JoinedTopics Started by pistolpete
Who Do You Think Would Be A Good Running Mate For Joe Biden?
by minimus init seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
When this is over...
by joey jojo inwhat will the world be like once this pandemic is over?
the world has been through this before, in the form of the bubonic plague and it left changes to life still felt today, especially in regards to the economic system.
so many people dying meant a smaller working class that meant their skills and labour was suddenly more valuable which in turn raised wages.
King David's Three Choices
by Jehalapeno ineditor's note: found this on reddit...thought the meat of the post would be a good post for discussion here as well.. consider the three choices god forced upon david for taking a census.
these three choices were forced on king david, not for murdering people, not for raping women, not for lying, stealing, or any crime we can think of in our modern world that is repugnant, but simply for taking a census or in other words, counting people.. for counting people, jehovah forced a decision on david that involved the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent people.. the choices all dealt with the “way” jehovah would kill thousands of unsuspecting loyal worshipers.. 1 chronicles 21.
“these are the choices the lord has given you.
How do you find reddit
by joe134cd injust curious but how do the people off this forum find reddit.
for myself i find reddit to be sadly lacking in the jw world.
i just don't find the depth there e.g one sentence replies, trying to be funny.
The Genesis account again proved WRONG
by opusdei1972 inaccording to the watchtower's insight encyclopedia : .
the catastrophic destruction of men and animals by an overwhelming flood in the days of noah, 2370 b.c.e.
this greatest cataclysm in all human history was sent by jehovah because wicked men had filled the earth with violence.
Why some are religious or not?
by Vidqun intime article: several years before pope francis became pope of the catholic church in 2013, psychologists began to debunk the idea that being more educated meant a person was less likely to be religious.
instead, a new social psychology theoryone that had little to do with education levelarose.
according to dual process theory, people are either deliberative or intuitive when they make decisions.
Help me figure out what to say...I'm not usually at a loss for words
by Terry inwell, i finally found him on facebook!.
his name is tollie padgett.
he was my congregation overseer (before the "elder" changeover) when i was in prison in seagoville in the late 60's.. i've been searching for him for years and years.
A bit of history ... for you history buffs
by RR ini wasn't sure where to post this.
not sure why i'm posting this.
it's only going to add fuel to the fire.
The three wise men
by Simon injust a thought.... looking through the greatest man book, something just occurred to me which i can't recall has ever been highlighted (but please correct me).. i always thought it a bit strange that jehovah allowed the three pagan astrologers to find jesus especially as they were obviously guided to him by satan's star (remember they were led to herod first who wanted to kill the messiah).
what purpose did it serve?.
well, a few pages earlier in tgm book, we see mary presenting a dove as a sin offering at the temple - this was the cheapest offering that was acceptable which must have meant that they were pretty poor at the time.. shortly after the three wise men visited the family had to flee to egypt when herod started to kill all the young boys in an attempt to kill jesus.. what would they need to travel and live as exiles for a couple of years?.