The scriptures you quote don't support an "elder" arrangement.
The "elder" arrangement is a concoction of the Watchtower.
Notice in 2Tim it says "THE overseer should therefore be..." It doesn't say "overseerS". There is one overseer just as there used to be chiefs over 10's 100's 1,000.
In contrast Ministerial Servants are listed in the plural. So there would be one overseer and many ministerial servants.
The New World Translation has a strange revision in the Titus description of Overseers. Look in your interlinear translation at 1Tim 3:2 It says "ho episkopos" - the overseer. Now turn in your interlinear translation to Titus 1:7 the Greek again says "ho episkopos" but the New World Translation renders this "an overseer" instead of "the overseer". This is obviously done to reinforce their changed belief that there are many "overseers" in each congregation. If you look in the older - 1961 version of the NWT it says "the overseer" at Titus 1:7. The version after the institution of the "elder" arrangement contains this little noticed revision. Kind of dishonest don't you think?
The difference between overseer and ministerial servant is that the overseer had to be an exemplary teacher. Teaching is a "gift". Even James 3:1 says "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers".
The Watchtower realizing this conflict came up with the idea that there are all sorts of "teachers" - some are good one-on-one - some are good teachers from the platform etc. In other words since they held out the goal of "all" brothers becoming elders/overseers they had to water down the qualifications of what really makes a good teacher.
Kind of sounds like the warning of 2Tim 4:3 "For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, THEY WILL ACCUMULATE teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled." Accumulate - according to the dictionary means "to grow to be extensive in number". Too many chiefs not enough indians?
The reason meetings are so boring is that "teaching ability" is no longer a real qualification for leadership. There is only one real qualification for leadership under the Elder arrangement - Field Service Time.
The "elder" arrangement practiced by the Wathctower is a completely unscriptural organizational structure.