No one has ever been able to explain to me just how we, as products of evolution, can possibly have sentience and self awareness. (I understand and accept that humans evolved.) How is it that you are you, and I am me? How come I am aware that I am Jim Whitney, a middle aged male, instead of being a young female named Sarah Smith? And Sarah Smith ended up being Jim Whitney? Are we mere products of our environment, making each of us unique and who we are? No. Because we can change our environment and make choices to change what we are into something else. However, our self-awareness remains the same. And it does not resolve the question as to how we end up in one environment and not in another environment with self-awareness that we are someone else. Note: If there is an evolutionary basis for self-awareness, then we must consider the possibility that animals, fish, insects, reptiles, and even plants might also be self-aware.
The JW soul: Looking back at how the Watchtower Society took away our soul and made us to be souls as a combine of our physical body, the air we breathe and some invisible energy that God gives us is fascinating. The Watchtower argument fits far better with pure godless evolution than any other doctrine. According to them, we are, afterall, just a mere product of the dirt of the earth, and our existence is strictly limited to our physical nature. We are merely an advanced beast of the animal kingdom. This view is devoid of meaning and too empty for me to consider ever again.
Did God give us a soul? I learned this growing up, that we are not just products of the natural forces of the earth, but we are individual souls created by God and put here on this earth for a purpose. We are assigned to a family and to a set of circumstances. This does not refute evolution, but merely makes our spiritual nature something not under the control of, or produced by, evolution. However, it makes God far more responsible for who we are and what circumstances we are placed in. In one case, the person is born healthy and placed into a family that is well off and in a nice environment. In another case, one is born with serious physical or mental defects and may not be in a nice environment ... and there are countless combinatioins and possibilities that exist. This view resolves the sentient, self-aware question, but creates a whole new set of more disturbing questions and challenges to my faith.
This post does not resolve the above questions ... but instead solicites your thoughts.
Jim Whitney