, each post.
No - it's just irritation at people who create aliases with the sole intention of trolling. Haven't you got anything better to do?
there appear to be some people who are of the mistaken opinion that endlessly clicking the like or dislike button 20x will mean 20x votes.. it doesn't !!!.
only one vote is ever counted.
1 user, 1 vote, each post.
I did it last night to one of your posts Slimboyfat. Then I refreshed the page to see if it had registered as 380 up votes lol.
I suspect your right wrist gets enough exercise without you having to resort to that.
ok, i am reading through the book the watchtower and the masons by fritz spring meier which i am finding a fascinating read; and discovered that judge rutherford published the book 'cause of death'.
what is incredible is the book cover.
the book was published in 1932 which would have been a little bit more eye catching back then.
In 1932, right after the Jehovah's Witness religion was founded in 1931, Rutherford published a series of 12 pamphlets (one each month). All 12 can be downloaded here:
The illustrations for all 12 pamphlets are done in the same style
What an excellent resource.