? I was thinking that for the past coupla weeks it was getting easier to log on.
JoinedPosts by neverscreamagain
PLEAAASE modify the captcha logic on this website
by redvip2000 ini'm desperately begging to the administrators of this website, to please modify the logic of the captchas used to validate the logins.. they were perfectly acceptable up to sometime in the last few days when they seem to have been modified.
the level of deciphering needed to read the captchas has gone up tremendously.
it took me about 30 attempts for this last login.. please revert the logic as it was before, where you had 2 words, one easy to read and another moderately hard to decipher..
email from father in law
by outsmartthesystem ini've been a little busy recently.
but in accordance with some of you (and against the advice of many of you)....i did send my 607 research to my fil.
his response is below.
outsmartthesystem- very well written and rationally stated. One can only hope that it will at some time in the future stir FIL to think. Don't count on it, thinking rationally as you know takes practice, and is highly discouraged with JW's. Kudos for you for being kind to your father in law. Demonstrating real love and compassion will be remembered long after he has forgotten or dimissed what you have wrote.
I have went through and am going through basically what you are experiencing now. You might think that if you can say or write the magic line of reasoning that it will get your family or friends to come around and see the evil that is the cult of The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Don't beat yourself up thinking that you should have said this or that or phrased it differently. People typically come in or out of the Borg after having something tramatic that affects them on a personal basis, and it can be something insignificant or tragic, who can tell or predict what it may be. It will be different for everyone. Hopefully when this happens and it will with ones that you know, they will be able to reflect back on your clear reasoning and kindness shown for their welfare.
The New Yorker Mag.- The Innocence of Americans - JW "Hate Speech" Supreme Court Case
by AndersonsInfo inseptember 17, 2012the innocence of americansposted by jelani cobb .
on a saturday afternoon in november, 1941, a jehovahs witness named walter chaplinsky took to a busy intersection in rochester, new hampshire, to hand out religious literature.
not long after, a group of bystanders began jeering chaplinsky for his beliefs.
Theocratic Sedition- Well said! And will add comment to article.
If I had to choose one magazine that I could not live without it would be The New Yorker. Learned more from one issue than from 30 years of Watchtower magazine reading.
I Could Really Use A Friend
by Hargitay inhave been in the austin area for a little over a week in the midst of trying to start over.
i was df'd recently after being in the truth my entire life.
everyone has abandoned me, and i am lost out here.
Welcome Hargitay, am in the Houston area. Can be really difficult at first adjusting to the isolation/loneliness. Can get much encouragement from this forum. Would be willing to go to meetups in different cities with advance planning given. Hang in there, time heals.
Leolaia: Where is your story?
by pirata ini looked through your posts but couldn't find your life story.
have you written it?.
i would love to read your progression from/through jw to avid scholar :).
Just needed to chime in also for being a Leolaia fan. Always appreciate the depth of research and the attention to detail that is included in each post.
And even more important is being a fellow Dr. Who fan!
This humorous and creative youtube clip has a great Dr. Who reference:
What Gilead Taught ME
by AllTimeJeff inthey mean the leadership.
all of this is code for: one who is not ready to really study and accept how the leadership of jehovah's witnesses use the bible to their own self serving means.
but to be fair, jw's teach that most all of these characters refer to the leadership of jehovah's witnesses, the governing body.
Great thread and topic! Much appreciated ATJ.
Is Today's Jehovah's Witness Religion The Same As It Was When You Were A Member?
by minimus inin my day, you were proud to be a jw!
you knew you'd get "persecution" and it was all good.
when you abstained from blood, you read the ingredients of a candy bar!
Indian Larry- The holding hands legislation was what finally pushed me over the edge. Just couldn't take any more legalism.
There are several threads on it. Here is one: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/182583/1/new-WT-rule-no-holding-hands-durning-public-prayer
need your advice again, please
by outsmartthesystem inso here's the latest in my pathetic saga.
i've tried to fly under the radar for the past year, but it isn't working so well.
i've learned not to engage my wife in debates but rather to ask questions.
Has the option of getting Professional counseling been considered?
As an armchair observer of your family dynamic, it seems to be quite adversarial, and perhaps by both parties.
Speaking from personal experience, you will not win in this situation where you are cast as the bad guy. The Borg supplies all the "answers" as to your motives in questioning anything.
Your motives need to be proved to her as having her and your children's best welfare at heart.
New YouTube video: Candace Conti tells her story
by cedars inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfhsewwd3wa.
Thanks to all in their efforts to publicize one of the most egregious abuses of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Special thanks above all to a most courageous young lady, Candace Conti, without whose bravery this exposure would not be happening.
What Do you think? Is Natalie Plummer an Idiot? Woman Arrested For Warning Drivers Of Speed Trap
by Scott77 in.
Being a Houston resident, I know first-hand that it it next to impossible to get ticketed on the main freeways driving at 80-85 mph, unless you are drivind like an a**hole.
My hat is off to her for riding even riding a bicycle here. Being that she lives here there is no way she would have stepped out into the street. More people are killed every year on Houston freeways from having car troubles and venturing out of their vehicles than from actual accidents.
I agree with the earlier posters that the main issue here is one of free speech.