Humans will figure this all out I'm sure. Hundred years ago we would never anticipated what we understand about biology today.
You can be sure if the religious censors have their way - dying and going to "heaven" will be the only hope.
thousands of years ago, a greek philosopher named plato.
developed the idea that humans had a part of them that.
survived death.
Humans will figure this all out I'm sure. Hundred years ago we would never anticipated what we understand about biology today.
You can be sure if the religious censors have their way - dying and going to "heaven" will be the only hope.
what comes to your mind when you think of the great minds of the past?.
for me it is da vinci, michaelangelo, manet, monet, picasso, van gogh,.
jerome; closer to today nelson shanks and maybe daniel green.. musically: mozart, beethoven, chopin, hayden, bach.. science: darwin, hawkings, einstein, edisen.. psychology: freud, otto rank, ernest becker.. there are many other fields you could name and with them other creative geniuses and/or great minds.
Why do male birds sing? Why are the males of most species the most colorful. Why are males taller than females. Why do roosters have bright red combs.
Although creativity is not limited to males there does seem to be a sex link to it. Most of the women I know who are creative have definite andric intrusions. Most of the creative men I know have strong gynic tendencies.
I believe men write books, do sports, paint pictures, write songs, discover great things with the hope of attracting females. I know Tatiana will be in here soon expressing her offense. Please remember that I am not saying women don't do creative things but come on ... where are the great symphonies over the last 30 years?
Women have breasts & so do men. Women's breasts have a function. Men's don't. Men are creative and so are women but it seems clear that Men are trying to attract females. We're truly pathetic.
the above phrase is one of the most cherished in the watchtowers huge arsenal of tools for manipulation.
it is used to work the average jehovah's witness into a sort of frenzy and keep them there.
come, lord jesus.revelation 22:20. watchtower, october 1.
You present an excellent case for the similarity between the early Christians and JW's. While JW's may be as ignorant and stupid as the early followers of the Christ Cult the rest of the so-called Christian religions have ignored the doctrine of the nearness of Christs return. In fact they are hypocrites.
Maybe there is something to the parable of the ten virgins. Some will be prepared for Christs return and some won't.
JW's are going through the same thing the early christians did after approximately 4 generations of "waiting" in vain. JW's adamantly refuse to talk about the nearness of the end. Instead they declare that the resurrection is the real hope - not living through the Great Tribulation. They self-righteously tell you "We're not serving God for some "date". I like to ask them if Russel, Rutheford, Knorr etc. didn't believe the end was coming in their life-time do you think there would even be an organization of JW's?
It takes time to grow an organization. If there is a God who wanted some representative group on earth to fullfil those prophecies that refer to "the holy ones" he would need to permeate their hearts with the idea that the end was near. Of course some would be disappointed. There are always causalties with human process because things take time.
One thing is for sure. Most of us will not die before we discover whether the JW's have "the truth". If they are wrong they will continue to become more and more like any of the other hypocritical religions that claim to follow Christ.
it seams to me that through out history men have allways commited the worst crimes against humanity.. from despot rulers to serial killers and petty crime , men do the most.. yet to me it seams that on a personnal level men get on better with each other than women.. women are often very senseitive and take offence much more easily.. they can be very bitchy and manipulative.. often men will have an aurgument with a friend and the next day all will be forgotten , while a women can take years to forgive.. so what is it about mens psychology that makes them commit worse crimes than women?.
or it there just the fact that they are physicaly stronger?.
i wonder that if in the future , women are in positions of power more that they will act worse than men have, or if they will show more compassion for others?
We are talking about crimnality. I was offering as an equivalent of male criminaltiy ie. the irresponsible producing of children with worthless men. There are women who have several children - each with a different man. They obviously have a problem with thinking through the consquences of their passion. Impulsivity coupled with low intelligence is a pretty good recipe for crimnality.
