I just found your pic too. I think it looks great! (I have the same orange jacket)
You look beautiful.
how many of you think your "hair" is very important to you?
gosh, i feel like minimus.
except, i will submit said question and my answer...... even though my hair is starting to grow back, see pic in other thread, i am still not ok walking around with 1/4 inch hair.
I just found your pic too. I think it looks great! (I have the same orange jacket)
You look beautiful.
Steve filled the tank yesterday. Costco gas cuts off at $99. It wasn't even full yet.
It was $3.08. I drive about 2-3 weeks on one tank of gas. I have been regretting that we didn't get the diesel Excursion until yesterday. I was waiting for a ferry with my kids when the exact (diesel) version of my car drove off the ferry. It was horrendously loud and I decided it was worth paying the ridiculously high prices for gas to not suffer the headaches from that rattle trap.
were you ever counselled about spending too much time going to the gym of trying to keep fit?.
it happened to me as a ms, this one elder in my hall said that the time i spent going to the gym could have been better spent out in field service.. i replied that based on all the stress in my life, if i didn't go to the gym for therupeutic purposes, i would problably go postal on some busy body in the hall.. he never brought up the subject again.. my mom was counselled once for being preoccupied about her diet.
she really wasn't but she wanted to maintain her weight at a health level and not become overweight.. we had quite a few of nearly obese people in our hall.
One of the elders was a regular at my gym, so I never had any trouble with it. I hear he took some flack for it though. I switched gyms years ago so I don't see him anymore.
this is a call to action.
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jehovah's witnesses will be celebrating the memorial of jesus death on wednesday, april 12th.
Just one question for the nay-sayers Would you be happy if you were wrong?
I think everyone wants the same thing, we just have different ways of going about it.
I've seen the check and money in question and I'm wondering if another website reference might be better. I think JWD can be very helpful if you know where to look, but honestly, if someone comes here and looks at this thread, would they stick around for long? Perhaps the thread on whether masturbation is addictive would be beneficial.
Hey Gumbman! I was wondering the same thing. I'm hoping you get a .
this is a call to action.
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jehovah's witnesses will be celebrating the memorial of jesus death on wednesday, april 12th.
Princess it really is too bad those pictures aren't on that thread anymore. The WT carved pumpkin was priceless.
Yeah I know. I used a cheap, crappy old digital to take them and I'm pretty sure they are long gone. It was good for a laugh anyway.
Uncle Bruce's post confuses me. Is anyone really trying to stop this? I didn't get that from the posts. Many don't think it will be effective or worth the effort, but I don't think anyone feels strongly enough to say "don't do it".
Gumby makes an interesting point:
My gut feeling says a positive impact will not be greater than the damage it may bring. My family and friends in the organisation still hold me dear( I know they do), and they are tolerent to me in that I feel lucky, but these campaigns take away credibility in the minds of the witnesses of the fact that disenters can leave.... and still be sane.
Something to think about anyway.
this is a call to action.
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jehovah's witnesses will be celebrating the memorial of jesus death on wednesday, april 12th.
Did anyone say it wasn't OK? She just asked if anyone else saw it as childish. You said what I had done was childish and I wholeheartedly agreed.
To recap:
My mom thinks this may be childish.
LDH thinks my Halloween prank was childish but funny. I agree and I'm sure my mom would as well.
It's OK to be funny and childish.
It's OK NOT to be funny and childish.
Neither my mom nor I care if anyone leaves WT money anywhere, anytime.
Now, if it were me, I would give the money to TEENS most of whom certainly have email and internet access
I think that's brilliant. Tell Richie.
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jehovah's witnesses will be celebrating the memorial of jesus death on wednesday, april 12th.
deleted because it's not worth arguing about and I truly don't give a shit Have a lovely day everyone. Good luck fighting mother. ( I mean that )
one of the best of the family-oriented shows of the 1970's
it had some very touching moments.. who remembers laura ingalls and nelly oleson ?.
This was Rachel's (Princess) absolute favorite show when she was little. She even was allowed to watch it on the color TV when Monday Night Football was on. Her Dad never let the boys win that battle.
I think she still watches the reruns. I always thought Rachel and Melissa Gilbert looked quite a bit alike too
I don't need to watch them. I turn on Little House and within thirty seconds can tell you everything that happens in the episode. I can't frequently quote the upcoming dialogue too.
this is a call to action.
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jehovah's witnesses will be celebrating the memorial of jesus death on wednesday, april 12th.
Well I guess what ticks me off the most is that usually the very same people against picketing or emailing wouldnt think nothing of picketing the president or the governor or some other cause, yet the WT indoctrination has had much more personal effects on me than any president or politician.
I'll never picket anything. That's just me. I don't care at all if you do though.
I agree. Anyone who posts here while claiming to be "over it" is either delusional or a liar. In any event, they have no business shitting on others efforts to express themselves. Perhaps they are the ones who should go back to the cult, since they approve of the stifling of expression. They'd fit right in.
Wow, nice words. I post here very rarely. Obviously I used to post here a lot. I still read the board occasionally because I have met many of the people on here and choose to read and see what they are all up to. I never would have clicked on this thread if my mom hadn't told me about it.
You, my friend, are full of shit. I am amazed you would even express such a thing here. I don't know why I'm amazed, perhaps the bit about going back to the cult is what made me throw up a little.
If I met you at a club or a party, I guarantee you'd never know I had spent the first 27 years of my life as a dub. I am not delusional, not a liar, simply curious how the friends I made before I was "over it" are doing. Now crawl back into your cave.
this is a call to action.
please read.
jehovah's witnesses will be celebrating the memorial of jesus death on wednesday, april 12th.
Not to nit pick, but wasn't it your daughter who posed in front of a KH with a Halloween pumpkin and took pictures to post here? I'm wondering if you thought that was childish too? http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/39745/1.ashx No, you also thought it was funny along with most of us on the board. There's a lid for every pot. Lisa Don't call the kettle black Class
I realize this was three pages ago but I just wanted to add that the above prank was done in fun, with humor and on Halloween for god's sake. Of course she thought it was funny, it was meant to be funny and childish. I wasn't trying to lure people away. Jesus Christ, if you are going to attack someone, pick something relevant. FWIW, I think it's a waste of time but if it makes you feel good, go for it. It's a good laugh and I'm always willing to laugh. If I were going to do this, I'd bring a roll of tape and tape them to the inside of the bathroom stalls. At least one person would read them. I'd also tape them on the car windshields. I'm done with the KH. Not going back for any reason.