Ive been to an eerily accurate psychic who got so many things right. I dont believe in God but I definitely believe in a spirit world. If you have been to a psychic who has been accurate have you ever asked about the future of JWs? Any other interesting psychic stories.
Posts by jemba
Anyone been to a psychic? Id love to ask about JWs future.
by jemba inive been to an eerily accurate psychic who got so many things right.
i dont believe in god but i definitely believe in a spirit world.
if you have been to a psychic who has been accurate have you ever asked about the future of jws?
Another Elder Steps Down
by jookbeard inthe wonders of facebook have accidently made my paths cross with the sister of this particular elder who served in my circuit (london) for many years and would have probably been made an elder at the very beginning of the arrangment in the early 1970's he knew my father very well, spoke at ca's visting speaker etc, and was a member of the hlc, he resigned a few years ago, he was a real hard core make no bones about it and would have been one of the very last you's expect to step down and leave, just goes to show..
Hopefully hes woken up, knows TTATT and is telling others just like us.... the internet is a powerful tool and their 'good name' wont last much longer!
No longer to use "house to house record" slips and "please follow up slips"!
by stuckinarut2 ina letter has just been read out indicating that effective immediately, witnesses are no longer to use the s-8 slip known as the "house to house" record slip, as well as the s-43 "please follow up" slip (usually used for foreign language people).. the letter stated that this is because of the changes in privacy laws etc that are becoming common in the world today.. i will try and get a copy of the full letter and post it asap.. .
I was still using the horrible things 3-4 years ago here in Australia.
Name Some Stupid Watchtower Rules or Ideas
by minimus inthere's a lot.. one rule that is dumb is that a brother must wear a suit for a sunday public talk that he is giving.
any other time, the brother could wear a suit coat with a different pair of pants and not be counseled for it.. another dumb idea is that you cannot date a person unless you seriously might marry them.
if you're on a date, you were supposed to always have a chaperone and holding hands might not be allowed as well as sitting together.. what other dumb rules and ideas can you add?.
The TV channel must be changed immediately if xmas or birthdays are being celebrated in case the children watching suddenly become satanic apostates.
Name Some Stupid Watchtower Rules or Ideas
by minimus inthere's a lot.. one rule that is dumb is that a brother must wear a suit for a sunday public talk that he is giving.
any other time, the brother could wear a suit coat with a different pair of pants and not be counseled for it.. another dumb idea is that you cannot date a person unless you seriously might marry them.
if you're on a date, you were supposed to always have a chaperone and holding hands might not be allowed as well as sitting together.. what other dumb rules and ideas can you add?.
Gathering of singles is forbidden as it will result in a mass orgy everytime!
Name Some Stupid Watchtower Rules or Ideas
by minimus inthere's a lot.. one rule that is dumb is that a brother must wear a suit for a sunday public talk that he is giving.
any other time, the brother could wear a suit coat with a different pair of pants and not be counseled for it.. another dumb idea is that you cannot date a person unless you seriously might marry them.
if you're on a date, you were supposed to always have a chaperone and holding hands might not be allowed as well as sitting together.. what other dumb rules and ideas can you add?.
Easter egg chocolate is fine if you buy it half price a week later and pulverise the hell out of, then youre safe from demons who prefer egg shapes.
New ExJW here for the first time.
by WideAwake7 ini am here for the first time ...but have enjoyed reading others experiences that i feel i can relate too.
i used to be an elder for more than 20 years .
i have successfully faded with my wife and children.
Welcome WA7!! So happy for you. We both got out together with the kids. Such a wonderful relief isnt it.
Welcome to you smartypants! Well done on undoing that brainwashing so quickly, its not so easy for someone like myself born into it with no idea of ow the real world works. Glad you have family to rely on, many of us are shunned for life because of that disgusting cult.
by NAVYTOWN ini agree with the witnesses about almost nothing, but i do think they have the right idea when it concerns the 'soul'.
it is my belief that there is no such entity as a 'soul' that resides in a human being.
the idea originated in ancient, pre-scientific eras.
Belief in a spirit that survives the death of the body is what has left me not fearing death as I once did as a JW.
Too many people come back from being clinically dead that heard everything and saw everything going on.
The only thing about me now at the age of 40 that is still the original me from the day i was born is my 'conciousness' my soul, the essence that makes me - me. Every cell in my body has regenerated itself over and over since that day.
Anyway that is the one special thing I get to believe in now Im 'out'.
I also feel dead loved ones around me quite often, I like to think they smile as they watch on from somewhere peaceful.
No more literature counters?
by konceptual99 inthere is a thread on jwtalk suggesting that the latest hall designs do not feature a literature desk.
the dubs will pick up gear from a self serve kiosk in the hall, just enough for their immediate needs.. time will tell if this is true but if so then it relfects the reducing emphasis on printed material.
also, i think there is another by product.
How do they order stuff that isnt kept at the hall? Actually dont worry I couldnt care less what they do lol