Being a JW all my life exposed me to a type of people I probably never would have associated. Many of these women come to the kingdom hall when they start suffering the consequences of their acts. The expression "it takes a village" with reference to raising kids is especially true in communites that aren't strict about sex out of marriage.
it seams to me that through out history men have allways commited the worst crimes against humanity.. from despot rulers to serial killers and petty crime , men do the most.. yet to me it seams that on a personnal level men get on better with each other than women.. women are often very senseitive and take offence much more easily.. they can be very bitchy and manipulative.. often men will have an aurgument with a friend and the next day all will be forgotten , while a women can take years to forgive.. so what is it about mens psychology that makes them commit worse crimes than women?.
or it there just the fact that they are physicaly stronger?.
i wonder that if in the future , women are in positions of power more that they will act worse than men have, or if they will show more compassion for others?
Right you're not STUPID. You're whatever you want to call a person who gets mad over someone's opinion. Why can't you just disagree? Then if you feel its worth the effort you might want to explain my fallacy and offer a rebuttal.
But getting offended?? Grow up.
I'm not offended that you're offended.
it seams to me that through out history men have allways commited the worst crimes against humanity.. from despot rulers to serial killers and petty crime , men do the most.. yet to me it seams that on a personnal level men get on better with each other than women.. women are often very senseitive and take offence much more easily.. they can be very bitchy and manipulative.. often men will have an aurgument with a friend and the next day all will be forgotten , while a women can take years to forgive.. so what is it about mens psychology that makes them commit worse crimes than women?.
or it there just the fact that they are physicaly stronger?.
i wonder that if in the future , women are in positions of power more that they will act worse than men have, or if they will show more compassion for others?
"The taking of offence rests in the heart of the stupid one"
You didn't have your children irresponsibly. You got married and did your best. Even female chimps avoid mating with the males that are overly aggressive and angry looking.
youll have to excuse me im still trying to play catch-up with whats going on here but.. this is addressed to all jws in good standing, or anyone else who may want to comment.. i will appreciate any insight from anyone regarding this.. why are you here????
are you trying to save a few apostates?.
you know your playing with satan.. is there someone in the gb giving a chosen few permission to post here?
I am a JW in good standing - third generation - grand parents started in the 1920's.
I don't agree with 80% of their teachings but that's enough to put them at the top of my list. Mostly I stand to lose my inheritance if I quit being a JW.
I come on here because its one of the few places I can get some good gossip about what's going on behind the "many" closed doors.
Another reason is to test my ideas. There are enough X-JW's here that understand the JW orientation and are bright enough to give excellent rebuttals to points they disagree with.
You can be sure that there are high-ranking JW's at Bethel that look in here. This is a better way to get to them then writing a letter.
it seams to me that through out history men have allways commited the worst crimes against humanity.. from despot rulers to serial killers and petty crime , men do the most.. yet to me it seams that on a personnal level men get on better with each other than women.. women are often very senseitive and take offence much more easily.. they can be very bitchy and manipulative.. often men will have an aurgument with a friend and the next day all will be forgotten , while a women can take years to forgive.. so what is it about mens psychology that makes them commit worse crimes than women?.
or it there just the fact that they are physicaly stronger?.
i wonder that if in the future , women are in positions of power more that they will act worse than men have, or if they will show more compassion for others?
Men do the bad stuff because they've got "balls". Take away the "balls" and they seem to settle down.
The fact that men are predisposed to get in trouble is a good argument AGAINST capital punishment. You don't choose your sex, intelligence level, impulsivity level etc.
Women do their own type of "bad" in the world. Having babies irresponsibly without a father, increases the population most likely to be criminals.
last night at meeting they told us to just use our blood cards from last year.
in the past they've always told us how important it was to get it signed every year so that people could see our current views as jw's.....doesn't this new arangement negate everything they've ever said in regards to this?
absolutely nuts!.
I have a whole stack of unsigned blood-cards. I always ask for extras. I figure I may need them to get back stage at a George Benson concert.
thousands of years ago, a greek philosopher named plato.
developed the idea that humans had a part of them that.
survived death.
The one thing the Watchtower has right is that there is no little man (homonculus) at the controls.
There are forces we don't understand but that's no excuse to become "religious". Have you read "Mind and Nature - A Necessary Unity" Gregory Bateson.
I believe the forms are not written in the DNA but are a consequence of the complex loops and feedback that result from the activation of the DNA. You don't simply produce chemicals. The chemicals interact.