People like to blame circumstances, other people, ... anything but themselves.
Regardless of whether he's rich, poor, black, white, young, old ... it's no excuse. If this boy played any part he deserves absolutely no sympathy.
i'm posting this story, not to defend an indefensible act, but to try to provide some balance.
the fact is that so many indians exist in a poverty so deep that it's difficult for westerners to even understand.
the youngest of the rapists in the now world known rape story, according to this uk, independent newspaper story, grew up in that world that seems hopeless.
People like to blame circumstances, other people, ... anything but themselves.
Regardless of whether he's rich, poor, black, white, young, old ... it's no excuse. If this boy played any part he deserves absolutely no sympathy. .
wow talk about a way to push your garbage.
i can see it now the wbts is going to start taking their web pages down when people with open minds start picking apart what they write and openly publish for all to have this is only going to get better.
I remember reading an Awake years ago (in the 1990s) about how computers have reached certian engineering limits. I guess that didn't turn out to be true, otherwise I'd be posting from a 486 with 128MB.
now that you realise how idiotic some of the jw beliefs are/were, do you feel ashamed of how gullible you were to believe them?.
if anything my past as an adult jw makes me understand how easily manipulated people are by the people and environment around them.
and that even intelligent people can be influenced beyond what is rational..
Now that you realise how idiotic some of the JW beliefs are/were, do you feel ashamed of how gullible you were to believe them?
If anything my past as an adult JW makes me understand how easily manipulated people are by the people and environment around them. And that even intelligent people can be influenced beyond what is rational.
because i was abroad we had to use the original revelation book and only the reader had the new improved version so i don't know if this was the same else where but following along using the old version made the adjustments seem even more ludicrous.. why didn't they ensure everyone had the new version before studying it rather than highlight all the "adjustments" that had to be made in a km and therefore making them more obvious?.
do you think there could be a list of amendments to be inserted into the reasoning book in the same way?.
Maybe they'll need to edit their online watchtower lib too. It's littered with phrases such as:
... entered its last days in 1914, and some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness its complete end in the “great tribulation.”
where can i plug in my i-pod to read my downloaded publications ?
Hey that's Ted's body. Remember, the do-not-call on High Street. Who's right now Ted (ha ha ha ... evil laugh).
where can i plug in my i-pod to read my downloaded publications ?
It stinks. Who's going to clean up all those apostate and unbeliver corpses?
Hey, where's my genatalia gone (Matt 22:30)?
It's been 30 years already, but where'd all these kids come from (Matt 22:30)?
Who gets the waterfront houses?
How are we going to print all the literature for resurected ones?
seems that a stalled wall street tax inititive in the usa has supporters in the uk calling for a robin hood tax, which would tax stock transactions as small fee on every sale.. .
I'm totally against a lot of taxes. But this is one tax I could live with.
just attended the sunday of the zealous kingdom proclaimers district convention in manchester, england and during the final talk we had an update on the world situation as it relates to jehovah's witnesses.
the speaker was peter ellis, a member of the london bethel branch committee.. he stated that many had been waiting for armageddon for some years and some have become disappointed that it hasn't yet arrived, and that newer jw's did not seem to have the same degree of faith as some of the old-timers in the faith, hence this was of serious concern.
then he said something along the lines of 1914 being set in stone and that the organization was not going to get any new light on this key doctrine, hence we can be sure that armageddon is very near.. interesting don't you think?
"1914 being set in stone and that the organization was not going to get any new light on this key doctrine."
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't JWs beleive "new light" is divinely revealed. So does the statment above mean 1. "New light" is actually from men. or 2. They've received "new light" telling them there'll be no more "new light" on 1914.
how long do you think the watchtower can speak about 1914 and have followers think it relevant?
i think for people born in the 1900's, it feels like an acceptable year.
but what about those born since 2000, will 1914 seem like a year of relevance?
The organisation has too many other dates related to 1914 (e.g. 1919, 607) to move it or get rid of it.
If I had to guess, they'll simply keep extending the meaning of generation, and reiterating "the end is even closer now". I've already heard talk along the lines of "a generation was 600+ years in Noah's day". At the same time I suspect they'll fade 1914 from literature over the next decade or two. The end result being 1914 simply never gets mentioned, but is never officially depricated.
As new generations come through the organisation and don't get taught the 1914 doctrine they may drop it.
i typically gave $$$ to the local kh and seldom gave donations to the society.. i always am amazed how some church going people have very little materially, yet make sure the church and the pastors are well taken care of..
Once - $50.
Yet my mum got done for $100K in the 1980s which was an insurance settlement when dad died. At that time 100K would easily buy a very nice house.
Rather than use that money for what it was intended (i.e. looking after kids and a more comfortable life) it went to the organisation. An elder knew she was getting the money and talked her into the donation. As a kid I remember going to the elder's house nearly every w/e invited for dinner ... etc.