....or maybe the JW organization, although flawed, facilitates the survival of millions of people through the worst social upheaval in the history of humankind.
JoinedPosts by proplog2
A desperate time for JW as realisation inevitable dawns .....
by Gill inin time, slowly and inevitably, a lot of jws will realise that they have been conned.
they may deny it at first but eventually a substantial amount will discover that they have lost their lives, their talents and their potential to of all things, a book publishing company!.
so, what will their reactions be?
Greg Stafford rejects Watchower and start a new religion
by TJ Curioso inchristian witnesses of jah .
come now the christian witnesses of jah.
that is why it must be our purpose to not serve jah or jesus by pleasing men.
Didn't Stafford use the screen name Apokrisis? on the old H20?
He liked to argue Greek. He's a Pharisee that likes to beat people down with minutae.
I used to try to engage him in discussions of prophecy. He felt very uncomfortable with inductive and diagnostic thinking. His mind is trapped in a cage of "deduction". He's right and everyone else is "obviously" wrong.
Would Witnesses Kill If Ordered? Probably!
by metatron inas a functioning cult, would jehovah's witnesses kill someone, if ordered?
i believe that many would.. while some might think this is farfetched, i can cite some examples that manifest a lack of concern.
for the lives of others, that could easily be extended into murder or manslaughter.. 1) forcing older brothers into jobs at bethel that were far too strenuous for them - as a means of.
You thread title is misleading. It implies that Witnesses in general would "Kill if Ordered". Later you qualify that by saying "some witnesses".
But, by saying that you aren't making an extraordinary case. Some of any religion will "Kill if ordered".
There are "executioners" in the USA and other "backward countries" that will execute people if ordered. Capital punishment is killing on orders. War is killing on orders. Police kill on orders to shoot to kill.
None of this is extraordinary.
It is unlikely that JW's would make hits as a matter of broad policy. They DO ask people to put themselves in harms way.
Missing the significance of Putin & Russia
by proplog2 injust as the watchtower has allowed russia out of .
its speculative cross-hairs the vast majority of .
people in the usa pay little attention to russia and putin.
On the population problem read this:
From: "Dietwald Claus" <[email protected]>
Subject: Myths and Realities of Russia's Population Crisis
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006While at odds with each other on almost everything else, Russia watchers and Russian officialdom seem to agree on the problem of Russia’s demographic decline. That there is a problem is out of the question. Unfortunately, much of the debate about Russia’s demography is rubbish. Though I will not claim to have solutions for the real problems, I would like to do debunk some obvious myths that seem to permeate a significant part of the public debate on the issue, whether by experts or laypeople.
Myth 1) If Russia’s population continues to decline, Russia will cease to exist.
That’s patent nonsense. Population density has nothing to do with whether a country can exist or not. But, even if there was a lower population density limit at which countries magically disappear, Russia really has not much to worry about. Even the worst case scenario of only 80 million people on Russia’s territory by 2075 would still leave Russia with a greater population density than contemporary Canada. Russia’s current population density is about 8.5 people per square kilometer, more than three times that of Australia, and twice that of Canada. And last time I checked, Canada’s still on the map. It’s actually hard to miss there. So, Russia’s population has a lot of shrinking to do before Russia is going to disappear, and we can stop worrying about this for the moment.
Myth 2) If Russia’s population declines, other will take over its territory.
That’s really just a correlate of Myth 1, and equally nonsensical. Yes, much of Russia’s territory is pretty empty. But so is that of Canada and Australia, and quite a number of other countries, including the USA. The reason for this is that nobody wants to live there. There is an explanation why much of Siberia was settled by fugitives and convicts – given the choice, people much rather settle where the weather is reasonably warm and the soil fertile. So, folks are not exactly lining up to move into the empty vastness of Russia’s East.
Of course, some people seem to believe that if the Russian East is not settled systematically by Russians, China might just forget the place belongs to Russia. Tired of paying for Russian, oil, gas, and other resources, it will instead move in and cut out the middleman. This line of reasoning is so absurd in so many ways I will limit myself to a very obvious rebuttal: the Chinese government is highly unlikely to start annexing Russian territory, even if it wanted to, for the very simple reason that Russia has a lot more relative firepower there. Russian nukes are a lot closer to Beijing than Chinese nukes are to Moscow. I leave the rest of this morbid scenario to those with a greater tolerance for absurd apocalyptic visions than I have.
Myth 3) If Russia’s population continues to decline, there will be an invasion of immigrants.
That’s just stupid. Whether Russia’s population is shrinking, expanding, or staying the same makes no difference to people who want to come and live here. Population size, density, and dynamics have no bearing on immigration; just ask the Dutch, Germans, or Pakistanis.
That being said, there is something absurd about this argument: on the one hand, everybody seems to complain that not enough people live in Russia, but when people try to actually come, live, and work here, it’s no good either.
