Since you have just recently finished college, why not try to use their job placement to find a good paying job in your field of study. Just a thought and go from there. Take baby steps, by investigating how much an apartment costs, learn to cook simple meals
JoinedPosts by Betheliesalot
HELP!! Just Woken Up - Fanatical Mom wants to report me
by Scarlett_Martin ini've just been introduced to this site by a pimo friend of mine.
this will be my first post on this website.
i need help, and he told me you guys are a very supportive community.. i'm a female in my mid twenties.
Eliminate the Oil Industry?
by Anony Mous ina lot of countries are on the side of eliminating the oil industry altogether as well as zero-emission alternatives like nuclear power.. in the us, biden has promised to eliminate all federal lands oil production when he takes power in 2021 (30% of the united states) as well as native american tribal lands which account for 8 percent of all oil, 9 percent of all natural gas, and 6 percent of all natural gas liquids from 96,000 wells (10% of the total wells in the us).. in europe, oil and gas production has been largely eliminated except for the nordic countries and the uk (which the eu recently lost access to), germany is funding a major oil pipeline as is china from russia and russian-controlled portions of ukraine, even after trump cut off all builders from russian oil pipelines, the russian government is now trying to build the pipeline themselves with potential disastrous results.. venezuela's economy collapsed largely due to the government taking over and eliminating the oil industry companies.. in the mean time, control for most non-us energy sources is now wholly dependent on russian and middle eastern governments.. california and germany eliminated oil-based energy sources and now mandate 30% of their power from 'green' wind and solar alternatives.
germany energy costs now hover around 25c/kwh and california is not far behind with 16c/kwh both experiencing rolling blackouts in major cities and importing 60% of mostly coal and gas energy from their neighbors.. the world currently has 300 years worth of oil at the current rates of usage which have stagnated due to improved efficiencies.
co2 emissions in the us have dropped in the last 3 years for the first time in decades despite (or because) reduced oil and gas regulations.. do you think given the above facts, eliminating the oil industry is a good thing?
Not many will want to ride in a solar powered airliner, especially at night.
Possible other names for Jehovah's Witnesses
by Clarkey inworld wide association of liars.
organization of delusional sociopaths.
jehovah's publishing corporation .
Watchtower Slaves.
Maybe they are only going to have them every 607 days.
Possible other names for Jehovah's Witnesses
by Clarkey inworld wide association of liars.
organization of delusional sociopaths.
jehovah's publishing corporation .
Prophets that prey. -
1914 a doctrinal lie that created an entire religion the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Finkelstein inwhen you think about it the jws was foundationaly created upon a single core doctrine which was created close to a 100 years ago, that is the doctrinal year of 1914 .. the leader(s) of the ibsa in 1919 proclaimed that jehovah had selectively chosen them or him as it were by j. rutherford, they also self identified themselves as the anointed class the faithful slave.. from all of these expressive endeavors a new religion sprung up eventually calling themselves the jehovah's witnesses.
years and decades followed where more and more people were lured into the faith making themselves subservient devoted members as well, some also identifying themselves as the anointed class.
the jws proclaimed through their leaders (gb) that they were true loyal witnesses to jehovah's will and purpose, but were they really ?
Just looked up in a copy of "Old Theology' dated 1874 and on the front page of the quarterly were the dates 1799 and ending in the year 1915, a year off . Just to show it was crap then and crap now.
1914 a doctrinal lie that created an entire religion the Jehovah's Witnesses
by Finkelstein inwhen you think about it the jws was foundationaly created upon a single core doctrine which was created close to a 100 years ago, that is the doctrinal year of 1914 .. the leader(s) of the ibsa in 1919 proclaimed that jehovah had selectively chosen them or him as it were by j. rutherford, they also self identified themselves as the anointed class the faithful slave.. from all of these expressive endeavors a new religion sprung up eventually calling themselves the jehovah's witnesses.
years and decades followed where more and more people were lured into the faith making themselves subservient devoted members as well, some also identifying themselves as the anointed class.
the jws proclaimed through their leaders (gb) that they were true loyal witnesses to jehovah's will and purpose, but were they really ?
today most JWs only talk about 1914 as the year WW 1 started and try to change the subject. However extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, which they cant produce.
Will the Republicans finally file criminal charges. What else do they need?
by pistolpete inthe director of nation intelligence reveals startling new details about the russian collusion hoax against president donald trump.
as one america’s pearson sharp explains,.
senior obama officials were working hard to cover up--hillary clinton’s email scandal and undermine the 2016 election.. .
and the latest associate with the Clinton's Jeffery Epstein was found dead in jail.
At what point does the head quarters put out workers?
by mickbobcat inat what point does the jw head quarters put people out.
i know if they get pregnant and are not essential they are gone.
what about injuries, illness ect?.
Worse yet, in the US, those older workers that are let go, don't even qualify for social security, as most working americans do. I think it is you have to work at least 10 years to qualify for SS with a job that pays your half of SS tax. They were misled into thinking "this generation will not pass away", so they didn't save for their old age, or have children to take care of them in their senior years. It truly is an evil corporation that should pay for their lies.
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky in
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
My pimi spouse is watching the news about Trump going to the hospital and saying this is the beginning of the long awaited GT.