Lest we forget Timothy McVeigh...terror can from from within too.
JoinedPosts by pomegranate
How vulnerable is the U.S.A.?
by hannibal inliving in the united states can and is taken for granted many times.
how vulnerable are we really?
sept. 11 came and shook this nation to its.
Analyzing evolution through Laws of Probability
by pomegranate inany of you evolutionists ever crunch the numbers?
Whoa...how profound.
Monotheism, Your comments please
by pseudoxristos inwhile discussing jw's concept of jesus as a god (in a yahoo group), the following was posted to define "monotheism".
i'm looking for comments or thoughts from everyone here before i post a my reply.. ...you asked for a definition of "monotheism" and/or "biblical .
monotheism" which would allow for the existence of multiple gods.
Monotheism = Jews and JW's belief
Tritheism = Mainstream "Christianity" belief
Ditheism = pomegranate belief
Vegetarian Body Piercing
by Big Tex inmaybe he could be used as bait.
a man puts packing hooks through his cheek in phuket province, 690 .
kilometers (428 miles) southwest of bangkok, thailand, to celebrate the .
hooker if i ever saw one.
What Was the Most Unbelievable Thing You've Heard?
by minimus inwhat's the most unbelievable thing you've ever heard while you were a witness?
one thing that stands out for me is being told that i would never go thru junior or high school because the end was right around the corner.....what about you??
My father died.
Bulls on Parade....
by pomegranate in.
that tunes lays it out straight up.
trow da candy coted frostin out da door.... ~rage against the machine.~
That tunes lays it out straight up. Trow da candy coted frostin out da door...
~Rage Against the Machine.~
Is the Bible self-evident? Why join the JW then?
by Gerard ini found this article in which the wt dismisses the possibility of hidden messages, codes and prophecies in the bible.
yet the wt claims one must resort to their teachings in order to understand the bible.
but in this phrase they imply the bible is self-evident: .
errrr...6 million of em.
Is the Bible self-evident? Why join the JW then?
by Gerard ini found this article in which the wt dismisses the possibility of hidden messages, codes and prophecies in the bible.
yet the wt claims one must resort to their teachings in order to understand the bible.
but in this phrase they imply the bible is self-evident: .
maybe dats da way it post ta bee?
Do you like to conform!
by haujobbz in.
i have never liked conforming to anything, i suppose thats one of the reasons i left the borg,lost loads of jobs,didnt get on with my inlaws,hate paying tax,conforming to supposed higher authoritys,putting on false smiles.. think about it i went into a shop the other day and just because the so called big bosses were there all the staff i know there,wouldnt say a word to me due to the stupid fat bosses showing up there they supposedly were being respectful to them
"Conform or be cast out." ~ RUSH ~ Subdivisions
Arrogance Beyond Belief
by Farkel inall down through history, men and women have stepped forward and proclaimed that they clearly understand bible prophecy.
they've all been wrong.
that's supreme arrogance.. but in the last one hundred years, men of the watchtower have stepped forward and proclaimed that they not only clearly understand bible prophecy, but that they themselves clearly are bible prophecy being unfolded.. they are the latter day fulfillment of noah, abraham, moses, elijah, elisha, ruth, esther, naomi, isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel, nahum, zephaniah, habukkuk, zechariah, john the baptist, the apostle john and the good parts of the revelation.
Yo Fark buddy...I believe they just may be Bible prophecy.
Afterall, they have inherited the names Bethel and Gilead. Perhaps it shall happen to them now as it happened to them then????
PS. Do you have a sister named Fannie Farkel?