JoinedPosts by theliberator
What Is The Watchtower's Biggest Problem?
by minimus inthe organization has many problems.
certain doctrines are problematic.
the men who run the organizaion have issues.
Richard Dawkins has had a Stroke
by cofty inhe is back home and making god progress.. he has issued an audio statement here....
slimboyfat: "What if God used the stroke to switch on the dormant part of Dawkins' brain that puts him in touch with God?"
This is not too far from reality. While I don't believe God does it, I have seen people change .for two reasons. First, some become very emotional. They change from being a "thinker" to a "thinker feeler". They now see their life and the world quite differently. Or second, they realize how precious life is, and how they need to be grateful to the one who gave it. They see the brain as greater than the sum of it's parts.
Evolution and Atheism - please help
by Fernando innot being familiar with either, my question is:.
what is the relationship between evolution and atheism?.
i'd love to hear from anyone and everyone, and also from any perspective.. without limiting the conversation in any way, i would of course also appreciate comments that are simple, clear, direct and correct (as i don't have the capacity to do a phd in evolution or atheism)..
"They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved." - 2 Peter 2:19 ESV
"Freethinkers" do not exist.
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The Forgotten Ones
by ToesUp injust anyone hearing the older/infirm ones speaking out to others on how they are being treated in the congregation?
without giving anything away, i have spoken to so many older ones (some are sickly or can't drive in the evening or can't drive at all) who can't make it to all the meetings, assemblies, etc., that are complaining on how they are being treated by the more righteous ones in the hall.
the ones i have spoken to make the comment that it seems to be the younger elders that have less empathy and concern for these ones.
In all the decades of being a Witness and an elder, I don't believe love was the real driving force. Mowing lawns or helping in other ways was always scheduled. Elders would find those without privileges or lowly ministerial servants, but mostly oddballs, to do the "dirty" work. JW's loved going to help with Katrina, not because of love, but it is what they are programmed to do and they want recognition. Much like service, which was not about love for neighbor for the majority. I believe that I was typical. I just wanted to get this caring thing out of the way. I did my duty, and no one can say I didn't care. True love is in reality very rare. Even if older ones are taking care of physically, the love shown is often fake. You would hear of a brother saying from the platform how much we appreciate our older ones and brother or sister so and so, but in reality nobody really wanted to spend a lot of time with those older ones who had very little in common with you as a younger person. The conversations with older ones was shallow at best.
What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Part of keeping people captive to this evil machine, was telling us that they were the only ones who taught God's name, the kingdom, God's purpose for the earth, etc. Note this quote: "We also love the organization that Jehovah uses to teach us wonderful truths. It was Jehovah’s organization that taught us about Jehovah’s name and what it means, his purpose for the earth, what happens to us when we die, and the hope of the resurrection. Do you remember how happy you were when you first learned these and other truths? Then do not allow the lies from false teachers to turn you against the organization that taught you these truths."— Wt. 11/15 p.11
We all know that JW doctrine changes like the wind. So are they saying here that we should remain captive because of these few things? Clearly they want you to believe that there is no other place to go, and no one else teaches similar things. However, since leaving, I have met up with a church. We don't have a church building to meet in. Rather, we meet at places like conference halls. About 20-30 people meet. There is no governing body or one man directing. It operates more like a cooperative family. Even the one taking the lead asks me for suggestions, and I have only been there a few months. I have met several EXJw's. In my area, it is known as the scattered brethren. It actually is a group associated with the Restoration Fellowship. They are truly scattered throughout the world. It is not high control at all. We are bound by ten or so basic beliefs. All other things are conscience matters. Such as celebrating Christmas. One of the main reasons for meeting, is so I can form new friends. Currently I feel like a prisoner in my own house. I feel having this in common, will make it so much easier to accomplish that. But here is a list of the basic beliefs. Clearly you can see the Watchtower lies to the people, Having you think that no one knows these "wonderful truths".
