Was it in conentric circles?
Was it in conentric circles?
zarco asked this question on another thread.
should jwd have a collective view on these burning issues?
my answer, definitely not.
The fact that we can't form a collective effort to straighten out the worlds problems is just a resignation to our doom. When the best we can do is leave it up to each individual without any coordinating control then we will simply destroy ourselves. So we have basically two paths to self-destruction. When things get really scary people get together
However, I prefer the path you suggest. It might avoid the inevitable a little longer. But if things get bad enough, the crazy hitlers start popping up anyhow.
i've written on here several times about how the witnesses have a really shallow spirituality.
remember how there were spiritual activities, "sacred service" as it was often called - bible study, prayer, meetings and field service - and everything else was considered not a spiritual activity, not sacred service?
they toyed with expanding the 'sacred service' definition for a short time.
Spirit and spirituatlity need to be tuned up for our modern day. Other words in that category are "sin", "faith" , "worship/religion" and "soul". These few words are probably responsible for 90% of the muddled thinking that persists even after people make a break from religion.
Sin = unnecessary selfishness. There is necessary selfishness.
Faith = contentment from some process state of inductive reasoning
Religion = Preservation of society.
Soul = Organism
Spirit = Information (neither matter or energy) most powerful force. It's everywhere.
Spirituality = the state of being receptive to information.
God = sum total of ALL information. Collective mind past, present, future.
Perhaps others here can add to this.
a man i knew very well at work, who i even traveled to mexico with on a company trip, is a muslim from afghanistan.
he told me once, "never trust any muslim, as they will not tell you the truth about themselves until it is too late.
" i found this interesting as this man was muslim.
Moslems are just an excuse to keep the defense industry humming. You have to have an enemy.
I think both mind sets can be dangerous if they are out of touch with reality. Science is the way you can test your personal data and group data.
What would you do if an alien came to you and took you for a spin in his "saucer"? You would have sufficient evidence for YOU to believe in such things. But it still wouldn't be science. There is a certain consensus involved with evidence that can be called "scientific". If you were going to be completely objective you would have to view yourself as having experienced a temporary condition of insanity. In such a case you would be wise to go to your doctor and get an MRI.
If two people experience the same thing at the same time it would indicate that there is something in the environment that caused the sensory distortions.
If a crowd of people experience the same thing it would raise suspicions that some sort of mass hysteria took hold.
If several people in different locations experience the same thing it gives it the credibility of an experience that has been "tested". Each person's report in that kind of situation serves as an independent experiment. At that point you are approaching scientific knowledge. But, that is only the raw data. One still has to reach some kind of conclusion. That is where a lot of "experts" tend to really fall flat. It would be correct to look for the simplest explanation. Many stop there. They don't do an analysis to determine if the simplest explanation is sufficient.
There ARE quite a few situations like this and the experts declare these "unidentified". There should be another category - "unidentified intelligent". The behavior of the object appears intelligent. When I think about it I believe that IS a category for serious UFO researchers.
This is different from religious experiences which seem to involve altered mental states. Individuals who jump to the conclusion that "holy spirit" entered them are making a claim that can't be verified to any degree unless it is accompanied by extraordinary evidence - they can now heal everyone they touch, or they can float in the air or walk on water.
On the other hand the idea that there may be intelligent life with exploratory urges that have taken a peek at what's going on here, is a possibility. There is very little that you can do with such knowledge. At best it should encourage scientists to look for theories of the Universe that might enable such a technology.
today putin accused the united states of making the world a more dangerous place by pursuing policies aimed at making it "one single master".
attacking the concept of a "unipolar" world in which the united states was the sole superpower, he said: "what is a unipolar world?
no matter how we beautify this term it means one single centre of power, one single centre of force and one single master.".
Very good questions and I have answered them a thousand times in the last 20 years. I have answered them all over this discussion board.
I will be very glad to answer them in one year.
You are smart enough to figure this out if you just do the research. For once, just once, play the devil's advocate. Defend my position. I am sure you can. How important is this to you? Gather everything I've said on this subject and you should be able to figure this out.
