Jehovah’s Witnesses Plan on Looting the Dead

by God_Delusion 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • God_Delusion

    Hi guys and gals,

    I've written a new article on what some Jehovah's Witnesses plan on doing after Armageddon strikes.

    I am sure you've been around Witnesses that have said something like "Oh I'm moving into that house after Armageddon."

    Here is the article. Let's get the topic started, as I haven't really read any comments on the looting of the dead.

    Kind regards,


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Yes...sad but true..

    I was just a study and I heard my study ladies husband say that about a neighbours house and car. Made me laugh because I had just joined JWN and had read about some witnesses saying that ....and there he my lounge...saying those exact words only a few days was surreal.,

    I have to say if looks could kill he would be dead, because his wife was not impressed. She obviously remembered I was just a study and he didn't. It wasn't a good look for Jehovahs people...LOL

  • designs

    It could be a great fright fest movie.

  • biometrics

    Whenever witlessing in a rich area the "I'll be taking that house after Armageddon" comment was mentioned more than once. When I was a kid I was horrified to hear an elderly, well respected sister say it, but gradually got used to it. Eventually ended up thinking that way myself.

  • mP

    whats the point in looting those homes. wont they be cursed w/ dead roasted former occupants ? where will they get electricity , or water for starters.

  • designs

    Resurrected zombies get to run the power plants.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    they are just as greedy here in Oz... i too remember these sort of comments.


  • Alfred

    I knew a JW couple who "simplified" their lives to become regular pioneers. I think they simply couldn't find decent jobs so they decided to pioneer to elevate their status in the congo... they were such attention whores...

    Something that always caught my attention about them is that, during KH meetings, they would never waste an opportunity to comment on why it's so wrong to love material things... yet, in field service, you'd hear them say things like: "That's the kind of house I want in the new system" or "I hope Jehovah allows cars in the new system" or "I hope Jehovah lets me have a house with a big deck overlooking the ocean"... thereby exposing their true inclination towards material things...

    very hypocritical

  • mP

    and when jehovah wipes out your city with a million people and their bodies arerotting, why would you want to stay ? a big city with a few hundred or thousand wintnesses arent going to be able to cope w/ the digging before the place stinks up and becomes really really smelly and full of disease. how will they move these bodies, with no or limited petrol. with no electricity how will the petrol be pumped. who will start up the machines there ? who will run the sewers ?

  • God_Delusion

    Hi mP,

    This is my rendition of The Diary of a Jehovah's Witness Armageddon Survivor -

    It explains how the Witnesses get rid of the bodies.

    I aim to write the sequel to this story within the next few months...


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