I found myself tapping the floor and seeing an imaginary Gomer Pyle and Sargent Carter marching and smiling.
do you have examples of hymns you will never hear in kingdom halls in any country.. here are a few of my favorites:. .
I found myself tapping the floor and seeing an imaginary Gomer Pyle and Sargent Carter marching and smiling.
xanthippe what's this thing with really long dresses?
sometimes i see them on fs and i can't believe how long their dresses are now, almost down to the ground.. so i was reading some of xanthippe and phizzy's posts on the strangeness of jw dress and how much they stand out and i got to thinking.
so... at one point the amish dress code was current, right?
since the "JW.ORG" buttons became popular maybe 5 years ago, I noticed wooden bow ties became the latest fad among the youngsters. can't wait for saddle oxfords to catch on again.
Dont trust the guy with the wooden bow tie
when god created adam and eve and put them in the garden of eden it was then up to them to cultivate and take care of it ,god had no further hand in it .the responsibility rested with adam/eve and their offspring.. the same would be true in the paradise to come ,god gets rid of all of us wicked people ,but then it is up to j.w.~s who are left on this earth to restore such a paradise.?
without god`s intervention.. think of it , this system is gone with all its infrastructure.. 8 million + j.w.`s scattered throughout the earth with.
no communication systems operating .
I always figured that with everyone naked, we'd be too busy to worry about such mundane things. DOC, I just had a flash of all the old Governing Bodies parading around and throwing up in the air all the pedifile reports as they danced with glee and can't imagine anyone else wanting to be there with them...
ever since i became an exjw activist... i have wondered, how many people can i hope to reach?.
what are the odds that my parents and loved ones will live out the remainder of their lives as jehovah´s witnesses?.
is there a way to calculate the odds that any jw will remain a jw for the rest of their lives?.
The last time I went to an assembly, as I looked at the general condition of the crowd, you will see a lot of old people and an inordinate amount of very large people. Just time alone will eliminate most of this crowd, leaving behind an overlapping generation of people that just seem to fall apart if you question their beliefs.
anybody else think this picture (the top one) from tomorrow's wt study is a little christendomy?
I don't see a JW.ORG button on any of their clothing
If you have no education, you don't know what it is, smash it, break it, call it the devil, that will make it all better...
will you avoid nike or tend to not buy apparel because of their support of colin kap?
would you stop doing business with anyone simply because you disagree with their politics?
in california, in and out burger, democrats were being told not to support the chain because they donated to republicans.. will politics affect your spending habits?.
as far as I'm concerned, i think the first athlete to take a knee was Tonya Harding and I still watch ice skating, so naw I do what I do.
my still in wife informed me this morning that she must be on time to the meeting as they are locking the door when it starts now.. i said that's crazy.
she said it's because of the times we are living in.. we live in a rural area and crime isn't terrible though it's worse than it used to be.. i told her if that's the way it is then why bother leaving the house at all?.
she said they are just trying to be safe.. is this a thing now?
This church has a good idea, to install security code locks and change the code every week.
sept 2018.
Philip said he spent 4 years to get his law degree. From what Iv googled, it takes 4 years of undergraduate and another 3 years of law school. Even in an interview, you can't trust these "snakes", Especially a Washtowel trained lawyer who has perfected the art of lying, because of his close proximity to the liars den.
Why do they bury lawyers 10 feet under instead of 6 feet under? A: Because deep down they are really nice people.
for you who have read my bio you will know i have been working on my wife to wake her up.
now i won’t call her awake yet but through a series of long conversations this week i revealed to her my dissenting toward the jw faith.
she was totally supportive of me assured me she would never think differently of me because of how i feel.
I showed my pimi spouse the video on A&E about Remy Maple and helped to open her eyes about men running the org and how they hide men from the authorities. If you have cable, you can watch it on their web page. Slowly i hope to show her the videos about the australian royal commission later. Its gonna take a lot of patience. Good luck.