What do we recommend about being guilty? Is that the question? If it is, DON'T. They do not feel guilty each time they look at you as the scum of the earth. THey don't feel guilty when you have 105 fever and expect you to go to the meeting. They don't feel guilty when one of their members dies because of "persecution" or because they refused to accept a blood transfusion. They don't feel guilty when children are being molested. THEY NEVER feel guilty when they do anything WRONG!!!
Guilt is horrible, and you MUST give yourself time to let it go. It takes time. But DON'T feed into it. Don't feel guilty for turning your back on lies, deception and hate. Love yourself and enjoy life. Have fun!
If the question is should you let your friend know about JW's? THE ANSWER IS YEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!! The more you get in the harder it is to get out. If you love her you will warn her subtly. Because if she perceives it as "persecution" you just threw her into their clutches even more. Be subtle, but firm and please don't allow her to be sucked in by such an unloving, tirant, hateful, and vindictive organization. I talk from experience . . .25 years in the org. indoctrinated since age 5 I'm 29 now and it's hard evry step of the way. BE PATIENT!!! It hurts horribly. I had 400 JW guests at my wedding (even though this went against Org. "advice") and NOT ONE, NOT MY MOTHER, NOT MY INLAWs, NOT MY CLOSEST DEAREST FRIENDS, LIFELONG FRIENDS will ever talk to me, EVER AGAIN. I cry every day.
Please don't feel guilty. Be thankful for what you have and live life to the fullest!!!
Love,Pris (email me if you need to)
?Hablas espa~ol ardilla? Do you speak spanish?