In the docs I've read Child Abuse is acknowledged but if, for instance, the abuser
is married it is officially disfellowshipped for adultry.
what,s the satus in regard to the thousands of cases.
involving child molestation from congregation around.
the country.
In the docs I've read Child Abuse is acknowledged but if, for instance, the abuser
is married it is officially disfellowshipped for adultry.
in light of the candice conti civil trial against the wtbs and the pro-jehovah's witness/apologist comments posted on various news websites, i thought i would give a simplified explanaition of what is involved in appealing the outcome of a trial in the courts of the united states.. a trial, whether criminal or civil, usually ends with a verdict rendered by a jury.
in a criminal case the verdict is guilty or not guilty.
that same jury may decide the punishment in the event of a guilty verdict.. in a civil case a jury must decide based on the evidence whether the defendant is guilty of damaging the plaintiff.
I don't get that in a public magazine, either Awake or WT, I don't remember now says that
a man guilty of child abuse can never have any special privelages of service but the elder
manual says "likely will diqualify him for many years".
Their Guilty.
i was just surprised by that term being used by jim mccabe when he said "jonathan kendrick was not a leader or a pastor, he was just a rank-and-file member.".
i thought that was only an apostate term and also what a put down to us lowly members.
we are just a rank-and-file person.
Ray Franz uses the term "rank and file" in crisis of conscience. Apparently the
GB used it because Ray said it was said during the closed door GB sessions.
The GB found the questions from the "rank and file" exasperating. Ray used a
different term but I can't remember now.
full disclosure:.
i am an active (2-4 hrs/month) 3rd generation jw hovering under the radar.
been posting here for 10 years.
I think the courts are setting a precedent for revealing pedophiles in any org.
Eccliastical protection/confidentiality laws should be changed. I read somewhere though,
that the law is for protecting the individual not the church or whatever.
I have copy of a court case that went to the supreme court of someone suing the WTBTS for slander.
The individual sued for 100,000 USD, but by the time the supreme court of the U.S. made their decision
it was reduced to 15,000. It was around 1940. Rutherford' time period they announced the sin as said,
but this person thought Rutherford was lying.
i'd like to hear from those who are currently elders or were formerly elders on your honest feelings about the charges brought against the society and their general policy in handling these matters.
do you think that the society handles child abuse accusations fairly?
or, do you think their policy is abusive?
The WatchTower picks and chooses when to follow the Bible.
The 2 or 3 witness rule is in the Bible yes, but I have never
read anywhere about a secret tribunal in the Bible. All cases (legitimate)
were handled in the public eye.
If they followed the Bible everyone would know about what was
going on.
So the claim that the rest of the congregation is not entitled to know
is bologne.
there are 1000's who who hate this religion who are stuck ....inside it.
we work against you, we use our position to convince and sway those that still drink your koolaid.
we feed info to authorities who chase you, we warn off potiential converts by directing them to the real truth.
Dear WatchTower:
I know who you really are. Ever since the days of Russell the following words apply to you
from the Easy to Read version of the Bible:
Revelation 2:9 the B part:
I know the insults you have suffered from people who say they are Jews. But they are
not TRUE Jews. They are a group that belongs to Satan.
You claim to be Jews and you have 7 million people convinced you are true Jews, but you
are really a synagogue of Satan.
You equate yourselves with God. Only the Man Of Lawlessness does that. The only ones
that bring public shame to Jehovah is you and your policies.
the accepted teaching amongst most (i'm addressing fellow witnesses here) is that 'alien residents' were merely "beneficiaries" of the law covenant, but were not equal with natural israelites.
the insight book has this to say; "the law covenant between jehovah and the nation of natural israel was made in the third month after their leaving egypt, in 1513 b.c.e.
(ex 19:1) it was a national covenant.
That's why I always thought that the "other sheep" do good
to Christ's Brothers by field service etc. etc. is bologne. They
both have the same laws to live up to.
what is the official watchtower policy?
how does it compare with state child abuse laws?
is the watchtower more concerned with their image to the "world" than they are to the safety of children within their religion?.
Just remember it that does not apply to JW's because they report everything to "Mother".
And ometimes they're 2 elders at a confession.
anyone check out the latest study edition of the watchtower?
the last article is all about how "conventions" have been going on for thousands of years.
that is a classic.
It's for the money.
At a recent CA it was announced that expenses were 10,300.
The average attendance was about 1200.
10,300 / 1200 is about 8.5. More accurately 8.5833333
I could only figure toilet paper, cleaning supplies, paper towels, electricity, maybe a small mortgage payment, insurance, and water.
I have a hard time believing in 2 days these things accumulated to 10,300 dollars.
what is the official watchtower policy?
how does it compare with state child abuse laws?
is the watchtower more concerned with their image to the "world" than they are to the safety of children within their religion?.
They have a 2 or 3 witnesses policy both in the OT and NT.
However, they don't follow the biblical precedent of a public trial.
They have 3 man secret tribunal star chamber hearings. The elders
are not to be questioned because they are appointed by God and we
can 100% trust them :( .
If it was handled similar to when 2 women brought about a dispute before
King Solomon in a public setting people would know about the accusation regardless
of the 2/3 witness rule. However, Eccliastical Law says you can't have a public hearing
to protect the public image of those involved. Probably brought about by church leaders
a long time ago so they could have their inquisition and kill all heretics in private, not to mention
the Satanic religious pharisees set this standard in the trial of Jesus.