So door to door work was ok for Jesus, but it's beneath the GB?
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Do the Governing Body members ever go Door-to-Door?
by 00DAD inin his book, in search of christian freedom, ray franz wrote that that gb members for the most part never participated in door-to-door work.
they were "too busy with more important things.
" (gee, how come that excuse wouldn't work for the rest of us?
Homeopathy - Interesting Case in Australia
by cantleave inas i expect many of you can guess, i am very sceptical about unproven medical techniques, and find some of the claims made by homeopathic medicine quite ludicrous.
when i was a witness i saw lots of faith in "alternative" medicine, so long as it didn't border on anything to do with demunz, it was probably being promoted by some crank pot sister.
i would be interested in what opinions you guys and gals have.. anyway here's the article..
It's a bit of a one-sided article. It's impossible to make an objective conclusion without knowledge of the the site or their alleged claim(s).
I thought she was auditioning to be an Oompa Loompa!
Did you hear about the Bro. who was making $75K a year placing WT lit?
by Glander inneither did i..
Did you hear about the slave class who travels the world in first class?
Share your success story about raising kids outside of the JW religion.....
by QuestioningEverything inthis is in response to a poster/troll who said that the jw life is the only way to raise a responsible, moral young person.
i have 3 sons--19, 18 and 14. the oldest two just finished up their first year in college-not community college(nothing wrong with that) they are at a state university.
one made the dean's list both semesters.
One thing I am now ashamed of, was taking my three year old son to the back room to smack him for being disruptive during the meeting. Looking back I now know he had some type of hyperactivity disorder where he just couldn't sit still. This was most likely caused by certain foods he was then eating. Smacking children as young as 18 months was actively encouraged in the congregation I was in, and I was congratulated for "disciplining" my child.
Since leaving my relationship with my eldest son has really taken off. There's less stress, and I'm able to spend more time with him on weekends, teaching him things at his pace rather than fitting things around the Watchtower's onerous schedule. We go for walks in the bush and he talks, asks questions, and we generally always have a great time.
AJWRB changing its title and mission statement
by Shawn10538 insince my interview with dr. joy fridey of the red cross, it was revealed to me that there is no medical definition for the term "bloodless," "bloodless medicine," or "bloodless surgery.
" basically, every doctor and every patient has their own idea of what constitutes "bloodless.
" but according to dr. fridey, there is no definition of bloodless medically speaking.. one thng for sure, for those doctors who actually use this term or for the watchtower society who has probably introduced this expression into the consciousness of society and the medical profession, bloodless does not ever mean... bloodless.. (see article in the official ajwrb blog.).
In this regard the GB remind me of modern-day Scribes and Pharisees. Focusing on small details of the law (i.e. blood fractions ...), while ignoring the main part of the message.
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.
The NEW New World Translation. Suggestions please.
by Andrew Sh ini'm hoping to produce a new new world translation of the bible and if you have any ideas i would appreciate your contributions.
the format is thus:-.
1. the book, chapter and verse.. 2. the king james version (authorised version) of the above in full.
Matthew 11:30
Current: For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.
Proposed: For my organization's yoke is legalistic and authoritative, and its load is five meetings per week, field service, watchtower studies and much more than you could ever do.
Prozac Use Among JWs, Bethelites, Circuit Overseers and District Overseers, What Gerritt Loesch Said
by Scott77 inany bethelite whom served the past 5/6 years remembers gerritt loesch's morning worship when he mentioned over 40% of those in special full-time service (bethel, missionary, co, do) were on antidepressants, such as prozac.
serious phenomena affecting many, but throw the tight reins, multiplies it.
mc rubbermallet.
If the truth ever came out I suspect more than 50% of Jehovah's Witnesses are on medication for depression, or experience some level of depression.
In my limited circle of former friends who are still Jehovah's Witnesses I know of
A brother who is on constant antidepressants, and has been in electro-shock treatment twice.
His wife is constantly on antidepressants and is now on lithium.
His JW son (14 years old) attempted to hang himself. I was there when the police arrived.
A sister who had kidney failure due to excessive prolonged use of antidepressants
My own sister who's a JW is on antidepressants
My own brother who was on antidepressants while a JW. Funnily enough he didn't need them after leaving?
My childhood friend (son of an elder) who hung himself in his garage at age 35. Leaving a wife and two kids.
A sister who died of liver cancer, which is suspected of being caused by excessive prolonged use of antidepressants
And I've heard rumours of many others on antidepressants. Most of which I didn't know personally, so can't comment on.
Does that sound like a place of comfort and peace? But if you mention excessive depression among the JW's it's blamed on pressure from Satan.
I now have 'worldy' friends, and only know of one that is on antidepressants.
A Brother Died At Bethel
by MrFreeze ini got a text from my mom when i got into work today saying that a brother i've known for a while had died.
he was a bethelite and they found him dead in his room.
he was the same age as me.
If there ever was a religious organization to be pointed out for promoting or being a cause of mental problems in people, the JWS would be at the top of the list.
Some say cults such as the Jehovah's Witnesses attract people who are prone to mental issues. Others say these cults actually cause mental issues. One thing is for sure constant fear and pressure to perform certainly doesn't help.
A Brother Died At Bethel
by MrFreeze ini got a text from my mom when i got into work today saying that a brother i've known for a while had died.
he was a bethelite and they found him dead in his room.
he was the same age as me.
Not a rule anymore provided the person had mental problems.
Most people who commit suicide do have mental problems, even if they don't outwardly show it.
The only exceptions I see is if they're high on recreational drugs, or have some shameful experience (e.g. it was discovered they were a pedophile) where they view suicide as a better alternative to living.