Would You Marry A Person Of A Different Race?
by minimus 116 Replies latest jw friends
Because I do not like the idea of mariage anyway. I could, and did quite a few times, fall in love with someone from a different race. I really do not see what the problem would be... love has nothing to do with nationality, beliefs etc etc.
Yes - no problems.
I was born and raised in the truth.
Happily, if nothing else, the truth taught me to be totally unprejudiced when it comes to race and culture.
I am not so naive to think that inter-racial marriages would not be without problems, but if two people truly love each other, that is the important thing, not race.
Witch Child
Yes, if I was in love with someone it wouldn't matter to me what race they are. I know there could/would be problems with any folks in our lives who were close-minded but hey, I'm here to live my life not their's!
Yes - I married an alien (sometimes she even glows in the dark!). No problem here except if they marry for the wrong reason (i.e. shake up the parents, make a social statement, etc...)
sure! i prefer dark skin anyway!
Only if they had a lot of money :-)
Yes. Race is irrelevant. Though I'm not keen on Romulans.
There is only ONE race here on earth. Human.
I would rather not.
Different races have different religions, different odor, different way of seeing things, different family, different philosophy, different food they eat, different culture, and so on........
I'm not saying they are inferior, or superior, but different.
This could cause many conflicts, so I rather go for people of my race, and background, and culture.
I am not a racist. I am just expressing personal choice.
Everyone is equal, but different.
Edited by - JH on 16 January 2003 10:9:53