av8orntexas-check pm again, thanks
JoinedPosts by neverscreamagain
Do you stil have Jw stuff
by d ini still have jw stuff like bibles and watchtower i have to get rid of.
do you any of you guys and girls here have stuff you to get rid of..
Do you stil have Jw stuff
by d ini still have jw stuff like bibles and watchtower i have to get rid of.
do you any of you guys and girls here have stuff you to get rid of..
Whenever I come across them they always go straight to the trash. Have also considered printing some labels to carry with me to affix to mags directing them to a website, such as jwfacts. Haven't done that yet. Anyone have a good idea for a label ? Or even an irreverant one?
av8orntexas- you have a pm
The TENSION of unbearable BELIEF
by Terry ini have a personal theory about russell, rutherford and franz.. it extends to end times religious people in general.. that is, highly intelligent...end times believers.... .
there is a tension to believing something that never seems to overlap with reality.. your intelligence keeps flashing "something's wrong".. but, your deeply held convictions (faith) tells you to shut the f**k up!.
so, you live your live with a "gnawing" away at your brain.
Notjustyet's comment was meant to be sarcastic and funny. On reflection though the damage done by Manson pales into insignifigance when compared to the global scope and ongoing damage continuing from a group of sociopathic kooks in Brooklyn.
Just wondering
by Freeof1914 ini am sure that some of you know my story, but in case you don't, i come fromma family of extremely zealous witnesses.
my immediate family as well as much of my extended family.
my father and brother are all elders that are used on the circuit and district level.
Can relate to what your saying, my current situation is very similar. What your friends and family say is completely predictable and parrots the propaganda instilled through years of conditioning.
Using the word "dark" in JW speak is always negative and is used to imply that what is influencing you must be coming from a worldy even demonic source. Remember, there is never a legitamate reason that you could possibly have for "leaving the truth". For many their fear is real since you are choosing the other path, since there are only 2 paths. But it is understandable that having come out of a "black hole" where clear thinking and reasoning are verboten, that it is going to take time to regain your focus and adjust to the light.
You don't have to immediately jump on another path.
Did you Observe Medical Emergencies Occur While Meetings Continued On?
by flipper ini've thought a lot about this over the years .
bonafide's thread reminded me of this and how unethical and insensitive it was for jehovah's witnesses meetings to go on without stopping while some rank and file members were having medical emergencies right in the kingdom hall.
my experience i will never forget.. in 1983 i was among some pioneers who were giving experiences at a circuit assembly in front of a crowd of about 2,000. this 83 year old sister was standing at the microphone and when she got done with her part - she sat next to me in her chair on the stage.
Once had to make announcement of a sister's sudden death at service meeting. She had died only 4 or 5 hours earlier in the day, and only a few in the hall knew about it. It was extremely awkward to say the least. I tried to be as compassionate as possible, and I spent 3 or 4 minutes explaining what happened, but it was just the wrong time to make the announcement, given that the show had to go on for another hour. Looking back, the more appropriate time would have been at the conclusion of the meeting for it to be given, so that people could outwardly grieve and console one another. But it was just another announcement to be given, without being thought through as to what would be the best for the one's who really cared for the wonderful and loving lady that she was.
Did you Observe Medical Emergencies Occur While Meetings Continued On?
by flipper ini've thought a lot about this over the years .
bonafide's thread reminded me of this and how unethical and insensitive it was for jehovah's witnesses meetings to go on without stopping while some rank and file members were having medical emergencies right in the kingdom hall.
my experience i will never forget.. in 1983 i was among some pioneers who were giving experiences at a circuit assembly in front of a crowd of about 2,000. this 83 year old sister was standing at the microphone and when she got done with her part - she sat next to me in her chair on the stage.
This situation happened at one of the last meetings I attended. They had to do the talk, WT study switcharoo because the visiting speaker was running late.
Now get this. The speaker explains that the reason for his tardiness was that he had to drop his wife off at the emergency room, and it was indeed a medical emergency on her part, on his way to the hall. ???? Wait a minute. What?
Yes, you read that correctly. He stated the info like it was a point of honor, implying his loyalty and faithfulness for a theocratic assignment was not to be hindered by a little medical issue concerning his wife. Was he so important and irreplaceable that someone couldn't have pinch- hitted?
Even my wife saw the absurdity of the situation, if she cussed even she would have said WTF? Looking back, I wonder if he had time to take the brothers up on the Lunch hospitality usually offered?
Kingdom Hall remodel - scam
by Dagney ini was wondering from any here in the know, does it seem like there is a lot of "remodels" going on?.
in the last week i had the occasion to talk with two jw's in different halls, about 10 miles apart.
they both are undergoing major remodels.
A little over 30 years ago was at a KH in northern California, and we decided on a remodel. We all had the needed skills locally to do the work. I think the total costs was around $7500 dollars, we added bathrooms, walkways, stairs, new carpet and flooring, all finished and done professionally in about 6 weeks time. The cong pooled the funds together locally, and was paid for. Work would have if hired out, cost 60 or 70k to have done.
Hall was recently tore down, new hall built, nothing was wrong with old hall. Only difference is that local bros now do not own hall, and have large ongoing monthly payment. Was no need for new KH, no growth in area.
Heard of a KH in the Houston TX. area that spent well over $150k for a parking lot. No rumour, straight from one of the members. We are both in the building industry, and I told him that there was no possible way that the materials could have cost even a quarter of that amount. Where was the free labor?
If you have researched and read the information that your early posts imply, there is no way possible that you could intellectually and seriously be asking this question. We reach a point of having to make a decision as to what we do with our new found knowledge, and the consequences that our future actions will bring.
Perhaps that is why your questioning things now is being "emotionally driven". Losing friends and family by standing up for what is honest and true is not easy for anyone. I know this to personally be true. Many JW's will not question any doubts because deep down they know it would upset the status quo of their current families. It sounds like you are at a crossroads, but your decisions don't have to be immediate. Take your time. Get your questions answered. It has taken me a couple of years to get where I'm at now, and I know that its not easy.
You Might be a Jehovah's Witness if . . .
by sizemik inyou might be a jehovah's witness if .
you know when nisan 14 is but you forget you own birthday.
you wash windows for a living but you own five suits.
You taped WT and Awake magazines to the inside of your car when traveling to assemblies so as to be readily identified by others on the road doing the exact same thing.
Here are 5 reasons that the FDS is imaginary
by Terry infive reasons why the "faithful and discreet slave" class is imaginary:.
1 the wts has been inconsistent about who the slave is.
until 1895 it taught that the slave is the whole body of christ.
When I first read the acknowledgement that perhaps some of the Memorial partakers were emotionally or mentally troubled (crazy), I immediately thought are they really saying this, dont they realize the implications of what they are saying. OK, so which ones of the current or previous GB's fall into this category? I would safely conclude that all are to say the least sociopathic given that no concern is given to the consequences of their legislating people's lives. They obviously fail to ever think anything through, or simply dont care.