Am I supposed to read 354 pages of slander and speculation about underaged girls (,in the ,USA.. oh yeah I forgot the USA polices the world?) That this is the most popular post on this site is sad.
I believe most members are not in the USA. What is more sad is a man that admits he can't control himself, especially his sexual urges.
Look simon I respect you and Lloyd. I see you have differances but so what? Attack a guy on vacation trying to sort his infidelity out and you care.
This goes beyond infidelity and you know it.
Wow that's 'crazy. I am prehaps done hete.
Hete: A quagmire or morass, a swampy, soggy spot. Hete is a relatively small soggy area, but big enough to stop a man or horse.
I was recently invited by a biblical schoolar to write an article .
Site who or don't bother. Also the word is scholar, not schoolar, so I am calling this bollocks.
I feel this forum has changed after years how the mighty have fallen. Hope it works ok with you Simon