Immigration has traditionally been a major factor in the economic success of nations, just witness the US, Canada, Australia for contemporary examples. Historic examples would be Prussia, whose rise to economic fortune, political power, and cultural prowess had much to do with Frederick II enlightened immigration policy. Russia, too, has fared quite well in the past when it adopted generous immigration policies. There is no reason in principle to assume it won’t do so now.
Does this mean I am in favor of uncontrolled and unlimited immigration? Of course not. I’m not in favor of uncontrolled and unlimited anything. A modern society needs rules, and that includes rules for immigration. What a modern society does not need is tribalism, which brings us to the next point:
Myth 4) If there is an invasion of immigrants, Russia will cease being Russian
This is outright xenophobic, racist, and stupid: if Russia gave citizenship to all those Chinese, Azeris, and what have you, would Russia cease to be Russian? Only if being a Russian citizen is conditional on being Slavic. But, since when did being a Slav have anything to do with having Russian citizenship? The answer to that is obvious: it never did. Any assertion to the contrary simply displays a complete ignorance of Russia’s history, culture, and ethnography.
And even IF being Slavic was once a prerequisite for being a Russian citizen, would it not be time to stop living with a tribal mindset? All successful civilizations of the past and present have been and are multi-cultural. This is no argument against Russian language and institutions being the unifying element of Russian society – far from it – but it’s an argument against tribalism.
Myth 5) Russia needs a large population to have a good economy
Balderdash. Countries like Luxemburg and Switzerland have very small populations, but nobody would argue their economies are anything but stellar. Nigeria has a huge population, its economy, however, isn’t doing so well. The USA has a population about ten times that of Canada, but both are doing just fine economically. There is no relationship whatsoever between population size, population density, and economic performance. Any assertion to the contrary is just ignorant.
Myth 6) Russia’s shrinking population is bad for the economy.
Nonsense. Changes in the number of people in a country have nothing to do with its economic performance. Let’s assume we are having an annual population growth of 10%, and the productivity of every member of the population is equal and does not change, then the economic growth should be 10% as well. 10% economic growth seems like a good thing, but in reality, if it is caused by a 10% population growth, this economic growth really means nothing. Nobody in such a country is better off. All you are having is more people who live no better or worse than before.
Of course, the inverse is equally true. If the population declines by x%, while each member of society remains equally productive, overall GDP shrinks by x%, while per capita GDP remains unaffected. In other words, changes in total population are neutral in respect to GDP per capita.
Myth 7) Russia needs to increase its birth rate.
That’s actually a really, really dumb idea. Russia needs an increased birth rate as much as it needs more snow. Children may be a biological necessity, but since infants and children are not economically productive members of society, they are bad news for the economy. If a lot of children are born, a lot of economic resources will go into feeding, clothing, housing, and educating them – these expenses are, at least in the short run, an economic net-loss. So, obviously, children do not contribute to the growth of GDP.
In fact, children decrease the productivity of a society. After all, somebody has to look after them – and time spent looking after children is time not spent engaging in economically productive activities. Logically, the more children somebody has, the less economically productive this person will be. Thus, high birth rates also mean decreased general economic productivity, negatively impacting GDP growth.
At the risk of offending mothers and romantics everywhere, I’ll state it bluntly: children make us poorer. In order to maintain any given level of GDP per capita, productivity of the working population has to increase at the same rate as the birth rate just to maintain current levels of GDP per capita. Anything less would lead to a decrease in GDP per capita and consequently to a pauperization of the general population.
Birth rates around the replacement level (2.1 children per woman, on average) seem to be economically harmless. Anything much above that, however, leads to trouble. If you don’t believe this, just look at the facts: no country with a birth rate significantly above replacement rate is doing well on any scale, whether economically or politically.
Myth 8) Russia needs to grow its GDP
Wrong. Russia needs to grow its GDP per capita. Economic growth by itself does not mean increased average economic welfare. Economic growth only leads to an increase in overall economic welfare if it is the result of an increased GDP per capita. GDP per capita matters. GDP doesn’t. Write that down. Any economic policy not targeted at increasing GDP per capita, preferably through increased productivity, is meaningless.
These aren’t exactly new insights, but considering the debates currently taking place about Russia’s economy in and outside Russia, the obvious does seem to need repeating.
Myth 9) Russia’s low life expectancy is a bad thing.
Not necessarily true. Those of you with no stomach for a little cynicism may want to skip this section, the rest, please bear with me.
