I am not too sure about your age but you sound young about 23 years old. Actually,I thought about 19 years of age. I am sure that is why some are making suggestions on how to meet people. I think they are good ones but considering you own your own business.
Spiritual weak is a good way to go if you want JWs to help you understand the "truth." Considering how often you will see them.
I can only write from personal experiences. Who said you need to fit in any where? I have tried for years and still get that feeling of not belonging. It the facts of life.
About the inside:
How can anyone feel like they belong in the inside of the kh when the only face people see is a fake smile. You can not share basic human rights such as,"I no longer care about some of these doctrine." Frankly, the instant feelings of friendship. Oh hiw I missed that for twenty five years until I realized that was part of the programming. You miss the fairy tale.
But the reality is just like you said. You do not fit in the inside or out.
To be honest with you it is a normal way of life for many long term born in to feel that way. It takes a long time attending any group to feel like one belongs. I have not given my all yet to any group. But it did not stop me for asking long term members their secret.
It is not like one leaves and goes on the outside and gains a similar feelings of closeness. It just never happened for me!
The thing I realized about the inside with family and friends. We were programmed to think a certain way.
Take your friend who recently called you.
Good example of programming.
An outside friend you would probably say," I am not interested in the convention because I no longer care about it but would like to go to a movie."
A normal situation " a friend" would say,"okay let us go see ...."
Yet JW programming there really is no such thing as a close friendship because the condition is belonging to the group.
Your friend is friendless.
She is emotionally not available for you to know how you," do not care about the JW teachings."
She clueless as how, you want to stay under the radar and would rather be looked upon as spiritual weak. Now that is programming. No other organization will you need to be this way. Close friends should understand.
Spiritual weak is there such a thing. Only in the in the WT.
Loneliness is tough on everyone inside or out.
But if your not wanting to be A JW your life future must be considered.
Yet for some reason,been there done that, you placed everyone ahead of your future.
And that my young friend is called wearing your heart on your sleeve. It will rob your of life.
Been there done that! Yes I wore my heart on my sleeve my entire life until a coworker woke me up! Another WT programming.
Now I have a question for you.
How much of your life are you willing to give up playing the WT games? Being single you have one to worry about
Akso, I am bible kind of person. Ask your friend, Would you give your life for me? As you said a friend called!
I doubt any JW will give their lives for you. The bible says a friend should give their life for you. Becareful who you call a friend because they might some day turn their backs on you. Find good friends that will make sacrifices for you and you for them. If you can not share your fading with a friend JW or not it is time for changes.
Channel of communication!
Actually they do not have any chance of speaking for Jehovah or Jesus.Do you believe that Russell is in heaven sending messages to the earth to the remaining 144,000. Now Governing Body? Anyhow, God would not use pyrimidology as divine light. How about Jesus is now Michael the Archangel and all the other angel hats?
They have zero chance of being Gods channel of communication even from a bibical stand point. God would not use false teachings to prove truth. Comparing them with other religions is too hard to do when they lied about other religions. Programming! First one needs to focus on JW background. As a JW we were taught the false doctrines of other religions so the focus would not be on the WT.
I understand your hard times and everything you wrote is reasonable. Your sharing your honest thoughts!
It does get easier and with time family fades!