At the door I usually tell them "I am not what you would call 'an apostate'". Which is true; I've not so much as set foot inside a Kingdom Hall*, all my life. Whether they believe me or not is up in the air. I'm still probably "an opposer" to them.** And I'm obviously informed by "apostates" as to how I get my knowledge of their inner workings.
*This is true in a rhetorical sense. I once poked my head inside a Kingdom Hall after a meeting had finished, out of curiosity***. I was on my way somewhere else, interestingly after attending a child's birthday party. I've never attended an actual meeting in a Kingdom Hall.
** Is that an equally scary term, or does it make them more cranky than fearful?
*** It didn't strike me as being markedly different from the average small Pentecostal church, aesthetically speaking.