Quite a pathetic article and even more pathetic responses, mostly coming from people who know so little about "Africa", or who think Africa is one country. It is so very sad that a stay in one rural African community can serve as the only brush to paint a whole continent in one dark stroke. Please do visit Africa, not just one "fecal territory" before you come up with some of the terrible and reinforced biases that have come out of many comments I have read so far (women prostituting to have a few coins to feed their families, a continent happy to practice excision, men lazying about all day and leaving the bulk of work to women, gay bashing - as if that is exclusive to Africa, etc.). I lived eleven years in North Africa; I now live in West Africa. I have visited and worked in well over thirty African countries. Yes, there are challenges facing African countries but a little bit of deeper knowledge without racial biases would go a long way to understanding why some parts of Africa are where they are today. Better still, it will open eyes as to why so many other sections of African society are forging ahead without people stealing to give to their extended families (what idiocy) or defecating on highways.