Did I miss something? What are YOU reading? I know you have read some of Albert Ellis's stuff. What else?
i'm interested in finding out what everyone is reading these days.. or what books have had an impact on your worldview since leaving the org.. what have you found helpful in re-constructing and broadening the way you think and feel?.
what have you found to be particularly enlightening on 'your journey?'.
thanks in advance,luv to all.tina.
Did I miss something? What are YOU reading? I know you have read some of Albert Ellis's stuff. What else?
the test for a prophet is found in deuteronomy 18:20-22. .
this scripture teaches that a prophet must be tested by checking his prophecies.
jesus said, "beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
This is a convenient stick to beat up JW's. But explain this:
Ezek 14:9,10 "And as for the prophet, in case he gets fooled and actually speaks a word, I myself, Jehovah, have fooled that prophet...The error of the inquirer will prove to be just the same as the error of the prophet."
Christians seemed to have unfullfilled expectations too!
pubs in 2001 service year[ usa] 945,689 compared to 945,000 avg.
in 2000.. total baptized in 2001 service year 28,239 compared to the 28,475 in 2000.
Of course I am speculating (no kidding). The objective of JW's has never been to convert the whole world. Europe (east & west) Japan and other advanced nations might make up the third of the world that Revelation (Chapter 8) describes as being the focus of the woes that were to befall mankind. For all practical purposes JW's have only given a thorough witness to the third of the world that has been influeced by Christianity. When you read about the final struggle on earth it appears that it isn't universal. In addition to the fraction of the earth discussed in Chapter 8 of Revelation there is something similar mentioned in Daniel 11:41 "He (King of North) will also actually enter into the land of Decoration, and there will be many lands that will be made to stumble. But__ these are the ones that will escape out of his hand, Edom and Moabe and the main part of the sons of Ammon." Also Daniel 7:11,12 "the beast was killed and its body was destroyed and it was given to the burning fire (12)But as for the rest of the beasts, their rulerships were taken away and there was a lengthening of life given to them for a time and a season."
The point of this is that there are scriptures in the Bible that indicate Armageddon doesn't mean the end of all national governements in one big battle but a process where the main offenders are cleared from the stage and most governments have time to adjust to the rule of some universal court.
This sort of explanation is the only way out for JW's.
pubs in 2001 service year[ usa] 945,689 compared to 945,000 avg.
in 2000.. total baptized in 2001 service year 28,239 compared to the 28,475 in 2000.
Room 215:
The fact that something hasn't happened has only ONE meaning - it hasn't happened. But the fact that something hasn't happened does not mean that it won't happen. Now you can be a pragmatist and say when it happens it happens - I'll worry about it then. Or you may keep awake - keep scanning the world scene looking for correlations and sifting the evidence. There is a reward that possibly awaits those who have discernment. If there isn't a reward then when all is said and done - none are the better for believing or not believing.
pubs in 2001 service year[ usa] 945,689 compared to 945,000 avg.
in 2000.. total baptized in 2001 service year 28,239 compared to the 28,475 in 2000.
Don't celebrate. These figures could be quite significant. They may indicate the saturation point for the USA. The work has been completed in the USA. It is now time for JW's to recognize that the Sept. 11 attack on the USA is the "disgusting thing standing where it ought not" . It is time for JWS to flee the USA/Babylon the Great before this richest entity the world has ever seen is completely destroyed.
all of us have had negative experiences as a result of leaving the witnesses, some much worse than others.
many here, have expressed a bitterness and an anger over loosing so many "wasted" years.
while these are natural feelings, i think there are several positives we can dwell on as well.
If I were to post what you did I would be jumped on for being a JW apologist. But what you wrote was a sign of a creative and mature mind. Nothing (almost nothing) is all good or all bad.
I think you may be giving JW's more credit than they deserve in some areas. A lot of "traits" that you feel they developed were probably inherited abilities and tendencies.
These are areas that they didn't help me:
1. Exposed me to ignorant street people I would never have associated with except for being a JW. This has not helped me. I really have a tendency to overate my abilities because most of the people at the hall (midwestern industrial rust-belt town) were practically illiterate.
2. Taught me to be anti-science.
3. Taught me that I must accept certain human authorities as the last word.
4. Taught me that holy spirit gives people their special abilities. I actually believed that any talents I had were only given me so that I could serve God and the congregation. I thought that if I left the "truth" I would become a worthless idiot.
I have raised my kids to only associate with their intellectual equals even if they have to go outside the congregation to find friends.
As a reaction to the anti-science I have gone too far and tend to trust in scientism.
I have raised my kids to question every authority including "parental" authority.
I have worked hard with my kids to discover their abilities, aptitudes, temperament, vocational interests so that they can do the work they are sutited for.
"watching the world" in the dec.8,01' awake carries.
a scare story about pornography.
it refers to the.
I agree. But I still don't know whether the figures Metatron is quoting from the Awake are accurate _AND_ Metatron doesn't either.
Those who hate JW's use the techniques of propaganda just like the Watchtower.
When it comes to reading anything in the news that I have an in-depth interest I find all sorts of errors. You could spend your whole life writing to editors about their mistakes. Of course if the Watchtower is from Jehovah it shouldn't have any mistakes!!
I think this is a cheap shot from Metatron. By cheap - I mean - he didn't have to invest much time or thought to nip at the Watchtower's ankles. Apparently he is content with this tactic because he hasn't cared enough to follow through.
"watching the world" in the dec.8,01' awake carries.
a scare story about pornography.
it refers to the.
You still haven't addresed the issue here. You head your post -Another Flawed, Misleading Awake. This is pure propaganda not unlike the propaganda you say the Watchtower uses.
I guess I'll have to read the article now even though I never read the Awake. You said it "appears" that the article is talking about US porno market. Does that mean you could be wrong and that I need to personally verify it by reading the article. Please let me know if it definitely is referring to the US market because I really don't feel like reading it myself.
I think it is wrong for JW's to disfellowship people who want to celebrate holidays. But they are entitled to their oppinions about holidays. There is nothing wrong or neccessarily "cultish" about remaining separate from the world
"watching the world" in the dec.8,01' awake carries.
a scare story about pornography.
it refers to the.
Your criticism is flawed because you don't give enough information.
I didn't read the Awake but I am sure they didn't originate the assesment of the size of the porn industry.
Did you think of calling the Watchtower and asking them the source of their information?
Was the Awake talking about the world-wide porn market. Were they including escort services, strip bars, phone-sex? Blackmarket snuff & child pornography?