I went to a christian church in the morning, the singing was so heartfelt and quite emotional.
Went to yoga in the afternoon, I felt compassion and calm.
Went to the memorial in the evening, it felt legalistic, boring and no soul in the place.
i honestly have never heard such claptrap being delivered in a memorial talk.. the speaker repeatedly put down the way other religions administered the bread & wine, and claimed that witnesses do it exactly as the bible describes.
oh yeah????.
he forgot to mention - when reading aloud 1 corinthians 11:25 - that after passing the bread, a full meal was to be shared, before the wine was passed around!
I went to a christian church in the morning, the singing was so heartfelt and quite emotional.
Went to yoga in the afternoon, I felt compassion and calm.
Went to the memorial in the evening, it felt legalistic, boring and no soul in the place.
i have a serious problem that i cannot solve on my own.
i was born-in but am only in by a thread at this point.
i quit the tms a few weeks ago and wrote a post on it.
Sorry to hear this is happening to you, the JW's believe they can lie to you and disrespect you, it's called "theocratic warfare".
You have to use "theocratic warfare" back on them, You know they lie to you, that should make it OK to lie back to them. This may means you need to choose your words carefully, if your are asked any questions about the organisation do not admit to anything you are feeling, you say you have been too busy or sick.
I believe your best bet is to say the only person your son can study with is your wife. No other person in the congregation should be able to have access to your son, this goes against bible principles as you are the head of your family.
Make sure you spend as much time with your family as possible and show your wife and son plenty of attention, love and caring, they will not find this at JW meetings. (the only thing they get from meetings is fear and guilt).
Go on family outings, camping in the country side with them and involve your son's friends. Try and get your son involved with team sports as well.
Your son is still young and I am sure you can get him out by asking him questions that will question his faith. It will be too late if he gets baptised.
Keep you head up and try to keep happy, balanced and calm, this will really confuse them.
Take care, I hope it all works out for you.
i am most curious.
When my dad invited my to the last international assembly my reply was
I asked if any of the governing body was going to be there because I am afraid of the 7 men in Brooklyn that direct this organisation, because if I don't follow them they can use me family as a weapon against me.
seems to be a jw connection with the crash after all, but it wasn't the co-pilot as some had surmised.
the father of the only american male killed in the crash weighs in with a very mild assessment of the mass murderer, and doesn't seem overly concerned about his son, now deceased.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .
"the parents of an american victim of the french alps plane crash said on 27 march they feel sadness for the parents of the co-pilot rather than feeling anger for the loss of their son.. robert tansill oliver, a jehovah's witness, lost his 37-year-old son robert oliver calvo in the germanwings plane crash.. "i don t feel anger.
He gave the same answer that all JW's are programmed to give.
Don't talk about the poor person that passed away, just talk about the JW religion. All they are interested in is what a fine witness they can give to the world about their false hope.
I get really upset when I go to any JW funeral.
I feel very sorry for him.
i learned this past week that my wife is now awake.
i just shared the pbs newshour segment with her with no comment other than something along the lines of, "jw story on pbs.".
she is furious at the arrogance of these men.. thats what happens when you get a momma angry!.
YEAH!!!!!! I am so happy for you both
important news:.
here in the united states, on wednesday morning, march 11th at 12:35 a.m., est, barring any breaking news the day before, the program, nightline, will air as their lead story a 9-minute segment about the watchtower (jehovah's witnesses).
the program is 30 minutes long and this segment is only one part of the show.
Thanks Garrett for the Youtube link. as I was unable to view it on the ABC link.
Kendrick confessed that he abused his step daughter, he confessed this crime to the elders, the elders kept this information confidential and did not warn congregation members, and was not charged. (How can this organisation condone this?)
Kendrick was also charged and found guilty of also abusing his step granddaughter.
How is this man still considered a Jehovah's witness?
How is it possible that active Jehovah's witnesses look at this situation and believe that Candice Conti be considered an "apostate" or a "liar" and not believe her?
