i live by the motto that truth never changes because its too hard keeping up with all the lies. when you only tell the truth you have nothing to keep track of. remembering facts is enough to answer anyone. Lies catch up with you and one would think someone in NY would realize this and just stop but they cant. now they have to keep everyone in line so they are too afraid to ask the questions about the lies. so glad i dont have to endure another DC. my heart is mine. not sharing it with a hypocritical cult.
JoinedPosts by joyfulfader
Thought Reform and the Psychology of the 'Safeguard Your Heart!' 2012 Convention
by breakfast of champions into make attendance at my second district convention "mentally out" both a little more bearable and meaningful, i decided to take some notes of key points as if i were an outsider studying the thought reform methods of jehovah's witnesses.
at first, i was only going to share these notes with my therapist, but inspired by the "parsing the watchtower double-speak" thread, i figured i would share my amateur analysis with everyone.
here are some of the highlights:.
The Resurrection - Gender-less Humans or Spirit Beings?
by Badfish in"in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven.
" (mathew 22:30).
also, what about their offspring?
I asked those very questions and am continuing to ask them. I always thought it was unfair to allow the 6 or 7 million people that would survive Armageddon (based on the current number of jws since of course it would only be jws there) to continue having sex and the 20 billion people that have ever lived would have to be celibate upon their resurrection. I don't think that would be a pleasant thought if I was one of the resurrected and i remember having the debates over whether or not people would wear clothing in the paradise earth. If the resurrected are truly genderless humans the clothing/no clothing thing does make for interesting questions for the children to ask...hmmmmmm...yet another thought to ponder.
New girl in town here for support
by joyfulfader inhi everyone here on jwn.
i admit to being a lurker for quite some time before joining and now i am ready to post and i want to introduce myself.
i am/was 3rd generation and daughter of the po (as it was termed at the time) for most of my life.
@jws Thank you so much for the valuable input. Your experience with your dad sounds like mine and you are so right...just leave it alone. My sisters faded years ago and my parents have now set a precedent so they cant shun me. They are a bit harder on me overall because i was "the good girl" who always did the right thing but i cant see how they could stand to lose us all because of a change in how to treat inactive ones. I will look up that bible website. Sounds like a great way to compare translations. I have quite a bit of work ahead of me. i so wish I was where no one had any idea i was ever associated with the witnesses but i am here and have to deal with that for now.
It may seem strange but until I introduced myself and read the posts here I kept thinking I needed help from outside sources to study to figure out what I believe (we always had to have a book to study). It never actually occurred to me to just read the BIBLE!!! Yes I am comparing and reading translations but I keep trying to use other books to figure things out. I think I am going to put away everything but the Bible. Maybe outside works will be helpful down the road but I think the Bible is the beginning as it should be (still going to read Crisis of Conscience and Hassan's books just for cult enlightenment).
Thanks so much everyone!!!
Is Fading Emotionally Taxing?
by Aware! ini don't think i could handle a fade.
sooner or later the truth would be found out.
i have yet to come out, but when i do, i'll probably da myself without telling anyone why.
PM for u
Is Fading Emotionally Taxing?
by Aware! ini don't think i could handle a fade.
sooner or later the truth would be found out.
i have yet to come out, but when i do, i'll probably da myself without telling anyone why.
Sure you can PM me :)
Lost my best friend (man's best friend)
by Coffee House Girl injust wanted to write a tribute to my best friend whom i lost last week, it was one of the most painful experiences i have ever been through.
i have no children, my puppy was my child.
i got him from a golden retriever rescue organization when he was 2. he was recovering from a car accident, still a bit skiddish, but he chose me to take him home (the foster mom said that he never responded to anyone like he did me).. he was always happy to see me, greet me with a toy in his mouth, he never judged me, never cared whether i was "bad association", he was always there when i needed to smile and remembe that i was not alone in the world.
I have 2 furry canine children and my heart breaks for you. I can't even let my mind go there. They are both rescues and the younger of the 2 has some definite quirks that only endear her more to me. I am so sorry for your loss...
Is Fading Emotionally Taxing?
by Aware! ini don't think i could handle a fade.
sooner or later the truth would be found out.
i have yet to come out, but when i do, i'll probably da myself without telling anyone why.
I remember those days. I was 18, reg pioneering, dad was PO. Lots of pressure to live up to unattainable standards. I always did try to be the perfect witness but always managed to feel like crap in the process because I could never BE that perfect person. I personally could never have left then. My father would have made my life miserable and I didn't have the inner fortitude that I have now. Fortunately now he has mellowed and I can move forward but now I am 40. Took 20 yrs to get the strength to just fade. Are you going to college? I wish I had the answer to your dilemma. I dont. But just know I empathize with your plight.
Old Watchtower Article
by turtleturtle inanyone know if i could every buy (possibly on ebay) the article shown here.
it would have to be the original magazine because the site says the bound volume changed it:.
We aren't supposed to notice these changes because then we are obviously asking questions that we are not supposed to ask. Can't show anyone the changes because they then want to know how you found said changes and why you were looking in the first place...sooooooo frustrating!!!!!
Is Fading Emotionally Taxing?
by Aware! ini don't think i could handle a fade.
sooner or later the truth would be found out.
i have yet to come out, but when i do, i'll probably da myself without telling anyone why.
Yes fading is taxing because you have to pretend a lot especially if you live near or work with active JWs. I am planning on moving eventually and leaving no forwarding address. I know several people who have faded to the point that no one bothers them anymore. It's a tough call. I would loooove to write a letter but the blackmailers price is too high. I added the joyful part to my screen name not because I like fading but because I am so happy to have made the decision to stop taking all the crap.
Close friend recently disfellowshipped.
by Emery injust recently i had a very close friend call to notify me of their future disfellowshipping.
i felt such sadnesss by their phone call as they seemed pretty shook up and were desperately pleading their repentance over the phone so i wouldn't think critically of them.
i immediately reassured that person that i still loved and cherished them greatly regardless of their status, i would be there whenever they needed me.
From experience I know that being disfellowshipped made me try harder to be good. Be careful because I also believe that if reinstatement happens down the road (because we are all blackmailed to come back) it could come back to bite you. I think reinstated ones are actually the more zealous because they have to work so hard to get back in the good graces of a few men and that struggle makes for more guilt and sadness and spurs some on to do whatever they can to prove themselves "worthy" again. I hope your friend sees the light but if I were u I would tread lightly and as said before me, be a good friend and listener. Perhaps, just perhaps...