Valis and Golden Girl,where did you guys grow up? Like eyeslice,I grew up in liberal congregations when it came to race.I also think the one good thing I brought out of that religion is that I am not partial to race or culture.Growing up,worldly kids would say things like,"that is such a Jewish name,or that is such a Porteguese name".I would ask them how can you tell?
In our hall,out of all the elders,more than half were in interacial marriages.Out of seven elders,there were 3 black elders married to white women,1 black elder married to a black woman,2 white elders married to white women,and 1 white elder(my step brother)married to a black women.I never thought twice about any of it,plus I was jealous of their kids who had the most beautiful colored skin.The skin white people try to get when they tan in the sun(I usually just get burnt).
One of my biggest crushes was on a black guy.He ended up marrying a white girl too.
I don't think race matters in marriage(though I guess I would admit that it can be difficult in some areas).As long as you are in love,go for it!