1. God is only one “person”, not a trinity of persons. He is the Father, the Creator, and has His own personal name, Yahweh. He is repeatedly called the Father and God of the lord Jesus Christ.
2. Jesus the Christ (Messiah, or Anointed One) is the Son of God, not God the Son. Jesus has a God, just like we do. Jesus is our Savior, soon coming King, High Priest, and unique human agent of the One God. According to the Bible, he was miraculously begotten and has been raised from the dead to a position at the right hand of God.
3. The holy spirit is not a person. It is the operational power and presence of God on earth and in the believer of the biblical Jesus, his Father, and the gospel of the coming Kingdom.
4. The gospel concerns the coming Kingdom of God to this erth at the hands of the Messiah Jesus, through whom we have forgiveness of sins and the establishment of the New Covenant through his blood. We are to believe the good news, repent of leading a life based on unbelief, and show fruits indicative of that repentance. When Jesus returns he will resurrect the faithful saints to immortality in the Kingdom of God...the new heavens and the new earth to be established at the end of the current age.
5. According to the Bible, when people die they do not go immediately to heaven, nor to a place of eternal punishing called “hell”. Instead, all except Jesus are currently sound asleep in their graves. When Jesus returns he will raise the faithful dead from their sleep at which time they will be changed from their current carbon-based substance into human beings with “glorified” bodies. Then the rest of the dead will be raised after the initial 1,000 years of the Kingdom of God on earth are completed.
6. Old covenant laws, including laws pertaining to clean and unclean foods and certain holy days, are not prerequisites of fellowship or salvation in the New Covenant Church of God.
7. In the future visible return of Jesus Christ to raise to life the faithful dead (1 Cor. 15:23), establish the millennial Kingdom on earth (Rev. 20:1-6, etc.) and bring about the restoration of the earth promised by the prophets (Acts 1:6; 3:21; 26:6, 7).
8. In the existence of supernatural, cosmic evil headed by (the) Satan (Matt. 12:26) or Devil, as distinct from and in addition to human enemies and the natural evil of the human heart. Satan is the name of a wicked spirit personality, "the god of this age" (2 Cor. 4:4; cp. Eph. 6:12). And in the existence of demons (daimonia) as non-human personalities whom Jesus addressed and they him (Luke 4:41; James 2:19).
9. In the freedom "under grace" and not "under law," inaugurated at the cross in the New Covenant, in contrast to and replacing the Mosaic covenant enacted at Sinai (Gal. 3 and 4; 2 Cor. 3). Issues of physical circumcision and "the whole law" (Gal. 5:3) associated with circumcision, including calendar and food laws, are concerns of the old and not the new covenant. Compare Col. 2:16-17 where the temporary shadow is contrasted with the permanence and newness of Christ.
10. Christians ought never to take up arms and kill their enemies and fellow believers in other nations (Matt. 26:52; John 15:19; 18:36; 1 Pet. 2:9-11; 1 Chron. 22:8).
11. The Bible, consisting of the Hebrew canon (Luke 24:44) and the Greek New Testament Scriptures, is the inspired and authoritative revelation of God (2 Tim. 3:16).
If people want an alternative, this is definitely one of those. As I said, I have met many ExJw's. It resonates for many who have left the Watchtower. Here are a couple of links. I am writing this, just in case you are not who you say you are. Maybe a GB helper troll is on this site trying to spew out more crap.
Disfellowshipped for celebrating Xmas?
by Theburstbubble ini could really do with some advice on what's acceptable when you leave.
we have left of our own accord about 6 months ago.
we didn't celebrate xmas this year but have just celebrated my daughters birthday.. a friend of mine who is still a witness told me that an elder had approached her and asked if we had celebrated xmas and that if we did it was a df offence as is classed as apostasy!
