It seems that the Catholics have come up with a interesting solution to the problem of evolution and humans that have a soul.
The following is taken from Wikipedia:
Catholic Church and evolution
To reconcile general evolutionary theory with the origin of the human species, with a soul, the concept of " special transformism " was developed, according to which the first humans had evolved by Darwinist processes, up to the point where a soul was added by God to "pre-existent and living matter" (in the words of Pius XII 's Humani Generis ) to form the first fully human individuals; this would normally be considered to be at the point of conception. [20] LĂ©roy's book endorsed this concept; what led to its rejection by the Congregation appears to have been his view that the human species was able to evolve without divine intervention to a fully human state, but lacking only a soul. The theologians felt that some immediate and particular divine intervention was also required to form the physical nature of humans, before the addition of a soul, even if this was worked on near-human hominids produced by evolutionary processes. [21]