JoinedPosts by Freesoul
Revealing Watchtower tax returns
by Nambo inplease excuse if this has already been posted:-
under the freedom of information act, this guy has tax returns showing where your money goes, where it is invested, companies like northrop gruman, monsanto, cigarette and porn peddlers, and we thought we where giving money to god!
i am quite sickened to discover i was giving money to the watchtower to invest in arms manufacturers..
Thanks Data-Dog -
Revealing Watchtower tax returns
by Nambo inplease excuse if this has already been posted:-
under the freedom of information act, this guy has tax returns showing where your money goes, where it is invested, companies like northrop gruman, monsanto, cigarette and porn peddlers, and we thought we where giving money to god!
i am quite sickened to discover i was giving money to the watchtower to invest in arms manufacturers..
Adjusted Knowledge
How have I dismissed someone with credentials?
I do not understand how an organisation can distribute the profits from this investments in the same year as the Tax return is lodge, but then says it has no control. Then say it can't do anything about where this money is invested.
Revealing Watchtower tax returns
by Nambo inplease excuse if this has already been posted:-
under the freedom of information act, this guy has tax returns showing where your money goes, where it is invested, companies like northrop gruman, monsanto, cigarette and porn peddlers, and we thought we where giving money to god!
i am quite sickened to discover i was giving money to the watchtower to invest in arms manufacturers..
So the watchtower accepts this money from another person and then can distribute that money within the same financial year to whoever the watchtower wants for the last 15years and doesn't have control of the investments?That doesn't make sense.
Congrats to Kim Mikey!
by awake!watcher incongrats to kim mikey, mike and kim reached 3000 subscribers on their youtube channel!
go check em out!
After leaving the JW cult, the ex JW community need to stop their old judgemental attitudes. We may not agree with what any other activist are doing but we should still let each person be an individual and do it they way they believe is right. It is not about whether Kim Mikey are better than John Cedars. They are still contributing in their own way. Lets stop trying to compare each activist against each other and stay united in the real fight. Against the Watchtower!!!
What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Jehovah's witnesses don't abstain from blood, they now let you have blood fractions to save your life, where you you think blood fractions come from? -
Slightly different approach - JW my tradition
by closed inhello everybody :) i have been visiting this forum for some time.
i noticed that many can't really free from the past in the org despite many years outside of jw.
i was awaken with a bang.
when I originally faded I thought could do what you are doing now, but going to the meeting week after week, month after month listening to the same boring stuff over and over again started to make me mad, because now I could see the manipulation. After awhile and couldn't pretend to just go along with it.
As long as your children don't stay in it, because once they get involved with someone, or get married, if you ever leave, then they will have to shun you and you will only have yourself to blame.
I had a friend who thought she would leave her children make up their own minds, she was later disfellowshipped for smoking, After 5 years of not being able to cope with her children not being in contact with her, she applied for reinstatement just so that she can talk to her own kids.
Good luck in any decision you want to make, we have all been where you are now, just take a day at a time.
Umbertoecho here.
by umbertoecho inhello people.. i'm tired and a bit sick at the moment but i can't let anyone think that this is going to go away.... i am able to tell you a few things in order to prevent any confusion in the minds of those who are thinking that nothing will come of this arc;that nothing will effect the wtbts in america and other places.. i have been there and given my testimony.
helen milroy and her assistants were there along with another group of people who are there to lend assistance if you crack up at any time during or after the hearing.
i did not crack up but can see how this happens.. security is tight and anonymity is sacred to them as they want to protect all who come forward.
Thank you for your all your hard work you have put into this, it must have been so hard to relive what you have gone through, please take care and look after yourself. xx -
Those keenly following umbertoecho ARC Brief Update.
by MightyV8 ini feel it is comfortable to say,.
yes her arc hearing has come and gone.. yes her hearing was so powerful, her allotted time was tripled!.
yes, information handed over "mind blowing" response from arc.
Please give my regards to Umbertoecho, it would be so hard to tell her story to the ARC, it would be such an emotional roller coaster. Tell her we would support her in anything that she needs. -
Time to Spill my Guts
by Hadriel inbeen lurking around here for several weeks.
posted once or twice but not too much.
i'm a covert fade at the moment.
Welcome to the Forum and congratulations on finding your freedom, and that your wife is on the same page.
You may think that your children are happy and that you don't want to change their friends, but don't worry just think of your life when you were their age. If you tell them the truth, they will accept their new found freedom quicker than you. They will be so happy to live a normal life. Once they accept that this religion for all BS you can ask them whether they would prefer to stay in the same school or whether they would prefer to move.
Best of luck in any decisions you are going to make, take care
Yearbook 2016: Annual Report (15177 Partakers)
by Designer Stubble inthe 2016 yearbook is up on jw.orgbranches of jehovahs witnesses: 89 (was 90)number of lands reporting: 240 (was 239)total congregations: 118016 (was 115416)worldwide memorial attendance: 19,862,763 (was 19,950,019) decreasememorial partakers worldwide: 15,177 (was 14,121 in 2013:13,204) large increasepeak of publishers in kingdom service: 8,220,105 (was 8,201,205) minor increaseaverage publishers preaching each month: 7,987,279 (was 7,867,958)percentage of increase over 2014: 1.5 (was 2.2)total number baptized: 260,273 (was 275,581)average auxiliary pioneer publishers each month: 443,504 (was 635,298) huge decreaseaverage pioneer publishers each month: 1,135,210 (was 1,089,446)total hours spent in field: 1,933,473,727 (was 1,945,487,604) decreaseaverage home bible studies each month: 9,708,968 (was 9,499,933)
So according to the WT statistics, if we counted every single JW that partook the bread and wine since this new understanding in 1935 they probably have already exceeded the figure of 144000.