JoinedPosts by OneFingerSalute
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Assist With Disaster Relief? (In Nepal)
by berrygerry indo jehovahs witnesses assist with disaster relief in nepal?.
what say ye?.
Help? Hell they didn't even update their "wonderful" web site's news page. How can they help anyone if they are that slow? -
2015 Convention Reminders Video!
by Atlantis incredit goes to mike & kim.. .. .
.. .. atlantis!.
Good Lord! Can these pinheads get any more goofy?!!?
Check out the bug-eyed pedophile at :35. And the cartoonist's little tit tickle when drawing one of the women a little later. It's this kind of idiocy that will (should) make more people wake up.
JW Broadcasting Monthly Programs
by Oubliette inatlantis posted a new boe letter on this thread: new!-2015 april 10, boe!
here's an excerpt from that letter:.
to all congregations re: jw broadcasting monthly programs .
I think you know. It comes from their sycophant followers. That or they pull it directly out of their own asses.
I know. it isn't the former, it's the latter.
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"Jehovah's people as a whole can never be corrupted..."
by cappytan in
transcript below (with key points of interest bolded):.
please open your bibles to phil.
Jehovah's people as a Hole can never be corrupted..."
I use the term "As-a-whole" as often as I can in talking with others, particularly when speaking about the holier than thou pinheads in the cong. If you run the words together just right the point is ass-hole.
David Schafer's Mistake
by Hold Me-Thrill Me inthanks cappytan for posting the thread "jehovah's people as a whole can never be corrupted".
it's a sad example of how low in simple reading skills the present gb and their helpers are.
david schafer referred to philippians 4:7 on jw broadcasting.
We signed up because we love God and Christ we did not sign up to follow the Governing Body into spiritual hell.
An older woman in the cong. said pretty much the same thing. She was baptized in the early forties and said if the religion that JDubya's are today would have been around then she would NEVER have been a JW.
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David Schafer's Mistake
by Hold Me-Thrill Me inthanks cappytan for posting the thread "jehovah's people as a whole can never be corrupted".
it's a sad example of how low in simple reading skills the present gb and their helpers are.
david schafer referred to philippians 4:7 on jw broadcasting.
What I took away from gagging my way through this chuckle-heads pontificating was that he is full of himself, just like every other "elder".
The term "Be careful for nothing" is very easy to understand, regardless of what Schafer claims. It means just the opposite of be careful for everything, or to worry about everything. Then he goes on with these statements.
"But now, regarding the comments in our text today that have to do with stumbling," This directs attention to anyone who may have been stumbled by the unscriptural speech or actions of others in the org.
"Jehovah reminds us through his word that sometimes things happen in Jehovah’s organization that ought not to happen." There we have the not so veiled admission that the org. is no different from any other organization, regardless of the claims by the governing body, or any other member.
". . .the Christian Greek Scriptures are full of counsel directed to us to help us put up with those who have given us a legitimate cause for complaint." And there is the icing on the cake. We have a legitimate cause for complaint (think pedophilia) but one must just sit down, shut up, and put up with it!
One must NEVER be satisfied with just hearing the words spoken by these TV personalities but listen to what isn't said.
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Compliment or criticism - what affects you most?
by EdenOne ina bit of introspection on this one ... just read on someone's post that a compliment makes him "float" for hours, and it got me thinking; within the spectrum of comments that people make about me, from compliment to criticism, which is the type that most affects me?.
after my experience as a jehovah's witness, i find that i've become suspicious of compliments and over-sensitive to criticism.
because a common technique of elders was to compliment someone before going down to business, that is, giving hard counseling or discipline.
Much like you, the worn out compliment precedes the real purpose of the conversation which is to drop the hammer routine has made me very suspicious of anyone who tries to offer a compliment.
That said I have always personally found the truth in this saying: "People will live up to, or down to your expectations, compliments, or criticisms.
4 New BOEs just Arrived!
by Atlantis in4 boes just arrived and we appreciate our informants assistance... click the links below and then click the green download button.. .. 2015 april 6, boe (re: electronic convention program and convention releases).
.. .. .. 2015 april 21, boe (re: programme for special meeting with headquarters representatives).
If single, you must be legally and Scripturally free from any prior marriage.
So much for any otherwise "spiritual" brother whose wife may have kicked his cultish ass to the curb.
If you are a brother, you must be serving as either an elder or a ministerial servant and have been serving as such for the last two years.
That's right. It's all about position and what is visible to men, to hell with any genuine Christianity.
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4 New BOEs just Arrived!
by Atlantis in4 boes just arrived and we appreciate our informants assistance... click the links below and then click the green download button.. .. 2015 april 6, boe (re: electronic convention program and convention releases).
.. .. .. 2015 april 21, boe (re: programme for special meeting with headquarters representatives).
Yes, thank you!
I laughed until I nearly cried at his quote from the first letter though:
"While it will be possible for many to download the new releases prior to the convention, we encourage you to refrain from doing so until you have attended your assigned convention. Thus you can enjoy the anticipation of the release of a new publication as you have experienced in previous years."
New publication, same worn out words though. No anticipation here.
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New circuit overseer info.?
by OneFingerSalute injust wondering if anyone knows anything about anthony vives?.
wondering what to expect next fall.. thanks all.
Just wondering if anyone knows anything about Anthony Vives?
Wondering what to expect next fall.
Thanks all.