Here's my first tee shirt design. It's something only ex-JWs could relate to, yet could also be worn while still in "The Truth":
JoinedPosts by biometrics
New 1914 Tees Avalialbe Now
by biometrics inhere's my first tee shirt design.
it's something only ex-jws could relate to, yet could also be worn while still in "the truth":.
Catholics know more about WTS history than most JWs do!
by tornapart inthis is a very concise and i would say accurate history of the wts and given a much more kindly and sympathetic examination than the catholics have ever received from the wts.. i'm impressed..
Here's a bit of trivia to ask the next JW you see:
Q. What does "Miracle Wheat", a fake Cancer Cure, "Millennial Beans", and the Great Pyramid have in common?
A. Charles Taze Russel.
Catholics know more about WTS history than most JWs do!
by tornapart inthis is a very concise and i would say accurate history of the wts and given a much more kindly and sympathetic examination than the catholics have ever received from the wts.. i'm impressed..
They've covered all the best bits from the JWs in a well written article.
"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12
by yourmomma inhave anyone of you read, the absolutly jaw dropping paragraph in this article about a women who was hit by her husband?
its in page 25 of the 2/15/12 wt study edition (i read the dumbed down version).. .
if there was any question, that the watchtowers stance is for wives to simply take it when their husbands abuse them, this makes it crystal clear.. who the hell is scanning these things before they go to print?
So if I beat my wife, she should come crawling back and apologize with flowers on the off chance I'll convert to her cult in 17 years time.
In reality I should expect her coming back with a police officer and a court order.
Jehovahs Witnesses Plan on Looting the Dead
by God_Delusion inhi guys and gals,.
i've written a new article on what some jehovah's witnesses plan on doing after armageddon strikes.
i am sure you've been around witnesses that have said something like "oh i'm moving into that house after armageddon.".
Whenever witlessing in a rich area the "I'll be taking that house after Armageddon" comment was mentioned more than once. When I was a kid I was horrified to hear an elderly, well respected sister say it, but gradually got used to it. Eventually ended up thinking that way myself.
Has anyone heard of JJ Luna?
by biometrics inwhen i was younger (20s) i remember hearing an experience at a district assembly about a best-selling author who, in his book, wholeheartedly recommended employing jehovah's witnesses because they were honest, good workers ... etc.
it seems like he couldn't recommend jw's enough.
the speaker went on to read a page or two from the book, and stated it was a glowing recommendation from a 'worldly' author who regarded jw's very highly.
In his book he claims to be the foremost privacy expert, and that it would be near impossible to track him down. I say it would be easy with his photo, and a list of Kingdom Halls in his approximate area.
"Do you still feel Jehovah is directing the Organization?"
by outsmartthesystem infor those of you with experience being asked this question.....or those of you that are/were elders........ what would happen if you responded to that question by saying "i don't know"?.
what would happen if you responded with "i choose not to answer that question."?
and then when they ask why, you say "because i wish to invoke my 5th amendment rights".
Ha. I got asked that by an elder about two weeks ago. I said "I'm still investigating".
Has anyone heard of JJ Luna?
by biometrics inwhen i was younger (20s) i remember hearing an experience at a district assembly about a best-selling author who, in his book, wholeheartedly recommended employing jehovah's witnesses because they were honest, good workers ... etc.
it seems like he couldn't recommend jw's enough.
the speaker went on to read a page or two from the book, and stated it was a glowing recommendation from a 'worldly' author who regarded jw's very highly.
What happened in your company in the 90s? Were you employing JWs?
Has anyone heard of JJ Luna?
by biometrics inwhen i was younger (20s) i remember hearing an experience at a district assembly about a best-selling author who, in his book, wholeheartedly recommended employing jehovah's witnesses because they were honest, good workers ... etc.
it seems like he couldn't recommend jw's enough.
the speaker went on to read a page or two from the book, and stated it was a glowing recommendation from a 'worldly' author who regarded jw's very highly.
When I was younger (20s) I remember hearing an experience at a district assembly about a best-selling author who, in his book, wholeheartedly recommended employing Jehovah's Witnesses because they were honest, good workers ... etc. It seems like he couldn't recommend JW's enough. The speaker went on to read a page or two from the book, and stated it was a glowing recommendation from a 'worldly' author who regarded JW's very highly.
That book was "How to Be Invisible". You can buy it on Amazon at:
I forgot all about that talk, till last year when I purchased that book. After reading that book, and contacting the author(Jack?) via his website: I discovered that he is in fact a Jehovah's Witness, and has been for many years. So in fact he was never a 'wordly' author.
The book also recommends various forms of lying and deceit to hide your identity. And comes with an early Watchtower definition of a lie in the preface:- "saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth and doing so with the intent to deceive or to injure him or another person" Which is apparently from (Franz, Vol. 2, 1988:244).
Anyone else read this book, or know of Jack?
what happens to wts writers who write mistakes in printed pubs
by mP ingiven that the printed word is forever and cannot be erased do the writers get into trouble for the embarassment they cause ?
every mistake results in someone today or tommorrow or nnext year and so on losing faith which is a disasyer for the org.
how do they hope to control these errors and prevent them from happening in the future.?
They get sent on a missionary assignment to the Middle East.