No, I never really bought into that particular fairy tale. I HOPED it might be true, but never really deep down BELIEVED. It got even harder to accept as I began to se the old timey rock solid JWs who had been around for the 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die!" announcement die off. They REALLY believed but they're all gone now. My mom still says she hopes she'll never die but she doesn't seem too certain. Its sort of a wistful "Wouldn't it be nice" daydream for her.
I'm just starting to come to terms with knowing that someday (far in the future I hope!) my mom is going to die and I'm going to have to deal with it. My own death doesn't really bother me. It's the idea of possibly outliving everyone I care about that bothers me. I've seen what happens to the elderly who don't have anyone and it gives me some sleepless nights.