Well Done Candice for standing up for something that would be very hard to do!!
What a bunch of hipocrits, if one of Jehovah's witness is found smoking a cigarette, he will be excommunicated by the church and his family will not be able to have normal communication with him, not even be able to send him an email, or attend their wedding, for the rest of his life. He is to be considered dead to his family until he repents and sees the error of his way.
It's amazing how the wife can then call the police and ask help from the police (which they believe is part of Satan the Devil's organisation).
Then the organisation will brush this off as "APOSTATE LIES"
important news:.
here in the united states, on wednesday morning, march 11th at 12:35 a.m., est, barring any breaking news the day before, the program, nightline, will air as their lead story a 9-minute segment about the watchtower (jehovah's witnesses).
the program is 30 minutes long and this segment is only one part of the show.
I'm in Australia, the link doesn't work here, can the program be downloaded from anyway else?
for those who have left and are still in contact with jw family, how do you usually respond when they bring up jw stuff, i.e.
start talking about the nearness of armageddon or things like that.. i usually say nothing and just let it pass but i'm considering changing tact to something more confrontational, less because i want to change their mind and more because i find it tiresome.
I faded 20 years ago and have stayed in touch with me family. Both my brother and my sister who are still in do not even talk about the religion or beliefs to me. We talk about everything and when it comes to xmas or birthdays they, just stay away for a couple of days and don't even ask me about it.
My dad who is an elder has for the past 20 has always tried to witness to me. I always said I do not believe JW's anymore because when I grew up I was telling people about this generation was 70 to 80 years and did not believe in 1914, so as long as I did not talk to anyone else about it I could not be accused for apostasy. I always tell him if armageddon comes tomorrow we will all be saved.
The problem I always had was he couldn't help but witness to me every time I visited my parents and I would feel bad every time I visited them, so the visits would slow down and then I would feel guilty that I wouldn't see my parents enough.
It took me 20 years to figure out how to have a relationship with my parents, I decided that the only way I could answer my dad's witnessing was that every time he would start a JW subject I would have to have a biblical answer
So I did my research on youtube and got all the biblical answers against any JW argument.
what does salvation means - Romans 10:9,10
Eph 2:8,9 - we are saved by faith not works
1st century discipline we divinely named christian Not Jehovahs witness - Acts 11:26
Who is the truth not what is the truth John 14:6 I am a follower of god and not 7 men in brooklyn, only 1 mediator
What is the good news -1 Cor 15:1-4
I do not jump from scripture to scripture and I stay one the same subject.
After one discussion, he told me that if I wanted to know the truth I would only have to listen to the JW's and and then accused me of being an anti christ because I have left the teachings of christ. The scripture he quoted says to be anti christ is not believing that Christ died and was resurrected in the flesh, I answered how does that make me an anti christ?
He then told me that he could not talk to me about the bible or the JW's anymore. (I'm thinking GREAT!!!)
It took me 20 years to have a great relationship with my parents, its quite amazing what we talk about now that religion is not part of our discussions, I have got to know them as people not robots, we talk about their lives when they were children, how the met and am getting to know who they are as people and how they feel.t
I know it is hard for my dad to keep his mouth shut but if my mum sees that the subject is getting close to religion she reminds him that we do not want to argue about religion. IT FANTASTIC
I know our relationship will never be the same as being one of them, but I am glad I am not one of them.
i need some advice.
actually my friend needs some advice.
a few years ago i moved about 50 km (30 miles) away from the nearest congo and have since tried to live a normal life.
Use their own "theocratic warfare" against them. The leaders of this cult lie to the rank and file, you have to lie to make sure that they do not use your family as a weapon against you.
"When in doubt lie your guts out"
I faded 20 years ago and can still talk to my family, I was always "sick" "over worked" "children were sick" and acted spiritually weak. If they ask you do you believe they are the faithful slave or any other questions, just agree with them.
If you stop going to meeting, they will not feel that they have to keep the congregation clean, so stay away.