I would urge you to read the transcript of Jackson's testimony at the Royal Commission and have it ready to share with your elders. You should read the context. But here is what Jackson said, and I quote: " Yes, but if I could mention, Mr Stewart, your first 2 proposition you put forward, that they meet someone who is 3 celebrating Christmas ‐ you know, this person is not 4 associating with other Jehovah's Witnesses, not actively 5 trying to change other people, and so on ‐ a person such as 6 that is not going to be handled judicially, as far as 7 I understand."Link +2 / -0 -
New Apostasy Trial on YouTube
by Listener ina guy by the name of son of thunder has just uploaded his apostasy trial.
it is really impressive and this guy knows his stuff.
he is very engaging and a pleasure to listen to.
So the real question is, What would convince those elders that this organization is not God's?Let's analyze. Children raped- Jehovah sees all and he will fix things. GB member lies- even if he did, don't you think Jehovah will take care of it? Investing in war machines- Never seen that but Jehovah will straighten that out if it is true.Ummm.....Elders silenced when he said that they don't even believe the overlapping generation doctrine. Oh yeah, I forgot, that probably is another lie, but wait on Jehovah and he will fix it in his due time. This video is embarrassing to me. Just a few years ago I would of spewed out that crap. I got to feel sorry for them. They are truly victims.Link +1 / -0 -
Something isnt quite right.
by atomant inl was wondering if others get the feeling that the world we live in seems not quite right.l can not pin point anything specific but since childhood days l often get the feeling something isn;t know the feeling of deja vu.
am l the only one to feel this way?ld love to hear from others and any storys they may have.having been raised in the jdubs maybe lm just suffering mild bouts of paranoia .
It is interesting what a voice fluctuation can do to change the meaning of something. In the gospels, Jesus never said we were in the last days. Notice:Matthew: 24. 4. Jesus answered them, "Be careful that no one leads you astray. 5. For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will lead many astray. 6. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you aren't troubled, for all this must happen, but the end is not yet. 7. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, plagues, and earthquakes in various places. 8. But all these things are the beginning of birth pains."
In the Watchtower, we would read verses 4,5, and 6 casually. Then we would put emphasis on verse 7. Perhaps reading it faster. But if you read it all casually, you can see that Jesus was saying the opposite. He was warning them that people would take advantage of these events and claim to be Christ. Or as the Watchtower has preached, Christ has been present since 1914. The sign is not those events. He later tells us the sign. Matthew: 24. 29. But immediately after the oppression of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; 30. and then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory."Simply put, we are not in the last days. Jesus never said it was.Link +4 / -0 -
What could the FDS theme tune be?
by pandorasbox1914 inwhat do think guy's?for me it would have to be jimi hendrix "all along the watchtower" and when they end their earthly course, led zeppelin's "stairway to heaven"any other good songs?
how do most of you now feel about the military?
by sowhatnow inwas not sure where to post this, but i was curious, how do some of you now feel about the military?
would any of you let your children enlist, or would you yourselves join any military field?
how do you feel about the idea of women in the military?
I see the Middle Kingdom between Heaven and Earth
Like the Chinese call the country of their birth
We all figure that our homes are set above
Other people than the ones we know and love
In every place with a name
They play the same territorial game
Hiding behind the lines
Sending up warning signs
The whole wide world
An endless universe
Yet we keep looking through
The eyeglass in reverse
Don't feed the people
But we feed the machines
Can't really feel
What international means
In different circles, we keep holding our ground
In different circles, we keep spinning round and round
We see so many tribes overrun and undermined
While their invaders dream of lands they've left behind
Better people...better food...and better beer...
Why move around the world when Eden was so near?
The bosses get talking so tough
And if that wasn't evil enough
We get the drunken and passionate pride
Of the citizens along for the ride
They shoot without shame
In the name of a piece of dirt
For a change of accent
Or the color of your shirt
Better the pride that resides
In a citizen of the world
Than the pride that divides
When a colorful rag is unfurledLink +0 / -2