Shunning = bloodguilt
JoinedPosts by biometrics
Remember the Story about a Month Ago RE the Woman Who Murdered Her Two Children?
by jamiebowers ini have received correspondence from a jw in ontario canada.
the following is background information regarding the sinclair family and their adult children.
their son, scott left the cult and committed suicide.
Jehovah's Witnesses DO NOT break up families
by irondork injehovah's witnesses do not break up families.
members who refuse to become or remain jehovah's witnesses... break up families.. really, you apostates have such a distorted perception of reality.. .
And using that same logic, I state "Guns don't kill people, it's the people who won't dodge the bullets".
A question regarding bringing reproach on Gods name
by crazycate inregarding the tragedy in gresham this last week, i have nothing but sadness for the loss of that young life, and nothing but sympathy for the family and friends that mourn her.
i do, however, see the attempts being made to make sure everyone "knows" that the alleged killer was not a "real witness.".
i was raised as a jehovah's witness and remember the conversations that surrounded any criminal action by a member of the congregation.
So many things done in God's name. Wonder how he feels about it. Everything from covering up peadophiles to murdering innocent people.
Abraham is not a son of God? So says the elder
by biometrics infollowing from my other thread: the elder made a statement that i knew was wrong, but wasn't sure where to look in the bible.. he said 'abraham was a friend of god, not a son of god' and he used this point to show that 'brothers' mentioned in matthew 25:31-46 (least of my brothers) can only mean the anointed (144,000).
and we will be judged eternally by our attitude toward the gb/watchtower.. this morning i found in luke 3:33 that abraham is listed as a 'son of god' by his lineage from adam.. the son of isaac, the son of abraham,.
the son of terah, the son of nahor,.
My only goal is to get my wife to see things for what they are. So far I think I'm winning.
Abraham is not a son of God? So says the elder
by biometrics infollowing from my other thread: the elder made a statement that i knew was wrong, but wasn't sure where to look in the bible.. he said 'abraham was a friend of god, not a son of god' and he used this point to show that 'brothers' mentioned in matthew 25:31-46 (least of my brothers) can only mean the anointed (144,000).
and we will be judged eternally by our attitude toward the gb/watchtower.. this morning i found in luke 3:33 that abraham is listed as a 'son of god' by his lineage from adam.. the son of isaac, the son of abraham,.
the son of terah, the son of nahor,.
^^^ The only reason I'm going through this is because my wife is half in, and hasn't decided yet. I got her into this, so I need to help her out.
Abraham is not a son of God? So says the elder
by biometrics infollowing from my other thread: the elder made a statement that i knew was wrong, but wasn't sure where to look in the bible.. he said 'abraham was a friend of god, not a son of god' and he used this point to show that 'brothers' mentioned in matthew 25:31-46 (least of my brothers) can only mean the anointed (144,000).
and we will be judged eternally by our attitude toward the gb/watchtower.. this morning i found in luke 3:33 that abraham is listed as a 'son of god' by his lineage from adam.. the son of isaac, the son of abraham,.
the son of terah, the son of nahor,.
Following from my other thread:
The elder made a statement that I knew was wrong, but wasn't sure where to look in the bible.
He said 'Abraham was a friend of God, not a son of God' and he used this point to show that 'brothers' mentioned in Matthew 25:31-46 (least of my brothers) can only mean the anointed (144,000). And we will be judged eternally by our attitude toward the GB/Watchtower.
This morning I found in Luke 3:33 that Abraham is listed as a 'Son of God' by his lineage from Adam.
the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham,
the son of Terah, the son of Nahor,
35the son of Serug, the son of Reu,
the son of Peleg, the son of Eber,
the son of Shelah, 36the son of Cainan,
the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem,
the son of Noah, the son of Lamech,
37the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch,
the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel,
the son of Kenan, 38the son of Enosh,
the son of Seth, the son of Adam,
the son of God.Does anyone know of any other bible passages that show 'brothers' mentioned in Matthew 25:31-46 does/could not mean the GB, or 144,000?
Is my reasoning correct? The way I read Matthew 25:31-46 is that brothers mean fellow christians, or fellow man. i.e. we will be judged by the way we treat people.
Nebuchadnezzar's accession year in 625 B.C.E
by biometrics indoes anyone have info on why the watchtower's view that nebuchadnezzar's accession year was in 625 b.c.e is incorrect.. from the cd rom:.
jerusalem came under final siege in zedekiahs 9th year (609 b.c.e.
), and the city fell in his 11th year (607 b.c.e.
^^ Thanks for that. The 70 years from 539 is so simple, it makes the king lineage look overly complicated.
Nebuchadnezzar's accession year in 625 B.C.E
by biometrics indoes anyone have info on why the watchtower's view that nebuchadnezzar's accession year was in 625 b.c.e is incorrect.. from the cd rom:.
jerusalem came under final siege in zedekiahs 9th year (609 b.c.e.
), and the city fell in his 11th year (607 b.c.e.
I thought 'salvation', or in JWspeak, everlasting life, depended on faith/dedication/service to Jehovah with Jesus ruling as king. The F&DS (aka the GB) takes the lead in dispensing 'truth', but are not in a chain of command to be worshipped or revered.
Good point. I'll bring that up with him next time.
Nebuchadnezzar's accession year in 625 B.C.E
by biometrics indoes anyone have info on why the watchtower's view that nebuchadnezzar's accession year was in 625 b.c.e is incorrect.. from the cd rom:.
jerusalem came under final siege in zedekiahs 9th year (609 b.c.e.
), and the city fell in his 11th year (607 b.c.e.
So the elder came and went. He couldn't answer any of the quesions about the kings lineage. He took my printout and said he would find an answer for me.
He gave a speech about how my eternal salvation depends on my attitude toward the governing body.
Then he talked about the 'slave class' giving food at the propper time. I asked him about the logistics of the global anointed 144,000 still on earth providing that food. He agreed that only the GB provide that food, and even then they don't actually write the articles, they just give orders, and approve articles.
Nebuchadnezzar's accession year in 625 B.C.E
by biometrics indoes anyone have info on why the watchtower's view that nebuchadnezzar's accession year was in 625 b.c.e is incorrect.. from the cd rom:.
jerusalem came under final siege in zedekiahs 9th year (609 b.c.e.
), and the city fell in his 11th year (607 b.c.e.
Does anyone have info on why the Watchtower's view that Nebuchadnezzar's accession year was in 625 B.C.E is incorrect.
From the CD ROM:
Jerusalem came under final siege in Zedekiah’s 9th year (609 B.C.E.), and the city fell in his 11th year (607 B.C.E.), corresponding to Nebuchadnezzar’s 19th year of actual rule (counting from his accession year in 625 B.C.E
Have an elder coming over to discuss this
I'm showing the elder the table on:
But his response was Nebuchadnezzar's accession year was in 625 B.C.E.