This point is not about economics per se, but about some larger sociological factors, which also impact on economics. There is no adult in Russia today who was not born under the previous regime. In other words, the vast majority of the population has been brought up to think along lines of official Marxist-Leninist ideology about a wide range of things, including public policy in generale, and conomics in particular. As time passes, these generations seem to forget all the bad things about the previous regime, and increasingly become rather nostalgic about Soviet economic policies. Since these generations also tend to vote more than younger people who are not overly affected by such ideas, government policies in Russia must by necessity take into considerations the sentiments of the older generations. But since Marxist-Leninist ideas are not exactly a good basis for sound public policy, accommodating ideas based on Marxist-Leninist thinking cannot be good public policy. If Russia’s current low life expectancy means that the generations whose ideas about public life are largely informed by Marxism-Leninism is dying off quickly, this means that demand for public policies based on Marxist-Leninist ideas is decreasing. Politically, this can only be a good thing, with definite benefits for the economy.
There, I’ve said it. Breath in, breath out, breath in. Calm down. This is a ‘there’s a good side to almost everything’ kind of situation, not a Soylent Green scenario.
Myth 10) Russia needs a big population because it needs a big army.
This one is so inane, it hurts. If population size was the main factor determining military capacity, China would have taken over Korea, the USA would have beaten the Vietcong, Afghanistan would be part of Russia, Taiwan part of Red China, Canada part of the USA… you get the idea. Throughout history, size did not matter much in military affairs. The Greeks were hopelessly outnumbered by the Persians, the dreaded Mongol hordes, contrary to common belief, were actually much fewer in number than most of the armies they defeated, and Frederick II of Prussia was significantly outnumbered in almost all the wars he fought. What matters in military affairs are first and foremost training, equipment, and morale. Numbers do make a difference, but are far less important than most civilians believe.
Russia’s armed forces face a lot of problems, no question. Military reforms should focus on training, equipment, and morale – worrying about its size really isn’t an issue, at least not from a purely military security point of view.
Myth Busting Summary:
Much of the current debate on Russia’s demographic situation is nonsense. Russia is not going to disappear from the map because of its shrinking population. It’s not going to lose territory to the Chinese, it’s not going to be overrun by hostile armies, and it’s not going to be taken over by those swarthy immigrants from the South. Neither Russia nor the Russian narod are going the way of the Dodo any time soon.
Now that we have dealt with the nonsense, let’s take a brief look at the real issue:
The Real Issue: Quality, not Quantity
Not Russia’s overall population is too small or shrinking too much: the share of economically productive people in Russia is too small, and arguably shrinking. Russians smoke more, drink more hard liquor, have more abortions, have more preventable diseases, drive more dangerously, and eat less healthy than most people in other industrialized nations. Sick people are not productive workers. As a result, for each unit of GDP per capita, each Russian worker has to work harder and longer than each Canadian worker, and each Russian unit of money has to be more productive than each Canadian unit of money.
Consequently, it does not matter whether Russia has 100 or 500 million inhabitants: if the proportion and productivity of economically active population does not increase, GDP per capita will not increase, and nobody will be better off. The most important task for Russia’s government is to increase the proportion and productivity of its economically active population.
If Russians drank as little as the Swiss, ate as well as the Japanese, drove as carefully as the Dutch, and continued to work as hard as, well, Russians, doubling Russia’s GDP per capita in ten years would be a very modest goal.
The Real Solution: Decreased Mortality
Too many Russian men drink, smoke, drive, and infect themselves to premature death. Too many Russian women suffer from the health effects of too many abortions, or have too many babies who die too early. Demographically, it does not matter whether people aren’t born at all, or whether they die prematurely. Economically, the difference is significant, since bearing and raising children only to have them die early is a waste of resources. A single healthy person with a good education employed in a good job when he reaches maturity is better than two sickly people who line up for government handouts.
Historically, this is how the rich countries became rich: they improved labor productivity by simultaneously reducing birth and mortality rates. Incidentally, these factors also contributed to a significant population growth. But, since this population growth went hand in hand with an even greater increase of the size and productivity of the economically active population, today’s rich nations were able to combine rapid population growth with rapid economic development.
What Russia needs is not more babies, but more healthy people who are able to work. For this, it has to find both short- and long-term solutions, including, but not limited to, a significant increase of excise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, smart immigration policies, public education campaigns on general and reproductive health, more stringent enforcement of traffic and workplace safety rules, and improved medical care. Some of these policies will cost little, while others may prove expensive in the short term.
Clearly, none of this should come as news to any literate person. But, considering the tendency of the current demographic debate in Russia to focus on non-issues such as population size, birth-rates, territorial integrity, or military security, it seems necessary to point out the trivial. There have been serious voices suggesting natalist policies – it should be clear to anyone that this would be a serious blow against the future of Russia. Any fear mongering regarding the security of Russia’s territory or identity due to a decreased overall population should be nipped in the bud, and natalist m ideology should be exposed as the idiocy it really is.
Dietwald Claus Kirov, Russia.
