when I originally faded I thought could do what you are doing now, but going to the meeting week after week, month after month listening to the same boring stuff over and over again started to make me mad, because now I could see the manipulation. After awhile and couldn't pretend to just go along with it.
As long as your children don't stay in it, because once they get involved with someone, or get married, if you ever leave, then they will have to shun you and you will only have yourself to blame.
I had a friend who thought she would leave her children make up their own minds, she was later disfellowshipped for smoking, After 5 years of not being able to cope with her children not being in contact with her, she applied for reinstatement just so that she can talk to her own kids.
Good luck in any decision you want to make, we have all been where you are now, just take a day at a time.