2-go bag just needs lots of guns and bullets. . .
Actually I got a "talking" to from a Super JDub about the fact that my emergency supplies kit had two boxes of ammunition for my legally permitted, easy to carry semi-auto. I was told THAT wasn't trusting in Jah for protection. I asked why the would assume it was for protection? In my part of the US it is very sparsely populated. If one were to have to live of the land I will be eating wild game keeping my strength up, while the rest of the JDub's are eating grass and getting weaker.
The idea that a "go-bag' will protect you at Armageddon is just plain goofy!
And of course on the likely remote off chance some knuckle-head decides to use a natural disaster as an excuse to try to do bodily harm to me or my loved ones, well. . .