It is not important for me to explain this to you. I'm a lousy teacher anyhow.
Your arguments are all based on a fallacious model.
Being 61. And knowing that if I am fortunate to live to 80 I'm going to scare little children. Sometime between now and then I'm going to have my drivers license taken away. At some point you simply take deaths hand and he pulls the curtain. This is very hard for someone that gave up risks, joys, highs, because he thought he was going to live forever.
More and more I see myself as the character Allen Arkin plays in Little Miss Sunshine. Cocaine may not be bad for old people with nothing to lose.
i don't know how many have taken the myers briggs personality test?
my wife told me i was a esfj, whatever that means!.
do you think people not getting along, poster's differences, or war, or values, etc.
I believe that personality/temperament is inherited. This actually goes along with the Biblical (Aristotlean) view that the living body IS you. For those who have been discussing resurrection the relationship between one's actual body and their personality is significant.
I recently uncovered this quote in my archives.
The Human Organism As A Person S. Howard Bartley Chilton Book Co.
Philadelphia 1967
At that time Bartley was Professor of Psychology, Director Laboratory for the
study of Vision & Related Sensory Processes at Mich. State University.
page 25 paragraph 3
"The description we need is one that is dictated, first, by the physicist's
description of the natural universe; and second, by the conventions of natural
science, and thus the true biologist's description of organisms as a part of
nature. When we start from any other origin to describe man as a person, we
end with something that is not acceptable for the purpose at hand, although not
necessarily "unreal" or "erroneous." No description of personality has as yet
met the criteria just stated, and so cannot be used as it stands. They typical
procedure of the usual theory builder is either to couch his language simply in
terms of human experiences, or in unique abstractions having nothing to do with
facts and ideas of natural science. In neither case is this what is needed
Lists of traits seem to be endless. Some order has been made through
statistical analysis but there is still a need to be able to point to something
"big" in connection with organisms that can be measured that produces the super
traits that have emerged in this research.
Hope this isn't a thread killer
today putin accused the united states of making the world a more dangerous place by pursuing policies aimed at making it "one single master".
attacking the concept of a "unipolar" world in which the united states was the sole superpower, he said: "what is a unipolar world?
no matter how we beautify this term it means one single centre of power, one single centre of force and one single master.".
And it must occur at the end of seventy years that Jehovah will turn his attention to Tyre (a political entity), and she must return to her hire and commit prostitution with all the kingdoms of the earth upon the surface of the ground."
Is this self-explanatory? Are you going to make the claim that Tyre is NOT a political entity? How can Tyre be a political entity and simultaneously commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the earth BUT Babylon the Great cannot?
Revelation 18:23
because your traveling merchants were the top-ranking men of the earth.
Again this is the same language used to describe Tyre at Isaiah 23:8
Who is it that has given this counsel against Tyre, the bestower of crowns, whose merchants were princes, whose tradesmen were the honorable ones of the earth?
Was Ninevah a political entity or was it a religion? We know it was the capital of the Assyrian World Empire. So then explain how it is possible to be described the way it is at Nahum 3:4
Owing to the abundance of the acts of prostitution of the prostitute, attractive with charm, a mistress of sorceries, she who is ensnaring nations by her acts of prostitution and families by her sorceries
Here is an example of a political entity that in addition to being referred to as a prostitute is also a sorcerer or practicer of spiritism. Does that mean that Ninevah could not possibly be a political kingdom and must therefore be a religious entity? NO. It appears a political kingdom CAN be referred to as carrying on spiritistic practices.
Read Revelation 18:24 for yourself. "Yes in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth". This hyperbole is almost the same as that used to describe the blood-guilt of the political enity - Babylon .
Jeremiah 51:49 "Not only was Babylon the cause for the slain ones of Israel to fall but also at Babylon the slain ones of ALL the earth have fallen" Ancient Babylon was a political enitty. Are you going to believe that wagon loads of captured soldiers were carted to Babylon where they were finally executed?
Are you still going to argue that Babylon the Great is some World Empire of False Religion?