I am expecting dirty looks all the time at any time.
hi, my name is shari ann pieske aguillon, i was a member of your cult.
i want my name off of your members list, or whatever it is you keep.
the last address you had on me was 7553 stoney hill rd wake forest nc, 27526. .
I am expecting dirty looks all the time at any time.
i understand that a lot believe that micheal and jesus are one in the same some believe that jehovah and jesus are one in the same some believe that one is the son of god yadda yadda yadda.. would some of you please address or post your reasons for believing that micheal the arc angel was not gods first creation and why he couldn't be the one sent to us to be born as a man and become our savyor?
why would he not have another name fitting his role as a man on earth?
he obviously wouldn't be living on earth as a child growing up as an angel.
(I can't imagine what that Word could possibly be other than a Word that perfectly describes God...His own Name.)
I completely agree with that! I guess i'm just looking at it in a different way. I don't think of it as a actuall 'word' but an expression something has to accompany it (as far as people are concerned) in order for it to have meaning.
Our children are an expression of ourselves. Not in the same ballpark obviously, i'm just trying to think of an example, . But in a perfect world if we could have everything our way wouldn't we want our children to project the finest qualities we have to give them? They are our 'pride'
i understand that a lot believe that micheal and jesus are one in the same some believe that jehovah and jesus are one in the same some believe that one is the son of god yadda yadda yadda.. would some of you please address or post your reasons for believing that micheal the arc angel was not gods first creation and why he couldn't be the one sent to us to be born as a man and become our savyor?
why would he not have another name fitting his role as a man on earth?
he obviously wouldn't be living on earth as a child growing up as an angel.
I read everything you wrote and have no problem with any of it I don't disagree with most of it but what about the entire book of Revelations when reading through that or trying to doesn't it appear to you that the battle will be between Jesus and Satan? After all isn't that what this whole existance(as we know it)has been all about?
siegswife [I said that, not Satan. LOL]
i understand that a lot believe that micheal and jesus are one in the same some believe that jehovah and jesus are one in the same some believe that one is the son of god yadda yadda yadda.. would some of you please address or post your reasons for believing that micheal the arc angel was not gods first creation and why he couldn't be the one sent to us to be born as a man and become our savyor?
why would he not have another name fitting his role as a man on earth?
he obviously wouldn't be living on earth as a child growing up as an angel.
(The first thing, the first born of creation was the creation of His Name. The Word.)
I always understood Jesus as being "The Word" not in the same sense we think of words (as alphabets put together to make words) but as our only means of communication to God. we communicate to eachother any way we want but in order to communicate to God and be heard it must be through his Word" Jesus Christ because he was the one who came here to show people how to communicate with God. Or something like that.
plmkrzy /akapuzzled
sometimes we think that we are not when in fact unknowingly we could be?.
might that be true of you?.
Don't talk about important plans.
I have always had a habit of matching people I meet with their birth sign. Can't help it. Don't do it on purpose it's just the first thing that enters my mind when I meet someone and start talking to them.
we have a thread that asks why we became jw's, so i became curious as to why some of us have left.
what was the last straw for you?.
mine was the treatment of my wife.
For me I can't pinpoint any one thing but I was very discusted when they publicly shunned my mom for a year. She was guilty of not following the rules of the society. Some of the elders who repremended her were guilty of fraud. Things you could actually be prosicuted for in a court of law. plm
i am too young to know what actually happened before and during 1975, but you know said this to me, and i would like some more information.. quote.
are you completely ignorant of why many of jehovah's witnesses looked to the year 1975?
do you think it was just something someone made up?
Plumkrzy here borrowing space.
I remember it very very well. Like yesterday. Shuuuh, i'm wispering now...I can remember my parents 'discussing' the countdown to armageadon. My father critisizing my mother for thinking, having the nerve to think, she knew more then the entire wtbts. My dad went out and stocked the garrage up with cases of canned food enough to feed the neighborhood. My mom telling him he was acting nuts. "Armegeadon is gonna come alright. Were gonna come home one night and it's gonna be at our house!"
And there was the question regarding my age and the fact that I wasn't baptized yet. The popular thought with many was your children would be saved if the parents were saved. But when 1975 became an issue then no one was sure what constituted an adult. In the US your not an adult till your 18 but what if that doesn't count. What if children are considered adults at the same age Jesus was when he went out on his own. What if your 12 and not baptized! Are you going to live or die?
I also remember the belief that if Armegeadon came and you were df'd and not yet reinstated you would not make it through Armegeadom.
A close friend got divorced over it. She was in the Truth and her husband wasn't. She pushed and pushed to sell their house and take the money out of the bank before it's to late and all the banks go bankrupt and they loose their savings. It didn't do any good to tell her to get a grip. She wasn't taking any chances. Her husband filed for divorce, sold the house took the money out of the bank and left.
There wasn't much during that time that made any sense at all. A lot of people on pins and needles and egg shells.
It was like living in a club where nobody on the outside(a non-member) would be alive in the new system so don't get to close to anyone other then fellow club members. And not all of the members could get along that good.
During the time prior to that 1973 0r 4ish, well for about 4 years the elders were at our house several times because my dad wanted my mom to keep her opinions to herself and the elders took offense at her attitude because she said everyones loosing there senses. I didn't really get it until much later. She accused the society of fueling a fire making people panic. They all came over to our house one day with the C.O. and they were all puffed up with self esteeme. Like Goodfella's. There were three elders my dad who was an elder and the C.O. and he came in and sat down and began to 'counsil' my mom and show her the error in her attitude and how she should be more humble and theocratic. They would hate to have to take disiplinary action against her. I remember her getting up and saying to the C.O. "Are U threatening me?" then I was seen in the hall way and my dad put me in my room and shut the door. I didn't get to hear anymore other then someone getting quietly chewed out. They left.
She must have spent four day's writting a huge letter to the WTBTS quoteing half the scriptures in the bible. I would guess it's still on file somewhere in N.Y. I wouldn't mind reading it.
I guess i'll stop now. plm
please help me sleep!!!!.
food remedies, relaxation techniques, etc?
open for any suggestions.. i have no pills, so that suggestion wouldn't help.. gracias.. ashi
Got a hammer?
just kidding.....
Do you drink tea?? some tea is good for that, cammomeal, can't spell it. if you don't drink a lot of coffee during the day.
Hot bath, massage, cup of herb tea a candle a CD playing the sounds of wind and rain, and a feather pillow.
That usually works for me. I have to imagin it ofcourse.
i'm posting under my roomies name. I'm not a fresh troll.
watchtower takes legal action against ex-members .
watchtower takes legal action against ex-members ex-jws summoned to police station in a bold move aimed at suppressing dissident jehovahs witnesses, the watchtower societys new york headquarters has filed charges with the police against.
OOPS!!! This was a BOO BOO on my part. I didn't go to the site and read everything first and when I saw the link I thought it was brand new. So if everyone has already seen this Sorry!
I never claimed to be the Sharpest tac on the board.
I waited for it to get in the thread then went to it and clicked on the link and it took me right to 1997 wow. duh..........
watchtower takes legal action against ex-members .
watchtower takes legal action against ex-members ex-jws summoned to police station in a bold move aimed at suppressing dissident jehovahs witnesses, the watchtower societys new york headquarters has filed charges with the police against.
Watchtower Takes Legal Action Against Ex-Members
Watchtower Takes Legal Action Against Ex-Members EX-JWS SUMMONED TO POLICE STATION In a bold move aimed at suppressing dissident Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Watchtower Society’s New York headquarters has filed charges with the police against
this was suppose to hyperlink if it still doesn't cut and paste i guess.