Careful you're sounding like a bleeding heart liberal.
Not even close
Liberals are fighting hard to be able to abort a baby a little farther than 24 weeks. Some as far as 32 weeks.
That's worse than the kids on the pic.
Because If you are a Liberal, you believe that a woman has the right to decide what happens with her body, and no one should have the right to tell anyone what to do with their body, including aborting a baby at 32 weeks just because she feels like it.
Not making kids slaves but killing them outright.
Yet top liberal Michelle Obama’s mission when her husband took office was to ban the use of certain foods that people enjoy. Such as trans fats and limit the use of sugar, and much more. This doesn’t make sense, because if a Liberal woman’s argument in support of abortion is that no one gets to tell her what to do with her body, why then do they want to ban foods, regulate school lunches and force restaurants to serve certain kinds of foods and leave certain ingredients, such as salt or sugar off their tables?
Are they not limiting an individual’s freedoms and own right to choose?
Liberals don't have a heart, all they care about is themselves.