AK MCGRATH, If Jah feels the need to destroy me, so be it.
You need to get rid of that lie for good. The very scarey tactic the WTS implants to JWs brains. The WTS is heartless evil slave who exploit Jah's sheep and scrificing sheep to their god, the GB. If anyone who will be destroy at big 'A" it's the GB and their evil elders who's creer is beating Jah's sheep. I bet they don't sleep at night in dread of big 'A'. They know what and who they are in deep down their heart.
"Will they obey Jesus and walk away from all that..." What hypocrite! They actually use Jesus name! I have not heard the name Jesus or his gospel at the KH in months. They blasphemously replaced Jesus with the GB and BOE. All they talk about at the KH are 'listening to GB' 'listen and obey elders' counsel' blah blah.
I had my ears wide opened during recent CO visiting and took a note every words of his talks. Never had I hear him mentioning Jesus and his message of love entire time. The only time CO mentioned Jesus name was when he was relating Jesus' illustration on a widow who dropped 2 coins which all she had and Mary who greased Jesus feet with the oil that worth yearly wage. In targetting Rank & File, especially older naive JWs's retirement, bank accounts, 401k, Deed, etc. Yes, The WTS is Con Artist and heartless theif as well!
This orgarnization has nothing to do with God or Jesus or even Bible. They are destructive cult who worship men and beating their own followers to death. Selling God, Jesus, Bible, Apostles, Armageddon, Jerusalem, Abraham, etc, whenever the GB saw them fit into their agenda or excusing their past, their lie...
Oh! Do you know what CO said about BOE? He said, "What happened when BOE ask you to do something doesn't make any sense? You obey their direction anyway. As did Noah's family to his direction" (Here you go again! The GB sold 'Noah' to justfy their crazy coolaid propaganda.)
Shouldn't it be 'Jesus' or "Jehovah' instead of "BOE' who R&F supposdly listen and obey to? Besides, Jah and Jesus would never ask anything that doesn't make any sense but destrutive cult leaders would!