Bets on when the UN prophecy will be dropped?
by marmot innow that i'm free to bet, i figured it would be neat to start a pool on when the watchtower is going to change light bulbs on the prophecy about the united nations turning on worldwide religion.
there is no doubt in my mind that this prediction will be dropped.
not only is this the longest-running unchanged prediction in the wt's history (1925 and 1975 had much shorter gestations) it's the last detailed concrete prediction the society has left in its bag of tricks.
The UN prophecy will be dropped when the UN is destroyed by a nuclear blast along with the rest of Manhattan & the Watchtower headquarters.
Missing the significance of Putin & Russia
by proplog2 injust as the watchtower has allowed russia out of .
its speculative cross-hairs the vast majority of .
people in the usa pay little attention to russia and putin.
Just as the Watchtower has allowed Russia out of
its speculative cross-hairs the vast majority of
people in the USA pay little attention to Russia and Putin.
It is almost as if 70 years of history has evaporated.
Berlin Wall, Cuban-Crisis, Warsaw Pact Armies, arms race,
detente, cold-war all occupy abandoned corners of our memory.
People on this board generally are more interested in hollywood
celebrities than in the people who are shaping geo-political events.
It is great to live in Babylon the Great (USA) and boast
that "I will never mourn" Rev 18:7 NIV
Well, I will continue to post what I feel are pertinent news items that
seem to match Bible Prophecy.
Daniel 8:23-25 (NIV)
23 "In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely
wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. 24 He will
become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding
devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the
mighty men and the holy people. 25 He will cause deceit to prosper,
and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will
destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes.
Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.
I believe this is a fitting description of Putin.
Here are some portions of an interesting editorial:
?Washington Post
October 28, 2007
Putin's Guessing Games
By Jim Hoagland
landscape is remarkable by any standards,
including those of landslide-winning democrats in
the West or Third World despots. Putin is "the
Decider" in ways that George W. Bush can only imagine.
Even more startling is the fact that most
Russians have willingly ceded all this power to
him without having any clear picture of how he
intends to use it. Trained by the KGB to hide his
emotions, his plans and even his identity, Putin
now hides his intentions from his nation and the
world while his rule floats comfortably on a sea
of energy reserves and revenue.
He keeps other nations guessing, too. Putin tells
Bush, France's Nicolas Sarkozy and other foreign
leaders in private that, like them, he wants to
keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. Then,
without warning, he publicly denies that there is
evidence that Iran seeks a nuclear weapon and
leaves a gulping Sarkozy to explain the
contradiction at a joint news conference.
This is no longer merely the trained espionage
agent once described in this column as " the man
with the mirror" to convey his ability to get
others to see him as they wanted him to appear --
to look, for example, into his eyes and see a good soul.
This is Putin Unplugged, a domineering and
entrenched ruler seeking revenge for the Bush
administration's early decision to marginalize
Russia by abrogating or ignoring arms-control treaty commitments to Moscow. -
by tula inliving simple: .
self-sustaining, frugal, green, bohemian, and having emergency back-up plans.. i am not talking about the big a. .
your disaster could be a financial setback.
I bought my wife a solar clothes dryer. 100 ft. of rope and a sack of clothes pins.
What has this religion become? THE WATCHTOWER madhouse
by Terry inc.t.russell began with a personal "purpose" which was to find a way to believe in/worship god while doing away with the beliefs he found to be personally uncomfortable such as hellfire.
he shopped around and cherry picked 2nd adventist views as a foundation.
to this he added pyramidology.
mcse MIKE:
I'm an atheist. I remain in association with JW's because I believe
they have followed the example of Christ in abandoning nationalism.
They are uniquely structured to survive what I feel will be a major
upheaval in human governance. Doctrine is noise in the machine.
It is the basic structure that is important. False prophecies were
necessary for 125 years so the JW organization could grow to its current size.
It is now the size of the average nation in the UN.
JW's will be shocked too, by the future cataclysm, but they will be rewarded with survival.
Once you eliminate the GOD notion from the mix it is possible to resolve a lot of the dichotomies. -
Bourne is Back!..........Who..?
by Bourne ini am a tip-toeing lurker who finally got the nerve to join & post here about 3 months ago.
to review: i'm in a "scripturally" ( at least by jw standards, anyways) separation, hence the apprehension about posting or revealing too much.
but, i'm realizing that i'm being a bit too paranoid.
If Bourne is your real name are you related to the Bourne's that came from Ohio originally. Some are in Arizona and Wisconsin.
What has this religion become? THE WATCHTOWER madhouse
by Terry inc.t.russell began with a personal "purpose" which was to find a way to believe in/worship god while doing away with the beliefs he found to be personally uncomfortable such as hellfire.
he shopped around and cherry picked 2nd adventist views as a foundation.
to this he added pyramidology.
Terry: Actually, after reading it again, it IS quite fair in its description. Not nearly as much invective as I thought was there. Never mind.