These are big changes. The WT leadership has always clung to the old way of doing things whenever they could. Things must have changed a lot for them to approve the kinds of changes that they are making. Do they feel that the changes that they are making are improving things?
JoinedPosts by NotFormer
Our Kingdom Ministry
by NotFormer inmy understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
Jws getting drunk
by Farmer Jim1 inhas anyone got any good 'jws and alcohol' stories?
i always found it amazing that so many jws got blind drunk at parties and got away with it!
i suppose alcohol was the only fun thing we were allowed to partake in....
PON: Where I come from pissed means the same thing. In fact, we had our own local form of rhyming slang for it, named after a famous tennis player. Adrian Quist (or just Adrian) = pissed.
I know that you didn't ask the question, but whatever did happen to Andy Capp? 🤔
Our Kingdom Ministry
by NotFormer inmy understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the watchtower and the awake!
looking online, it seems that the wt ceased publication of this in 2016. is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication?
or has it ceased to be?.
My understanding was that this was the magazine regularly published for insiders only, unlike the Watchtower and the Awake! Looking online, it seems that the WT ceased publication of this in 2016. Is it due to a name change (it seems to have changed its name several times over the years) or has it been succeeded by a new publication? Or has it ceased to be?
If the latter, is this another sign of the slow death of the organisation?
by AnnOMaly inthe contrived and unrealistic conversation that one of jehovahs witnesses imagined having with a neighbor in the october 2014 watchtower will not be reproduced here.
instead let us imagine another conversation another witness named andre (ahem, sorry) cameron has at the home of another man who is also named jon.keep searching for a suckercameron: jon, ive really enjoyed the regular discussions weve been having about the bible.
* the last time we spoke, you raised a question about gods kingdom.
Whenever I try to have these kinds of conversations with JWs, it's Cameron who is nervously looking for the exits.
I don't find the JWs to be as brave as they once were, nor do they have the ability to debate that they once had. Is this all part of the dumbing down that gets alluded to here?
Is WT Using ATTENDANTS At The Conventions To Be: "TOY COPS"
by HiddlesWife ini have heard from a few ppimis and several pimos that the attendants who are stationedly-assigned to the front entrances of the borgvenues (cahs and other arenas) have been checking to see if any persons (members and non-member visitors) have badges.
on the other hand, if these persons don't have one, this is what i was told that these dubs do this: corral around the non-badge-wearing individual and interrogate he/she/them plus questioning them, "why are you here?!".
also, even if that person or persons have an invitation plus showed it to these dubs, these toy cops still do that procedure.
Is there a right to refusal clause in convention advertising?
Secret Elders Book? Bwahahaha!
by NotFormer ini remember a couple of decades ago when the internet was relatively young and the wt was at war with it, that they were battling to keep the pay attention book secret, commencing legal action against anyone who published it online (and of course, trying to out anyone who leaked it).
i think it was a norwegian skeptics organisation who had it available for download and dared the wt lawyers to come after them.. so i guess the new shepherd the flock book came out to try and put the genie back in the bottle and reassert some air of mystery and secrecy back into the equation.. so i typed jehovah's witnesses secret elder book into google.
colour me gobsmacked!
Yes, "publishers" is a completely weird term for members of a religion. What other weird terms are there? One other that I can think of is "pioneer". What are some other terms that you wouldn't expect in a church/religion?
2023-August-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis inpage 1.
page 2. .
page 3. .
Which brings up the usual question: how do they have a legal team that is made up of loyal JWs? Do they hand pick trusted Bethelites that are then sent to law school?
Secret Elders Book? Bwahahaha!
by NotFormer ini remember a couple of decades ago when the internet was relatively young and the wt was at war with it, that they were battling to keep the pay attention book secret, commencing legal action against anyone who published it online (and of course, trying to out anyone who leaked it).
i think it was a norwegian skeptics organisation who had it available for download and dared the wt lawyers to come after them.. so i guess the new shepherd the flock book came out to try and put the genie back in the bottle and reassert some air of mystery and secrecy back into the equation.. so i typed jehovah's witnesses secret elder book into google.
colour me gobsmacked!
The trouble is that the old business model has failed, but the business structure that they built around it is still in place.
Mary And The Two Witness Rule
by NotFormer in
in the above page, the september 1, 1987 watchtower article about breaching confidentiality is quoted.
mary is a medical worker and finds out that someone in congregation has had an abortion.
I was able to find that. From p. 366, it tells the story of Toni and Linda. The story predates the above WT article, but shows that it was already WT policy before 1987. The handling of Linda's case by the elders is unbelievable.
The doctor in the case mentions how he vets potential employees by asking them how they would have handled that situation and not hiring them if they would behave like Toni. Although a prudent approach, I see it as being fraught with danger, in light of anti-discrimination laws. In many countries, it is illegal to ask potential employees certain types of questions, including about the candidate's religion. The doctor's questions could be seen as a backdoor way of discriminating on the basis of religion.
Would it be better to simply not employ JWs because of the liability they represent? But how would you find out if they can't be asked about their religion? Are there other backdoor ways around it that might work? Tell them about the office birthday and Christmas parties and see how they react? Ask them what medical treatment and first aid they authorise in case of an accident that renders them unconscious? What other questions might work, without provoking suspicion that something unkosher is going on?
Is WT Using ATTENDANTS At The Conventions To Be: "TOY COPS"
by HiddlesWife ini have heard from a few ppimis and several pimos that the attendants who are stationedly-assigned to the front entrances of the borgvenues (cahs and other arenas) have been checking to see if any persons (members and non-member visitors) have badges.
on the other hand, if these persons don't have one, this is what i was told that these dubs do this: corral around the non-badge-wearing individual and interrogate he/she/them plus questioning them, "why are you here?!".
also, even if that person or persons have an invitation plus showed it to these dubs, these toy cops still do that procedure.
Vidiot: "Is it just me, or does the Org almost seem to be morphing into a parody of itself?"
The Org became a parody of itself the moment they seriously started using terms like"Jehovah's loving arrangement". Most of their internal jargonese sounds like a cult parody.