The best special talk ever was Morris blasting tight pants and bright colored socks, and not following the fashion trend of Homosexuals maybe 4 years ago. This special talk woke up a good number of JW,s, so maybe special talks are good for something.
JoinedPosts by Betheliesalot
Special meeting next month (February 2020)
by Jofi_Wofo init was announced today that we will have a special weekend meeting next month.
it will be 3 hours long and will include some streamed content.. no explanation was given as to what the meeting will be about, only that it will be exciting and we will not want to miss it..
Angel's Advocate
by Under No Illusion insooo.... i've been perusing recent topics for a few minutes and seeing pretty much the standard jw fare these days - scandals, abuse, bad behavior, cover ups, bullying, shunning, family splits, torturous extrications from a cult, mind control etc.. i started to try and think of anything the dubs were doing that was actually beneficial to mankind in any way, and i'm struggling.
without being facetious, wtf do they do to make anybody's life better?
help me out here.. pros.
I know personally of 2 beautiful teen age girls that are victims of suicide thanks to this cult.
Were You Willing To Die For Jehovah?
by minimus inwe were supposed to be dedicated unconditionally to jehovah god.
we were willing to be persecuted to the death if need be.
if it came to taking a blood transfusion or dying, we were loyal to jehovah and would be a martyr for god.
I recall on an episode of "Life in the ER", there was an elder and his wife that were brought in after a bad accident near Austin texas and all they could do is yell out "No Blood" as they slipped in and out of consciousness . They came across as foolish, dying older victims, that interfered with their own medical care. It was embarrassing to watch and I think I recall that they didn't survive. This was probably 15 years ago.
Were / Are the Governing Body "Rock Stars"
by Number 6 inin 1976 when i was a young lad of 6, fred franz came to glasgow and gave a talk in govan a suburb on the south side of the city (for those of you who dont know).
our congregation hired a bus to ferry us all to the hall and it was standing room only.
being only 6, i have only the vaguest of memories other than an old man shouting and bawling from the stage.
I once connected phone service to Henchiel back in the 90,s at a plush apartment in Hawaii. As a fly on the wall, I knew then that he was just another tourist with plenty of money and wine and liquor bottles galore. I wish there were cell phones back then with cameras so I could have documented this encounter.
Should't they cancel their meeting tonight?
by carla ini find it kind of amusing that as worldly people who pass by a kh and know nothing of jw's tonight will think that the jw's are having a christmas eve service.
many churches have a number of services tonight; children's program, family/christmas eve service and maybe a midnight candlelight service.. you know how some jw's won't even wear red between nov & dec lest anybody think they are celebrating the holidays?
well then, shouldn't they cancel tonight's meeting so nobody thinks they are doing their own christmas eve service?
The only celebration the uber Jw,s get is to sleep a few minutes later on Christmas day as service is delayed to 10am. I can't see them cancelling a service just for appearance sake.
If You Had The Choice To Live Anywhere In The World or Any State Where Would You Be?
by minimus ini do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
I almost moved to Niceville, fla being close to the gulf but instead moved to central florida to be near either coast. Real estate is affordable and not too many kingdom halls to annoy the general population. Lived in Hawaii when it was affordable, the weather was awesome but health care is shoddy. No poison ivy or snakes there but a lot of centipedes and frequent earthquakes, minor ones, to remind you there is a volcano close by. Hilo would not be too bad or maybe Pahoa area, naw too rainy and only one road out.
A baptist minister once gave me the example of Joe Hoover was the father and Jesus was his son and as such they both were of the same substance, just one is a little older that the other. like a duck makes ducklings and nothing different. Monkeys give birth to monkeys, they don't create little monkeys but born . Confusing and clear as mud.
Did You Know Any "Genuine"" Old School Anointed?
by Number 6 ingrowing up in scotland in the 1970s in scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed.
in the days when it was taken seriously.. i'd be curious how you viewed them.
thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a ministerial servant, just a plain old publisher.. but he was revered like he had a hotline to jesus.. the other week i was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the wt a lot longer than i did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself.
If Joe Hoover had been correct in 1914, none of us typing here today should still be on earth, but gone on a cosmic train to nowhere. That was the biggest lie ever and I still can't believe they got away with it with just another lie about overlapping. Being anointed was brought up to cover the #144,000 going to heaven and limit that #.
Can someone compare the midweek meeting now to what it was say in the 60`s - 80`s ?
by smiddy3 ini can`t believe the tidbits i`m finding out about the changes ,dumbing down of the meetings i used to attend and participate in up until the late 1980`s ...
Plus today you can watch it live from home or wherever, just have to get the password from Joe Hoover or one of his elves er elder.
Imagine yourself back in First Century Jerusalem....
by wantingtruth ingreetings everybody !.
i've found the following article being useful specially for those seeing the "light" but not having the courage to leave .... written not by me.
imagine yourself back in first century jerusalem.... .
A movie has already been made about the 1st century...The Life of Brian.