I think it was to rid the world of sinners and alien/anglic human hybrids AKA "Nephlim".
JoinedPosts by biometrics
RE: What did God accomplish with the flood?
by bioflex inwas just going through a few topics and this caught my attention, and since that thread looks pretty much dead i thought i would create a new one to add my thoughts .. so i would start by replying to as much criticisms as i can okay.
@jam: .
the purpose of the flood, because man grieved him to.
Did you ever shun people when you were a dub? How did it feel?
by oldlightnewshite inokay, i don't know lots of people that were df'd, but of all the times i've encountered df people when i was a dub, they actually blanked me!
it was always something that i had fixed in my mind that the jws had dead wrong, even when i was an uber dub.
i remember several times when i used to arrive late at meetings, and i'd make a point of getting eye contact with the poor dub at the back sitting on the naughty step.
Never intentinally. When my sister was DF'd I wasn't allowed to attend her wedding, and had no transport (I was 14).
Through the years my brother was DF'd but I never shunned him. When I met DF'd JW's I said hi and had a quick conversation, some of them were shocked that I was talking to them, one even got all emotional.
Self Defense And Eschewing Violence: Mutually Exclusive?
by Cold Steel init seems that the views on handgun ownership and weapons are sporatic among jws.
if i understand it correctly, it's generally okay to own guns and knives as long as they aren't to be acquired as weapons...even self defense.
some jws say they have no problems with gun/knife ownership; others say that it's easier not to tell anyone they have them.
Luke 22:36 - 38:
36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”
38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”
“That’s enough!” he replied. -
This must be true because nothing else fits
by biometrics inso elder x came over the other day to convince me about why jehovah's witnesses have 1914 correct.
i wrote about this some time ago, but the elder never returned.
he caught me off-guard, and unprepared.. he went through the reasoning book (p95), and pointed out all the reaons (day for a year, daniel, 360 days, 2520 ...).
While Elder X was doing his speech, he kept looking at me. It was almost as if he was waiting for me to give an approving nod, or some other small gesture of agreement. I kept staring straight into his eyes with a poker face, the only time I gave a slight nod of approval was when he said something to the effect of "If 1914 is wrong, all the other prophesy hanging off would be wrong also".
His look reminded me of my dog training days where the dog would wait on my next command. The dog knew my exact command from the smallest gesture, and was desperate to please me.
This must be true because nothing else fits
by biometrics inso elder x came over the other day to convince me about why jehovah's witnesses have 1914 correct.
i wrote about this some time ago, but the elder never returned.
he caught me off-guard, and unprepared.. he went through the reasoning book (p95), and pointed out all the reaons (day for a year, daniel, 360 days, 2520 ...).
As long as they don't lead me away from Christ I'll be OK.
This must be true because nothing else fits
by biometrics inso elder x came over the other day to convince me about why jehovah's witnesses have 1914 correct.
i wrote about this some time ago, but the elder never returned.
he caught me off-guard, and unprepared.. he went through the reasoning book (p95), and pointed out all the reaons (day for a year, daniel, 360 days, 2520 ...).
So elder X came over the other day to convince me about why Jehovah's Witnesses have 1914 correct. I wrote about this some time ago, but the elder never returned. He caught me off-guard, and unprepared.
He went through the reasoning book (p95), and pointed out all the reaons (day for a year, daniel, 360 days, 2520 ...). Then his line of reasoning took the route of "1914 must be correct because there's so many other prophesies hanging off it, and if it were moved all these other prophesies woudn't make sense" and "1914 must be correct because nothing else fits". This type of reasoning is wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start.
I expect him back next week, and I'd like to present him with some questions/evidence revaling why 1914 date is questionable.
My wife, who is not yet a JW (but occasionally goes to meetings) will also be there. If it wasn't for her slight interest I wouldn't even bother with this.
by smmcroberts ini've always questioned the appropriateness of the title "faithful and discreet slave" that the governing body so proudly assigns itself.
but i've spent most of my time demonstrating how they've been neither faithful nor discreet.
recently it dawned on my that i'm even more angry at the fact that they call themselves a "slave"!
I think we all know the real saves are the "Great Crowd".
Interesting discussion with some Witnesses at my door today
by jwfacts ini moved to a new home about 6 months ago, so am no longer on a do not call list, but have not been contacted by jw's yet.
i didn't even know which territory i am in.
i asked again what congregation and he told me.
Are you going to do a reverse return visit?
"No Other Magazine Comes Close" - Watchtower's new slogan...
by cedars in...and they're clearly in the mood for pushing it on youtube.. .
what is it with all these random youtube channels, each showing polished and highly-produced videos.
I noticed they turned off voting on the youtube clip.
Maybe someone could make a parody with all the failed predictions rather than number of magazines.
"No Other Magazine Comes Close" - Watchtower's new slogan...
by cedars in...and they're clearly in the mood for pushing it on youtube.. .
what is it with all these random youtube channels, each showing polished and highly-produced videos.
Let the disliking begin.