I feel sorry for a lot of these young women, they would be in the 20's 30's and 40's and still virgins.
They are not be allowed to experience life and do things according they their own conscience.
i remember this time of year when jw's desend en mass on one area.
a fun game to play is "spot the..." whatever jw walking stereotype you choose.. so i thought i would play it with you guys, starting with how to spot a single jw sister.. i say, she will be dressed up to the nines, probably over dressed in fact, have hair immaculately coffied, make up plastered on, towering heels and be smiling at every brother in site.
all they need is a sign saying "pioneer, virgin, available for marriage!".
I feel sorry for a lot of these young women, they would be in the 20's 30's and 40's and still virgins.
They are not be allowed to experience life and do things according they their own conscience.
my understanding (very limited and maybe flawed) is that this commission has no teeth.
if thats true why would the org care?
send a few lawyers, go through the motions but in the end.... its a dog parking on a porch.
Even if there are no financial repercussions or legal ramifications for WT I believe the the Royal Commission has been a huge success.
The RC did their homework and spoke the JW language, they knew what questions to ask, WT had no where to hide, it showed the incompetence of all the elders, and their legal team. The elders were twisting and changing their stories because they were scared, they showed they were more interested in covering their own asses and their religion rather than the care of our little children.
Everything is now on public record and can be used as a reference for anyone who wants it.
Well done to the Royal Commission, they spoke with respect and compassion.
I also hope they don't let Geoffrey Jackson out of the country before they interview him, I would love to see him on public record.
shout out to jwfacts.. just saw the drum.
excellent job !
Well done Paul, you did a great job
and thanks to Mephis for the link
what can i add?
this says it all.. elder on stand is mute till prompted.. .
i guess i could encourage you to watch to the end and a guest commentary, lol..
JW's have JC meetings in private and if a child molester is DF'd they keep everything in private, they will not warn the congregation or the rest of society about this person. This is where the JW policies are wrong, the royal commission is at least giving 2 sides of the story and everything is on record and is in the open so that no one can hide anything.
If JW's want to be judges they should also do everything in the open for everyone else to see, just as they did in bible times.
let me preface this by saying that i don't expect anyone here to make my decision for me.
i do however note that like the bible says, in the multitude of counselors there is wisdom, and this is a huge decision, so i wanted to put it out there for discussion.
i really appreciate your words of wisdom, as this affects not just me but my wife also, as we find ourselves in the same boat.
I faded about 25 years ago, the only I reason I did this is because I didn't want this cult to come between me and my family. My children grew up as normal children, we celebrated birthdays and xmas, my family just stayed away at this time of year because they don't want to stop seeing me either.
It's really funny because my mum who is 82 has just joined Facebook and has become Facebook friends with me and my children so sees all the Happy birthday posts but never says anything. I know she does this because she still wants to be part of my life.
if I DA'd myself or got DF'd they would have to play by their religions rules.
i don't know how so many who seem to be certain this life is it after being jw's seem to happily accept it and be fine with it.
i am living and trying to live as if this is it.
i want there to be a future life/afterlife, something, but i see how fast life comes and goes and even if i'm living it to the fullest, there is no peace for me with the thought this may be it.
My take on an after life is:
We did not have any control on how we were born and how we are alive, all we know is the experience we are having right now,
How then can we have any control as to what happens to us when we die.
It is in God's hand to decide what happens to us, it is up to him, what we think will happen will not make a difference.
Christians believe that we will have a resurrection because of god's love for us.
Buddists believe that we will go to a better place depending one the life we live today.
Agnostics don't know.
If there is an afterlife I don't believe i have any control of what happens to me. It is in God's hands.
i have just found out that my brother (who was one of a bunch that shared this login) has died.. he and his wife were living in another country where they once pioneered.
i didn't see him that often.. such an empty feeling.....
hi sorry but could anyone tell me how to highlight parts of an op when posting it within my reply please?
thank you
In the reply box, it is the 9th button with the letter "A" with an arrow next to it. Press the arrow and click on the background colour you want and start typing.
If you want to highlight the text after you have typed it, you put the mouse on where you want to start and drag it when you want to finish, then press the the colour you want.
I hope I made this understandable.
i know being a witness for 33 years and not celebrating b/days you do lose the habit , but i thought one of them would have remembered ?
oh well .. maybe i will just rub it in with them tomorrow .make them feel guilty , eh ?.
then again i might just start singing "76 trombones" at the dinner table tonight .
I'm not in sure which state you are in but if we were in the same one, I was and would join you for a drink. Have a great day, maybe they are planning a surprise.
thinking of leaving the jws for good is frightening.engaging a quality fade is nerve racking!there can be horrible consequences that can leave one shunned.even the most careful fade can be undone by many means and loved ones.. one must weigh the consequences of leaving with true freedom.yes, that kind.
where you always make the decisions in your own life.. no need to be reckless and wild to destruction.
be like almost everyone else in society that enjoys life to the full and looks out for their fellow.look around you at happy, friendly people in your community.
Everyone has to decide for them selves what they need to do. When my first husband and I learnt about TTATT he resigned immediately but it took me about 1 year and a half to fade.
My first husband left the same time as his parents but my parents are all in the cult along with my brothers and sisters.
I wanted to make sure I did not put my parents in a position where they had to choose between me and their religion because I know what the outcome would be.
About 5 years after we left our marriage broke up, and my parents were saying this was because I left Jehovah.
I raised my 2 kids as a single parent but was adamant I was not going back I did not want my children to go through the same mind f***** that I did.
My teenage kids got into all sorts of trouble that young kids get into today and I never thought I would experience so many ups and downs that I have.
But even through all the lows that I have had it is still so much better than feeling like a did my whole life being a JW. The getting ready for meetings, sitting in boring meetings, the waste of time, feeling not good enough and feeling guilty all the time, its is so mind numbing. You know what I mean.
I would rather live a life that is authentic, true and real no matter what happens, with no regrets of what I should have done.
Because I faded the right way my parents and brothers and sisters are all part of my life and my children's lives. My children are adults now and are doing so well, I am so proud of them and so are my parents.
I do not bring up religion with my family, but if my dad who is an elder tries, I have done the research and answer him back with scriptures and that usually cuts the conversations short, he doesn't want to know.
You have to decide for yourself, one day you will feel you can't stand it and the next day you might think you can it all depends on your situation, whether you are married or have children etc.
You don't have to make any decisions in a hurry. But before you take the step make sure you have support e.g., friends, where you live, what you do for work so that they have nothing that they can hang over you. And yes you can fade successful, the hardest thing for me was having to keep my mouth shut when people who were not my family tried to preach to me, I would just put a blank stare on my face and just smile.
Take care we have all felt the same way you are feeling now.