New Truth:
I am responding AS IF you are being serious.
Iraq didn't have hegemony over the kings of the earth when Bush invaded.
americans live in a dream world about the history of their country.. they just can't see the usa as the treacherous "harlot" in revelation.
how can it be said of the usa that "in her was found the blood of prophets, and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth"_rev 18:24. certainly you can't say in a literal sense that the usa is responsible for "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth" any more than you could say that of ancient babylon - "at babylon the slain ones of all the earth have fallen".
_jeremiah 51:49. the blood-guilt of both ancient babylon and babylon the great is expressed as hyperbole - exageration for emphasis.. but, isn't the usa the most peace loving nation on earth?.
New Truth:
I am responding AS IF you are being serious.
Iraq didn't have hegemony over the kings of the earth when Bush invaded.
Please don't leave me as the last poster on this thread.
It's bad enough that not too many want to reveal their TV interests.
But now that I have revealed mine (and no one seems to share the same programs) I look really out of the main stream, at least with this discussion board.
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on this board that subscribe to such.
the questions stated are not for some.
Almost Atheist:
Actually the Corvette did evolve. There could not have been a Corvette, before cars were invented. There couldn't be Corvettes before the internal combustion engine was invented. There could not have been a Corvette before wheels were invented.
These inventions were the results of concepts vying with each other at millions of stages in the brains of humans.
The brain is an evolutionary space. It just speeds things up.
The only example we have of design is trial and error just like evolution.
no one has ever been able to explain to me just how we, as products of evolution, can possibly have sentience and self awareness.
(i understand and accept that humans evolved.
how come i am aware that i am jim whitney, a middle aged male, instead of being a young female named sarah smith?
The idea that humans have an immortal soul is a deceptively deadly idea for humans.
The only people who would fight in wars would be mercenaries. There is no way you could get people to die if they thought that was it.
Belief in an imortal soul makes people callous to starvation and suffering. After all - this life is just a brief sojourn in the earthly school of misery.
And why take care of the planet? We're all going to leave it anyhow. And if you leave it in a mess people will be able to suffer and die sooner and get on to the next world.
If we are souls occupying feeble fleshly bodies then the Heavens Gate sect had it right. Shed your miserable body as quick as you can. The greatest favor you could do anyone is to liberate them from this flesh-burdened existence.
I like the concept of spooky imortality. You know - where you can hang around invisible as a ghost and get even with your enemies or maybe take on the role of incubus.
My favorite show: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Equally favorite show: Entourage
Can you get any shallower than that?
An old fart enjoying his millions, saying what he wants to say - blowing smoke into peoples conventions.
Young guys trying to get their millions - blowing smoke into peoples conventions.
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on this board that subscribe to such.
the questions stated are not for some.
You have a very bad habit of being your own cheering section. Please quit wasting time cheering your "imagined" victories and concentrate on the subject. It really is in bad taste and at the same time suggest you don't have honest intentions in this dialog.
The main reason atheists engage in these discussions is to find possible holes in their own arguments and also to develop better tools at quickly breaking through the resistance of believers.
So far you haven't presented anything new. Intelligent design arguments have actually been ruled on in courts of law. They don't contribute to the advancement of science and that's why they are being resisted by educators.
Your intelligent design argument is the same as Paley's. It is an old argument. And it has been successfully refuted since it was first made.
If anyone wants to seriously consider this subject - the experts have debated it to death - without the annoying self-cheering and trash talking which you would expect at an athletic event.
Beware common sense. People still talk about the sun setting when as you know it really is revolved out of sight.
no one has ever been able to explain to me just how we, as products of evolution, can possibly have sentience and self awareness.
(i understand and accept that humans evolved.
how come i am aware that i am jim whitney, a middle aged male, instead of being a young female named sarah smith?
Nociception is the starting point. Even amoeba react to a sharp pin prick by moving away.
The purpose of pain & consciousness is to protect your boundary. We have our actual boundary and then because of our complex brains we are able to symbolize our boundary - which we call "self".
Our sense of self looms large when we experience pain and our sense of self melts with pleasure. Pain signals the need to change direction so we become conscious and alert. As pain subsides alertness loses its keen focus and fragments into scanning the envrionment for orientational purposes. You go from "I've got to get outa here" to "Now where am I?".
Like it or not we really are just fancy animals. It is a continuum. Sentience is not a surprise. It's exactly what you would expect from the evolution of an organ that processes information.
in judaism, only the offended party can forgive you your sin.
you must make amends or pay a fine.
that is why murder cannot be forgiven; the deceased is not around to accept your apology or restitution!.
The best I can make of it - is that it was a defining moment engineered by aliens to push the worlds culture in a new direction.
Human society needs to feel that someone in the universe has confidence in their ability to transcend their intrinsic selfishness.
A perfect human giving his life to atone for selfishness gives humans a model.
It doesn't matter whether the human sacrifice in reality was a perfect human or that he really died and was resurrected. It IS important that it have the appearance of having occurred.
Coupled with that event is the focus on a governement that will come from the sky and the need to renounce the divisiveness of nationalism.
I believe this scenario is a possibility. The traditional interpretation is too primitive and illogical.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; color: #0000cc; } .style3 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #0000cc; } --> the need to question atheism this need to question atheism stems from the fact there are some individuals.
on this board that subscribe to such.
the questions stated are not for some.
What do you mean God exists outside of time?
Does this mean that he can't come into our world?
How can God decide to enter our world of time?
If he does choose to enter our world then the act of choosing to do that in his world is an act in time.
If it is impossible for God to enter a world of time then he can never exist in our world.
Again there are too many paradoxes for this to be taken seriously as a coherent idea.
ok, not exactly, but they have exposed evidence that dinosaurs and birds are genetically related.;_ylt=atqbwomakz2bfjn1i.y.bruplbif.
somebody should do a movie in which cloned dinosaurs eat people in revenge for 6000 years of.
T-Rex was pretty smart. It got real small and found something that would feed them. Of course they get eaten. But, everything gets eaten sooner or later. The goal in evolution is survival to reproduce. Hooray for the T-rex/chicken. They are a real success story.