My wife went to the Sunday meeting and said nearly everyone had ipads (tablet PCs) or laptops during the watchtower study with downloaded watctowers.
If they provide free WI-FI and coffee, I might start going again.
my wife went to the sunday meeting and said nearly everyone had ipads (tablet pcs) or laptops during the watchtower study with downloaded watctowers.. if they provide free wi-fi and coffee, i might start going again..
My wife went to the Sunday meeting and said nearly everyone had ipads (tablet PCs) or laptops during the watchtower study with downloaded watctowers.
If they provide free WI-FI and coffee, I might start going again.
does anyone else find it ironic that the watchtower places literature on the internet, encourage people to download and share it, but then warns no to post it on the internet?
isn't posting on the internet the no.1 method of sharing information in this day and age?
and what, exactly, constitutes "posting on the internet".. in their terms and conditions:.
Link doesn't work when you need to quote a specific part of the article. I think it still shoulld be possible under copyright / fair use.
does anyone else find it ironic that the watchtower places literature on the internet, encourage people to download and share it, but then warns no to post it on the internet?
isn't posting on the internet the no.1 method of sharing information in this day and age?
and what, exactly, constitutes "posting on the internet".. in their terms and conditions:.
Does anyone else find it ironic that the Watchtower places literature on the internet, encourage people to download and share it, but then warns no to post it on the internet? Isn't posting on the internet the no.1 method of sharing information in this day and age? And what, exactly, constitutes "posting on the internet".
In their terms and conditions:
Site visitors may download copyrighted materials from this site for non-commercial use only. By downloading such materials from this site, visitors agree not to post these materials on the Internet or on any other electronic network. Visitors also agree not to share these materials in exchange for money, even if no profit is involved.
long story short wifes friend was preaching non stop during an emotional time for my wife.
emailed friend and kindly asked to stop preaching but still be a friend.
friend no longer contacts wife and wife is sad.
Why do JW read more into something than what you mean or state?
Becuase their entire religion is based on reading more into what is actually written / said in the bible. It's a short step for them to apply those same principals in every day situations.
what attracted you to the watchtower?
were you raised in it?
if not, what caused you to convert?
Born in.
When I was a youth in the 1980s and expressed doubts I was also told to prove 'the truth' to myself. At that time, there was no internet, the only reference material available was a set of encylopedias, the public library, and watchtower and awake volumes. Yet I still had doubts about differences between what the bible said and what the watchtower taught.
hear me out.
you see when good things happen to them it's "proof" of jehovah's blessing.
when bad things happen to them it's persecution from satan and in a weird way confirmation of their beliefs.
No doubt there'll be some type of 'miracle'. The type that starts JW urban legends.
i was just on the new site and i have to say, they've done a good job.
it looks pretty sleek and is easy to navigate.
the production values of their magazines (in particular the photos) seems to have improved since i last spent much time on the site.
One of the elders once admitted to me "Yes, there's a chance we (Jehovah's Witnesses) have got it all wrong. BUT, WHAT IF WE ARE RIGHT." At the time that statement made perfect sense to me, as I'm sure such statements did to others here.
If I could go back in time I'd say something to the effect of "So you'd like me to trust my entire life to the Watchtower on the off chance that Jehovah's Witnesses aren't wrong."
7.. walter becker lyrics" hat too flat ".
hat too flat - walter becker - youtube?
hat too flat - walter becker.
Had a few moles on my body. Worse one was in front of my ear, just under my hair. Nearly every time I went for a haircut they'd catch it on the clippers (even after warning them). Doctor quoted $400 to remove it.
A friend recommended DermaTend. At first I thought it looked like a scam.
DermaTend cost less than $100 and didn't even leave a scar. Doctor wanted to cut it out. I also removed three other moles on my face and neck with the same portion.
My sister also used it on her dog's ear to remove skin-tags. Worked great.
i currently am a jw and my parents are too.they seem either confused or dislike it when i raise questions and recently, when i questioned them about 1925 and 1975, i've been told it's changed due to "new light.
" i don't remember nor do i have very much knowledge of "new light.".
this "new light" just dosen't sit with me and neither do the false light first of all, breaks a scripture in deut.
It's not up to you to disprove. The burden of proof is on the person asserting thier idea. Make them prove it.
watchtower's weirdest photograph?.
you wont believe it when you see it.
and is available at:
What a joyful bunch!
Maybe the original photo had an error so they sent it to the artwork dep for fixing. Or perhaps the person sitting there was DF'd?