I would retitle this more the differences between JWs in the US, UK and continental Europe. In comparison to continental Europe, the UK is much more like the US.
Some examples would be European brothers love of sporting jackets with colours on all spectrum of the rainbow, a notable example being COs who love giving their talks in lobster pink colored jackets. Yes, jackets and overlarge ones at that. In the UK and the US a brother would be slammed or not allowed to even say a prayer at a meeting if he wasn't wearing a matching suit. Tough one for those living on welfare or minimum wages. Same is true for colored shirts which in Europe can include bright purples, pinks, bright and dark greens and equally wacky ties. Unless things have changed in recent years, in the US brothers are expected to only wear monochrome aka white shirts. Looney Tune ties are probably off limits too.
In the US the memorial is the time to go out and buy a new outfit, whereas in Europe you may even be looked down on for doing so. The most you will see is a little extra attention on makeup and hair and for brothers a haircut.
Beards are a no no in the US. In Europe many young brothers sport a styled goatee. Beards are only off limits for giving talks at assemblies, so for those that have skin problems that mean they cannot shave, some of the better speakers are denied parts.
I believe panty hose are a big thing for sisters in the US. This is something never brought up in Europe and sisters rarely wear them in warm weather. Yes, short skirts (just above the knee even) and bare legs are common sights. It is the same for makeup, with sisters pretty much free to choose whether or not to wear it. Appearance is never really a subject of criticism for sisters in Europe. They pretty much do what they want.
Education as we know is off limits in the US and apart from a short window opening around 1995 is/was also off limits in the UK. In Europe, a university education is quite normal among JWs. Many go to university and relatively few appear to leave the organization as a result. There are even a small minority that do PhDs.
And finally I would say (and this is purely observational) that in Europe people tend to be more independent thinkers and don't really care as much what people think of them. They are less conformist and more direct in what they say. They have little problem saying what they think even if they know the person isn't going to like what they say.
I guess the further you get away from the centre point of GB influence/activity, the less hardline the JWs are. Perhaps a bunch of things get lost/toned down in translation too.